Seriously, what the fuck? Where is this going to all lead to? Should we also enforce that women cover up when they attend public televised events? God forbid the camera catch celebrating women cheering on their country. God forbid a few of them happen to be hot. Maybe we should just go full Sharia and ban them from attending these events all together because male gaze is toxic.
Why can't these idiots see how oppressive this new wave of feminism is to women? Why are leftist so anti-liberal?
>he allows his daughters to watch disney movies you are a pedophile, faggot.
Kayden Allen
>giving a shit about sports ball in 2018 user... I...
Ayden Green
Doesn't this chick being spammed have nudes? She has had the camera pan to her like tons of times, not just during this World Cup.
Cooper Anderson
I get it now they’re going to Qatar next, so they’re getting ready.
Cooper Bell
It is bad for diversity when they keep showing pretty white girls and then the fans see all the race mixers with ugly mutt children. The fans start thinking, what the fuck? What happened to beautiful people? (((Who))) is telling them to mate with ugly niggers? Then they trace the path back to the Jews.
Easton Rogers
Yes OP woman dressed scantily and cameras zooming in on them is Haram
Xavier Flores
sweet when will instagram finally take steps against the eternal thot?
Aiden Wright
Nothing to do with Sharia. Everything to do with Zionism.
Hudson Johnson
I think it's more ugly feminists jealous that hot women get all the attention from men.
Noah Miller
The only women bitching about being sexualized are nasty Feminazis that are pissed that no one is specializing. There's a reason Trump carried so many white women voters that Hillary was counting on. That's because most women don't believe these screeching bitches represent them. Let them keep it up and the right will carry the female vote everywhere.
Jose Gray
Because leftists are old church ladies
Pic related is their only argument on guns and immigration
>t. Low test Sports develop strength, endurance, character, comradary, etc... Obsessing over favorite players and the soap operas of espn is gay, but dismissing sport altogether is so much gayer. I can't trust a man who doesn't play sport.
>I can't trust a man who doesn't play sport Fucking nigger
Eli Russell
Sports are a colossal waste of time. People who dedicate their lives to sports are the most insufferable group of people in the world.
Lucas Powell
Parker Ross
Another beta, possibly a zeta
Blake Russell
(((They))) just have to kill the fun in everything.
Hudson Morales
Lol one of my mates operates video cameras at big festivals. His boss literally tells him to film the hottest chick with the biggest tits from the crowd
That’s big talk coming from the guy who plays fantasy sportsball every season wasting an ungodly amount of time and money whilst owning Tyrone McNiggers Jersey and poster. Fags like you are people who can’t get over their high school glory days. You always end up being insurance salesmen coaching peewee football on the side. Go sit in your recliner and beat it to ESPN while your wife bangs all the black kids on the high school football team.
Asher Foster
Fairly certain it isn't Leftists that are doing this but more traditional people. Anyway if you want a bunch of sluts walking around than all you have to do is keep giving them attention for being sluts and more girls will follow suit. I guess you like women sleeping with many guys throughout their lives because that's what this leads to.
Ryder Cooper
>giving a fuck about sportsball and basing your life on overpaid niggers throwing balls Get a life faggot
Jackson Diaz
Just roasties angry that young women use their looks to get attention
Nothing more, nothing less
it's the reason 99% of slut shaming comes from women over 30 even if they were sluts when young and men wanted them
feminism seeks to destroy normal healthy sexuality so must undermine all the thigns men once valued in a woman - her youth, her innocence, her beauty (ie not being fat) - feminism is cancer
Chase Brown
Beta AND a brainlet. Let me refer you to my original post, where I say that obsessing over players and espn is gay. Now fuck off and kys, you untrustworthy pos
Joshua Wright
Refer yourself here as well, dumbfuck
Blake Foster
>Rich Qataris don’t have harems of white thots the poor Muslims belong in Europe.
Jaxson Stewart
I don't waste money on jerseys of some felon, I invest my money into my career instead
Ethan Turner
Sounds like a great career, don't even have to know how to read to have it, whatever it is
Xavier Ross
getting people prepared for the girls in beekeepers outfits in Qatar next cup...
Cooper Sullivan
>the democrats are the real anti-feminists This line of argumentation is stupid.
I’m sure your wife enjoys Tyrone’s cock. Go put on your favorite jersey and ginger gloves and root for the best nigger.
Alexander Ramirez
>be fine with hosting world cup in a country ran by literal slavers >crack down on 2 second clips of cute girls Glad FIFA got their priorities right.
Eli Murphy
Makes sense
Anthony Perez
Jackson Nguyen
Isn't this just to prepare for the Qatar 2022? They're trying to socially encourage women to cover themselves (instilling Sharia law) so they don't get mass-raped by the muzzies.
John Taylor
lol, wth are ginger gloves? I am Tyrone, betabitch.
Liam Roberts
If you have to keep talking about your alphaness then you aren’t. You’re a babyback beta that worships the success of other people. Go stare are a niggers poster and beat off knowing that you’ll never be that great.
Joshua Moore
Progressives are now unironically shilling for covering women up and bringing religious theocracy into our countries
but it's not western cultural values so it's okay!
Sebastian Sanders
I never talked about my alphaness, only your betaness, and your inability to read and comprehend.
