Theresa May WARNS soft-Brexit critics: 'There could be no Brexit at all'

Prime Minister Theresa May has warned critics of her Chequers agreement there may be "no Brexit at all" because of lawmakers' attempts to undermine her plan to leave the European Union.

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Gawd, What a backstabber.

she is declaring war on her own country

Check this out:
>there is no political solution except the politics of force.

Does this count as a threat to undermine your democracy, bongs? Regret giving up your guns yet?

that was the plan all along...

What a two faced lying whore

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Which is exactly what she and her globalist cronies want. Eff the people, you all just voted wrong, apparently.

So when does Nigel get his turn?

>I cancelled Brexit
>If you don't like it be warned: I might cancel Brexit

UKIP jumped 5 points in the last opinion poll.

Pressure is gearing up, we could see Mogg or Boris as PM by end of the year. They don't need to (legally) hold an election until 2023, after Brexit is already done.