Why do leftists always support Palestine and rightists always support Israel?
Israel and Palestine
the answer is Victor D Hanson, you will figure it out.
Leftists support anything brown.
Some neocon?
Search him, you wont regret it. Victor D Hanson
This. Both sides are oblivious to the Jewish question, so it is really just a battle of white vs antiwhite. Libs like brown people more than “white” Israelis. Conservative boomers like “white” Israelis more than Arabs (this is what they mean when they say “it’s the only democracy in the Middle East”).
Of course conservative boomers are being taken for a ride by Jews, and Jews will do everything in their power to steer the narrative back to European/American mistreatment of refugees so you don’t pay attention to Israel.
Because Israel will cease to exist soon
Will do.
Also on a wider point what do people think about musicians playing shows in Israel like in the pic related?
>a California professor redpilling people
>also happens to be farming ALMONDS
really activated them for me
False premise
Far Left is anti Israel because they view it as imperialist, Far Right is anti-Israel because they view it as the center of Jews, which they view as evil.
Supporting israel is a centrist position, as the fringes tend to value logical consistency, and you have to do major mental gymnastics to be in favor of this de facto ethnostate,
That depends.
Leftists used to love Israel but now that Trump supports it they hate it.
Also leftist here in Poland (and probably Europe overall) are very pro-Israel.
There is no such thing as 'Palestine'
Fuck Israel
leftists are generally more woke on the (((problem)))
hes refering to muttland
Victor hanson is a neocon shill for jews.
Nobody except neocons/neolibs likes Israel
Yes. He's a standard neocon and jew apologist.
How come leftists hate Israel but love Western Jews?
>Why do leftists always support Palestine and rightists always support Israel?
Ah you changed your memeflag from natsoc to hippie. You should still kill yourself kike. sage
Open borders for Palestine!
These jews are just poor, hungry refugees who need a home.
Don't you remember the Holocaust?!?
Refjewgees welcome!