Lucas Adams
ur a fag even if they do like sports, you will shit on them for not liking your team
John Rivera
Ideology has gone full circle. I remember when conservatives and the religious right were the "WILL SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN?" party, trying to censor violent video games and ban Dungeons of Dragons for devil worshiping. Now it's fake liberals forcing Japanese devs to cover up scantly clad women in video games and trying to deplatform intellectuals speaking at universities for "hate speech".
>t. Another brainlet who can't even comprehend the post he quotes
Michael Nelson
You’re posturing. You’re a keyboard alpha. Go jerk it to your favorite sportsball player Cletus.
Noah Perry
ur a fag too go lick your sports illustrated poster on your wall
Jordan Williams
these women are haram they shouldnt show on TV were good muslims can see them
allahu ackbar fifa is correct
Chase Gomez
>he's mad Like I said, I never referred to it myself, you did. You've recognized me as the alpha twice now. Guess what that makes you?
Oliver Wilson
Betas so upset. Hahaha, I'm enjoying this. Keep it up.
Oliver Gomez
i cant even watch a bunch of nig nogs throwing balls around its not entertaining i want the gladiatorial arena back, thats REAL fucking sports
Lincoln Carter
Her name is Natalia Nemchinova, she's a porn actress
Hunter Ross
I am the nog running around, that's the difference. You're so beta you can't even fathom what I've said in here, because all you know is watching, and don't understand that I said "play a sport" not "watch a sport". lmao
Benjamin Richardson
whats the difference, if you watch gay porn or participate in it, its still gay
Nathan Jones
You already got rid of grid girls in Nascar and the bikini competition in Miss Universe. This is the next step towards the feminist version of Sharia Law.
Hudson Brown
i honestly welcome this. I hate how much value women are given today. They are put on pedestals and too many cucked beta males orbit them. Having female soccer fans be the second focus of the WM, besides the actual sport is again, giving women too much value. These pictures get shared by millions, which makes it only worse.
Jace Smith
The fact that you don't understand the difference pretty much says everything... the fact that you immediately went to gay porn for your reference, says the rest.
Thomas Rodriguez
gay porn, sports the fucks the difference
Levi Fisher
That’s not how alpha works nigger. The last I checked all the local sportsball heroes from high school OD’d or are poor as fuck. Come out onto the rink and you’ll find out how big of a beta you really are.
Seconded. If the thirsty beta retards behind the cameras didn't focus on them they wouldn't be given so much value. I guarantee you lots of them deliberately doll up hoping to be noticed after reading stories of "camera honies" getting noticed and becoming models
Brody Sanders
>Maybe we should just go full Sharia and ban them from attending these events all together because male gaze is toxic. Why not? Women are clearly the inferior gender. >They get pissed when they see a bikini model. >They get pissed when they see other women cheering on soccer teams. >They get pissed when you flirt with them. >They get pissed when you don't flirt with them. >They get pissed when they make the grade. >They get pissed when they flunk out. >They get pissed when they get promoted. >They get pissed when they get fired. No matter what happens, you lose.
Logan Thomas
you are actually correct. I think sports are mostly gay, but any man who hasnt been part of actual physical competition in his life is less a man for it.
Austin Smith
No, that's how beta works tho. You have to recognize the alpha, or you won't survive.
And hockey is a sport my man, so I'm not sure what point your making other than it doesn't involve an actual "ball". I played a few years when I was younger. Loved it. You'd get wrecked. Someone that actually understands what I'm saying
Mason Ramirez
No alpha/beta refers to sexual strategy. If you think you’re an alpha then you aren’t. You kept replying to my shitposting bait so that indeed makes you a massive beta.
Levi Barnes
fucking this alphas dont need game, women approach them
Juan Watson
You guys are more pathetic than I thought... game strategy? lmao. Son, what are you even talking about?! I'd bet good money you're both virgins.
That and kikes wanting every white male to be a beta faggot.
Aaron Reed
If you’d been on this site or the internet for more than a month you’d have known that the alpha/beta dichotomy refers to sexual archetypes that were coined by Rollo Tomassi. You just think it means chad football star. You can still be a fit chad and be a beta because you do nothing but white knight and provide for women. Learn what the fuck you’re talking about you goddamn retard.
Logan Jones
It comes from wolves dogg, and asercion of dominance, not whatever fruity shit you're talking about. It's more than just sexual. Catering to women isn't even a thought for someone like me, I can't relate.
No it doesn’t. You don’t know what you’re talking about. Fuck off to plebbit and jerk it with all the other betas about the made up pussy you all pull.
Jackson Barnes
So mad, lol
Josiah Gray
eh will not be a problem in qatar 2022 . all trashbags
Joshua Flores
you're a pedantic retard.
Liam Howard
>Maybe we should just go full Sharia and ban them from attending these events all together because male gaze is toxic That's correct though, women shouldn't be out in sexually charged environments.
Isaiah King
I’m pretty happy thqh senpai. You just don’t know wtf you’re talking about and mostly likely a fat balding manlet virgin. Have fun playing NHL 15 you sad faggot.
Mason Gomez
FIFA is doing the Russian men a service
Aiden Campbell
How dare you disrespect these brave, beautiful, strong women by refusing to give them the attention they desire!? Fucking mysoginisys!!
Evan Morgan
Imagine saying shit like this unironically Even you don't believe that