Daily reminder to eat nothing but meat

It will increase your gains both physically and cryptowise. Your health will skyrocket as you provide your body with the fuel it's actually adapted to.

Do you really think humans before the agriculture revolution ate corn and vegetables in the large quantities we do today? NO, of course not. Their diet where probably close to 100% meat.

People all over the world following this diet report increased overall health. Their fat percent drops and muscle mass increases. And that’s even without any change in workout schedule. It’ll happen even if you don’t exercise, but not to the same extent of course. People also report that depressions are gone, inflammation diseases are gone, allergies gone, irritable bowel syndrome gone, diabetes gone, snoring gone, joint and back aches gone, head aches gone, eczema gone, skin clearing up, reduced need for sleep, feeling more rested when waking up in the morning.

Another really interesting thing is that this diet will increase your testosterone levels. Why do you think testosterone levels has dropped 18% since 1987? I’ll give you a hint: In 1987 Americans ate 73.7 pounds of beef, in 2017 that was down to 56.9 pounds. That’s 18.7% less beef! The connection could not be any clearer!

You would be crazy to not at least try this out. Give it four weeks and if you don't see any improvements at least you gave it a shot. If you decide to continue the diet, it’s important to remember that cheating is fine as long as you stay above 90% meat. But the first month you should stick to only meat and water. Rib eye steak is considered the optimal meat in this diet. You would need around 2-4 pounds a day depending on your size and activity level.

To sum up, this is the original human diet that we evolved to thrive on. It is only logical that deviating from this to a large extent will cause problems. And that is exactly what we see in today's society.

Good luck Anons, and stay healthy!

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>Rib eye steak is considered the optimal meat in this diet
this is the part that is trolling everyone because that is the most expensive cut
pork ribs and beef brisket are a fraction of the price and it is proof of your skill to make them taste good

Sources to any of these claims?

so plain burger patties from mcdonald's makes us skinny and healthier? damn...

Most people can’t afford beef, but thet can afford tons of sugar

they probably would, mcdick's beef patties are pretty much the least unhealthy things they sell

I agree with your points OP, but I think you should consider RAW meat diet, as proper for us humans (one--stomach carnivores)

If you eat RAW (organic grass fed) meat, you won't need to eat three pounds per day. Half pound for breakfast with raw eggs and milk and cheese is enough, maybe double that if you work out heavy.


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>Their diet where probably close to 100% meat.

Bitch if you think it was like that, then how you think agriculture came along? Somebody had to be eating a shit ton of vegetables, fruits, and berries to even conceive of doing something as complex as agriculture. Lol you sound like a dumbass trying to be smart.

>Potatoes fried in grease
>32 oz cup of sugar water

what's that brown stuff on your meat? hehe

Do you also eat offal like the prehistoric men did, or do you only eat the parts that taste good like the dopamine-addicted cuck that you are?

they farmed veggies only to season the meat/make dishes
humans are fishermen

Keto diet minus the fat.

T.on this diet atm

Many have trouble with dairy. Better start with beef for a month. Save money with high quality ground beef.

I can confirm ive done this for the past month and have lost tons of weight while retaining muslce. Look better than ever
But i don't eat 100% meat; i eat peppers tomatos and onions on the side

Follow Sv3rige's journey as he enters his second year on a raw-meat diet. He is alpha as fuck and extremely healthy and fit.


Also note-- Proud goys are putting up videos's where they eat lot of rare meat (close to raw, very healthy) of game animals like elk etc.
Jordan B. Peterson and his daughter fight their (family history/trait) depresssion with a cooked meat, carnivore diet, and Joe Rogan is proudly describing his carnivore tastes on his podcast often.

tl;dr carnivore diet is the alt-right diet, Lefties are lining up on the side of a starvation cult called "Veganism" lol.

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only rich people ate meat exclusively and even then it was probably bad for them.

Americans love eating meat

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I eat nothing but red meat and have the strongest asshole on the planet from all the fiberless shit bricks I've layed over the years.

Minus the fat?
Most of the meat i eat has fat on it, and i cook my eggs in lard
Youre saying cut fat too?

Didn't know that. Any sources on this?
You all will probably eat all the animals to extinction lol. YES, keep eating them beefcakes boisss!!!


Have fun not being able to shit

Answering for OP, I eat the muscle meat, and the liver and heart, I will be researching for other organ meats I can eat, if I can. Ad that to raw milk (which I have not sourced yet, but I'm looking) cheese etc, raw eggs and you're golden lad!

