Former Trump supporters

Do they exist? I’ve never met one and I’ve asked around.

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Whoever made this wojak edit is an idiot, trump supporters don't read books.

Once you are on the Trump train there is no getting off.

I don't know if you can count me as trump supporter, but I voted for trump. In reality I support Bernie and I've voted for him, but he wasn't nominated for dem candidate. So I had to less devil from two devils.

More college grads, both male and female, voted for Trump. Only urban 85 iq niggers and anti white soipeople voted for Hillary.

Haha, in comparison to the african american democrat voter base?

what if I'm disappointed by the kike serving,syria bombing and lack of wall building but sadly resolved to the fact that dems are still worse?

do I count yet?

They don't read books either.

Trump supporters
>senile boomers
>blue collar poor fags

I am a 31 year old married white man, college educated, can speak 3 languages and bring in just over $100k a year.
Also, exit polls don't even support your blind hatred.
One day I will kill many people just like you


State those otherwise I'll assume that you're a larping basement dweller. I'll know if you're lying.

Also the firm which you are working @

if anything I discovered pol after Trump win and moved further right

Your artificially mandated stereotypes might be getting in the way of your vision there. In no other political circles as in the right base have i seen such a high amount of content regarding history, philosophy and appreciation appreciation of the arts.

I own a horticultural business
Biology and financial accounting

The only ones who exist are white nationalists who think he hasn't done enough, but even they still would choose him over any democrat.

I didn't want to have to suck the orange man's dick, but they drove me to do so, and I can't stop sucking.

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>high iq

I do what I enjoy, I love plants and they provide me a nice living
You sound envious and hateful, that is why you must be removed from polite society.

Compared to the whole democrat voter side with their sociology and gender studies? Please.

Also a horticulture business would take you in more than 100k. My dad used to make 800k a year on 2 shitty Italian restaurants. You're either larping or have a shit business

Real sociology is redpilled as fuck, but they won't teach that in college anymore

I’m off the trump train

He’s a fucking mong

The only way I'd be a former trump supporter is if someone further right comes along

I am a one man operation.
>muh dad
What a faglord

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Niggers and spics don't read and they all voted for hilldawg. Own your people nigger, Democrat party is for niggers, the poor, and the stupid.

LMAO I can imagine you calling his job now

>>Job and associates, how can I help you?
"Heavy breathing"
>>Hello? Job and associates
Oh uhhh hi yes I would like to report one of your employees for being racist
>>I am sorry to hear that, are you a current client of ours?
>>Please hold
'heavy breathing intensifies'
>>Hello sir?
Y... yes?
>>I am sorry you had that experience with someone at our company. We will take appropriate action
Okay... Thanks have a nice day
>>Hey user, come here, some faggot just said you were racist on the internet. I got his phone number and email address right here

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Jokes on him I own my own biz like a proper white man

We need more people like you.

Still a shit business. My dad was an uneducated Italian immigrant and still manages to make 8x what a college educated Trump supporter is making. You make as much money as someone with a hs degree, poorfag.

>muh dad
Kill yourself nigger, before I do


You won't do shit you peasant gardener faggot.

You know like only 20 percent of liberals classify as the well to do champaign socialist meme right? The vast majority of democrats are niggers, spics, overly emotional and under employed teens and young adults, people on welfare, college grads drowning in debt for useless degrees who want their debt forgiven, and college students who want their education for free.

That's literally the vast majority of your voter base. Own that shit nigger.

At least I am white, unlike you, married, unlike you, self employed, unlike you. Also I didn't vote for the most cheated on woman in America, you cucklord

When you stop assaulting them maybe they'll stop being silent.

Holy shit me too

I believe most Trump supporters voted Trump for immediate gratification. If you didn't expect Trump to act and behave like Trump, you're a special kind of idiot. Hes done a lot of good by being Trump, which should come as surprise.

>Implying I'm with her just because I claimed that Trump supporters are hard
You got swindled by a business man that has spent his entire life telling people what they want for his own gains. You fell for a fucking meme.

Trump's biggest base of support was whites who didn't have a college degree...

>i am suprised a successful billionaire businessman is beter for America than a nigger that never had a job
That Mongolian iq is shining through there

>should come as surprise
Maybe if you weren't paying attention even a little

They gotta sell the big lies to themselves, so its repeated ad nauseam. Doesn't matter if its true or not as long as they believe it within their owncommunity. Makes them feel better. Its why there's also not alot of internal debate in the left. No room for those off the talking points plantation.

Go be a nigger somewhere else

If you're a Trump supporter your a traitor.
Traitors deserve to pay for their actions.
Its that simple.
If they don't want to be abused.....
Don't aid a criminal.

Hillary's largest base was illiterate niggers and spics

Former trump supporter here. Its been fun watching him crash and burn but in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

Don't you have a garden to tend grandpa?

He's the president dumbass. He has them....

Angry nigger is angry. Sad

Where does your racism stem from? Who hurt you?

Former trump supporter here. Its been fun watching him crash and burn but in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

>blown the fuck out

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Kek. You're the one that keeps biting flower fag

>i'm a summerfag



Is that your way of saying you're unemployed?

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My oldest brother is a former Trumper and I decided to cut him out of my life until he comes back to his senses. He lives in Jew York and *actually* believes Drumpf is a Russian spy. Haven't spoken or texted him in 8 months. Fuck him.

>don’t aid a criminal
>t. Hillary supporter
You’d realize how ironic this is if you weren’t retarded.

Reality is redpilled as fuck, everything goes through a Jew filter these days.
>Family member studied speech pathology in the 70s
>Taught that nogs pronounced "birthday" as "burfday" because it's easier due to requiring 70 fewer facial muscles to be engaged
>Curriculum since updated to identify Ebonics as a cultural thing instead of addressing the actual problem which is laziness
>Present day: needing an interpreter to communicate with inner-city nogs