Can we get Tucker to air this pic?

Can we get Tucker to air this pic?

Attached: distinctivelybritish.jpg (3114x4437, 2.6M)

Tucker is a braindead media drone who denies anthropogenic global warming. sage

It looks like a drawing of how absurdly bad things would get under Obama, but now this is the norm.

Would smash that brown trap

Seriously this. That is literally a disgusting faggot laying there. That person is so wrong even on a biblical level. That thing is an abomination and he knows it and yet tries to compensate by celebrating it. I can understand a lot of stuff sexually, I get that it may be trauma induced, but to think that being gay and being THAT nasty fucking person with his cock out and his legs spread like an inhuman non-person thinking that what he's doing is acceptable makes my dizzy. I get flashbanged with misunderstanding. I just don't get what happened for all those people to somehow exist. What the fuck happened. This is not ok why do we allow this? It's not on my front porch , it's nowhere that I've seen, why do I feel so scared and so surrounded when I see things like this?

Attached: 1531522064386.jpg (481x714, 292K)

>the state of emus



Attached: jjba.jpg (576x1024, 170K)

You are about to meet them in battle. Do you take:

>Electric prod
>GEP gun
>Tire iron

Attached: 1449283152905.jpg (1273x717, 431K)

color version

Attached: jewish-slave-army.jpg (1024x576, 189K)