If you want to go Vegan, I recommend practicing caprophagy like Gorillas do, it's necessary, for non-natural herbivores, if they want to survive on plant materials for their diet.

whaterver you do, just don't go Vegan lol (unless you want the "Aushwitz look"

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Idk if eating only meat is good idea but i feel much better since i started eating lot of liver, kidneys and hearts. I have much more energy and better skin and hair

>Jordan Peterson says he's trying an experimental meat-only diet because his family has a very specific intolerance to other foods.

>Suddenly bro-scientists are recommended a meat-only diet despite not having this same intolerance to other food types


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>fat covered

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Have fun with colon cancer retards, steak is not that good i eat alot of cow pig and chicken sure but. Try cabbage onions carrots celery asparagus artichoke collar greens turnip greens spinach squash brocolli etc etc, if your not eating the shit i just listed frequently, youre not white, also pickles tomatos and black olives you pussys

>Do you really think humans before the agriculture revolution ate corn and vegetables in the large quantities we do today? NO, of course not. Their diet where probably close to 100% meat.
Not a vegan fag, but staple food for majority of Europe trough out the history was porridge (boiled grain with additional honey or milk) especially in Northern Europe (you're homeland), if you look at the preserved bog bodies found in bogs of Denmark each and everyone had mixed grain found as their final meal.

That is that mother fucking Kids Ranqe!

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I guess it would work if you took vitamin supplements.

Liver is horrible man, the texture...
Havent tried kidney and heart

>implying anyone with nordic flag is actually ethnic nordic
Hes more likely to be bosnian

I started with pastuerized, organic, whole milk and I'm OK with that, while I try to find a source of the real raw milk.

Just an idea, if someone is really milk-sensitive, they should just find the raw stuff first, and drink in small quantities, should end up OK.

>Liver is horrible man, the texture.
Liver done rare with garlic is the patrician food you ignorant peasant.

That's not kosher user.

Do you really think humans before the agriculture revolution ate corn and vegetables in the large quantities we do today?
>then how you think agriculture came along?

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>tl;dr carnivore diet is the alt-right diet, Lefties are lining up on the side of a starvation cult called "Veganism" lol.

And yes goyim: My favorite hobby is laughing at "Vegans" while they starve themselves to death.


(should I laugh or cry, not sure)

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Wtf are OP, a fucking meat-a-tarian? Or maybe your a meatgan.

mcdonalds isnt meat retard

People need to eat more lamb, I sell over 300 lambs a year goyum!

Although seriously I agree the decline in test is due to the declining fat consumption in the west, not necessarily the declining meat consumption.

Test levels declined since 1987

meat consumption per capita

Eat carrots at least for vitamin C and A.

Pretty much. Encouraging a low-fat, high-carb diet was probably the worst mistake the US government has ever made, and that's not exactly an easy category to win.

>>Suddenly bro-scientists are recommended a meat-only diet despite not having this same intolerance to other food types

It's not about "intolerance to other food types" it's about, humans are one-stomach carnivores like Lions, wolves etc. We can't digest grass and leaves, because we don't have four stomachs like a cow does. (Unless maybe you do?)

You can "eat" grass and leaves, you can eat soggy cardboard boxes, but you will not be healthy. See vids for reference lol.


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>Eat just meat
Seems legitimate .

No dickhead. OP was stating that before agriculture people where eating close to 100% meat. That sir is absurd and asinine.

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if you eat only meat you have to eat the organs too, thats where the vitamins are

90% of humans only lived in coastal areas, and fishes are pretty abundant all the year around

But how much does a plate like that cost?

Yeah cause meat is so unhealthy. That's why all the sickly Lions died off, and the vegan men are such alpha beasts. Oh fucking wait...


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What is your point?

That guy doesn't even look unhealthy, just skinny

Here this swedish guy is the student of a big swedish Fruitarian guru.

>Wow I'm so healthy I finally got under 70 pounds, thanks teacher you are a genius extraordinaire!!

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have you seen the guy that deadlifts 600 pounds and eat nothing but dried fruits and nuts? cant remember his name, he’s on youtube check him out

Point is, many many of these big Youtube Vegans are sickly thin, then there are other factors, where they report their many many health problems on top of that.


Then they get old (fast) and they fall apart even more, teeth falling out etc etc. The "Vegan DIEt" is a laughable cult, or a section of anorexia, how should you explain it?

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Grains are cattle food. This is why chinese are subhuman

Too much meat can cause heart disease.

i dont remember well, anyway, heres the link m.youtube.com/watch?v=dR1FCJS8DoM

I've watched those videos, I think they are a combination of

1. Cherrypicking
2. Vegans being more prone to eating disorders like anorexia, which is the real reason they are Vegan

But I don't think we need to jump to the exact opposite and start eating 100% meat

Dunno about that OP but I can confirm from recent experience that dropping sugar from your diet does wonders for your weight and energy levels.

you're a damn moron

all studies reveal humans are healthier when eating fruits and veggies, you know, like apes

meat is the antithesis to good health

Based rare steppesnigger

yeah, amazing what a bit of steroids can do

you could eat literally the worst shit availalbe from mcdicks and still be skinny. all about quantity

>Many have trouble with dairy.
Subhumans don't matter.

