Gender Stereotypes Hurt Society

Gender is a Social Concept
Science and Reality agree

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Rape is also a social construct.

no gallego, no sos de buenos aires, anda a comerte una polla y deja la xenophobia para los que sabemos!!

Btw, dude with tits is not a woman, will never be, go suck a cock OP

That testosterone filled chick still has a vagina, will never be a man.

Gallego... huh mediterraneo!!! faggot learn the difference

todos los espafaggots son gallegos, shh and keep on PSOE

Gender is a social construct built upon the reality of sex. The dominate gender social constructs became dominate because they resulted in healthy well functioning societies which brought the most happiness and contentment to the greatest number of people. There is no just reason to destroy the happiness of the vast majority to cater to the mentally damaged who make up a small fraction of a percent of the population.

This is a very good thread.

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yeah, social expressions of gender are to some extent contingent upon that particular culture. however culture is borne directly from racial characteristics. There is only so wide of a window wherein gender can be toyed with and manipulated. It is at the root of things an eternal, metaphysical absolute, however.


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isnt that a tranny on the right?

big boobs doesnt suddenly make it acceptable.

If you want to be pedantic about it... sure. But what is gender independent of sex?

They are both trannies, pumped full of hormones.


Real Men don’t need to draw on themselves in order to feel pretty. Tattoos are inherently feminine

both these pics are trans
shitty bait m8

Nah, traps are crazy. But so are actual women, so I have no problem choking on chick dick if they are feminine and passable. too bad all the traps who know their worth demand money for sex... but im really not bothered by it because I see them purely as sex objects who are alive only to fulfill my sick and perverted fantasies anyway.

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Thank you.

Gender is biological and determined entirely by your chromosomes

Gender roles are culturally subjective but usually based on some amount of biological fact

This. Kill them both.

This is Bait .. The Men in this photo is a biological woman ,, has vagina ... the Woman is Biological Man .. and Has Penis to prove this.
Both suffering from mental disorders.. this is sad user you using cheap bait on Us ..

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They will do that for you themselves. 46% of them end their lives in suicide, probably not including drug overdoses.

Circus freaks are not a political argument.

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Is the guy on the left James Yeager from Tactical Defense?

And they're both ugly af.

discord gg/jgQnvhP

add a .

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They're both trannies, if you've seen that straight sex webm you'd know.

haha i get it
>man with vagina
>man with tits pretending to be woman
xDD good meme dude i love Jow Forums lol!!!

>Gender is a Marxist Concept
>Science and Reality Agree That DNA Determines Your Sex

Those people had to undergone major hormone therapies and extensive surgery.

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