Drumpft is a disgrace to america

drumpft is a disgrace to america

Attached: Screenshot_2018-07-15-15-00-36-1.png (1440x2298, 1013K)

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I love how the MSM still gives trump any credit by saying "with him". We all fucking know this man can't fucking read, let alone write a god damned book.

This kike gets it

Still they can't find evidence for it.

>can't read
>drafts multi million dollar real estate deals
Imagine being this fucking retardedon the internet, good lord

Same kind of tales were told about Obama being a soviet asset but for some reason they never got mainstream play. Only autistic faggots going down rabbit holes across them.

>billionaire real estate developer
>owned by the leader of a desperately poor former world power
>not owned by the kikes who provide financing

i see your schwartz is a big as mine. use the schwartz luke

Obama is a CIA asset. Duh.

>Trump ks a Russian asset!!
>Says the party pushing a communist agenda inside America

Muhh, Trump master mind 4D chest.
>Trump is the prime example of the Dunning–Kruger effect. Prove me wrong pro tip, you can't.

>Only focuses on monetary value.
>What is soverein state with slightly different interest (does he expect to dictate all of the west)
>Only want to make a shortsided deal, doesn't understand long term relationships.
>What is arms Sales to allies. And control over supply of equipment and spare parts.
>Does a bigger militairy marktet gives the US a competative advantage in inovation?
>What is clout?
>What is power projection? (why does the US spend so much more)
>What is reserve currency?
>What is foreign trust in T-bonds.

>Labor gets in short supply, Wages go up for the lower class.
>Higher consumer prices.
>Has to import them legaly, has to give them voting rights
>Has to pay them properly

>US "wins"
> US gives up its leverage over China.
>American investors get worst ROI, American esteblisment loses global power.
>Loses acces to markets, less money flows back to American multinationals, loses competative advantage in inovation.
>Higher consumer prices.
>Labor gets in short supply, Wages go up for the lower class.
>Niggers demand more money.
>More US niggers get jobs, and more wealth. More clout.
>Niggers get uppity. More money to suport more niglets.

>No abortion rights
>More Niggers
>Make America Black again

The US holds all the cards.
>Folds aces cause he doesnt understand the game? Why is he so hellbent on destroying the Pax Americana? Yeah 4D chest so brilliant. Make America mutt again! MAMA

Trump is Eddie Barzoon personified.

Attached: 1531430592423.jpg (2048x1152, 521K)

Why are the kikes so scared? Is it coming to an end for you soon? Time to repent, synagogue of satan, for the time grows nigh.

> Ghostwriter

Tribe knows his tribe

What's disgraceful is that Trump trusted so many Jews even after Cohn gave him the red pill.

Attached: rc.jpg (1120x630, 165K)

>publicly known and his name is ON THE FUCKING BOOK

Who really cares if the next US President is propped up by african warlords? People claim that this has any relevancy in post-fact world. There is a game that is played and either you get it or not. If the Clintons would prop up some half whitey-mexicans instead of letting the old witch run, they could easily outspend any Rep billionaire 3:1

Traitor Trump


For the billionth fucking time

Do you want to hear it from the greatest american, that the Democrats are right?


And since Schwartz means black it's also a BBC joke.

i see the NL shill works on sunday aswell. where's your fin buddy?

so they still have nothing on him and are still doing "people familiar with his thinking" and "unnamed sources close to him".
good to know