South Africa general?

If I start a South Africa general to keep you updated would anyone even care?

Attached: 620x349.jpg (497x349, 20K)

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Are you white



yes user, i really want to know whats happening in SA right now. can't trust the (((news))), and shits probably going to explode in the coming months. keep us updated. please. i want to be able to help in any way that i can.

Then yea we care

There are only like 10 humans on this board. Rest are bots, niggers, sandniggers, curry niggers, spics, hue niggers, gook niggers and communists.

>If I start a South Africa general to keep you updated would anyone even care?


Anyone you personally know or are acquainted with get hunted down by blacks specifically for being white and not just a robbery?