It's just something to point out (the horrible effects of the Vegan diet) with examples.


Then the raw carnivore diet, is just something to consider. The normal diet, consisting of cooked meats, with normal vegetable too etc etc, is perfectly healthy, and people live a normal happy life like this, no argument against that.

OP just wants people to eat burgers from McDonalds, Burger King, Wendys, ect all day. America already have an obesity problem, and this guy comes along and tell us to go on a diet of only meat.

I have completely cut out carbs and sugars (really hard) from my diet. I pretty much eat only meats and cabbage. I'm showcase 11 pounds in 2 weeks and I feel great

Apes have much more digestive power than humans for eating plant matter (enlarged chaecum, we dont' have, plus enourmous abdomen, we don't have)

Still apes have to use carprophagy, to be healthy and strong, eating plants. If you eat plants, like apes? You should use caprophagy technique, or end up like other human herbivores who don't lol


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>eat nothing but meat

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You can get Vit A in excess from Liver, and I think its argued you do not need Vitamin C if you are cutting out carbohydrates.

If you eat RAW MEAT, (organic, grass fed) it would be nearly impossible to get fat. Have you ever seen an obese lion? No you have not goy.


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Can you sum up caprophagy please

eating your own shit

Stfu retard. Lions run and sweat all day. You comparing lions to humans is stupid af.

t. Norge with constipation, heart disease, and high blood pressure

Our ancestors ate a lot of meat, but only in rare cases was it 100% of the diet (i.e. cases where meat or fish was all they had available). Most groups ate all kind of wild vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and insects, in addition to meat.

Is Spam a meat? On the days i eat nothing but spam my pee smells like mouse pee

I'm actually supposed to eat some lean meat ever night before i go to bead otherwise my body wants to eat it's own protein as i sleep

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If you are any form of intelligent you would know your body will feel VERY lethargic without carbohydrate. You would also know your intestines would back up. CONCLUSION: This is a troll post.


It's a digestive hack, where non-herbivores (like Gorillas) digest their food, twice! Remember, cows have four stomachs, and literally digest it some, send it back to mouth, chew more, digest it in next stomach, repeat four times.

With caprophagy, you can do this like Gorillas, do even though you have only one stomach, you can digest the food twice. (without this techniqu, gorillas would be sickly and thin weaklings like human Vegans)

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Jew/Chink lies. Eat your onions from chongqing you animal

Hunter-gatherers got most of their calories from foraging. Like berries and such. They did hunt. But meat was hard to come by. Low-carb is retarded. Considering that the biggest energy source from foraging is carbohydrates. You can get all of the protein you need from plant matter.
Personally though I wouldn't be able to go completely vegan. I need to eat some sort of meat in order to feel satiated. I was on a KD diet (Kraft Dinner = Mac & Cheese here in Canada) because I'm broke and want to save money. But after eating macaroni and cheese, stir-fried rice (with no meat main course) or anything like that, I feel hungry again in no time. Maybe I should try onions as a meat alternative. To give me that satiety (XX Chromosomes here. Apparently soi is good for women. Technically according to the actual science, soi isn't harmful to men either.)

Look I'm not denying Vegan diet is pretty hard to do well (its not impossible) but these videos are basically videos of youtube retards, lots of whom are fucking 'raw vegans' which really is the epitome of malnourishment. Also a lot of it is purely subjective like 'ageing badly'

Sv3rige is a literal retard, he almost killed himself because he developed anorexia from sungazing and then almost died from a Campylobacter infection when he started eating raw meat. He's also a literal flat earther. I don't know why anyone would listen to him.

Personally I don't see why Vegans can't eat sustainably sourced fish. Basically plugs all the nutrient gaps for them (B12, Omega 3 etc) and I don't think they actually care about the suffering of individual fish, thats retarded shit.

we have one stomach goy, same as Lions, wolves, dogs, cats, foxes etc etc. We have the same digestive system, designed to digest raw meat.

Cows have four stomachs (so they can be healthy eating grass and leaves unlike us) Gorillas use a digestive hack called "Caprophagy" if you want to eat Vegan and be strong and healthy like gorillas? You have to use caprophagy too, you're welcome, I just saved your life.

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Sv3rige says you should eat fruit, native to where you l3ve, when it is in season. He never said go 100% meat.

Spam is not healthy, very processed, onions fed.

Try some organic, grass fed beef instead, cook it lightly or not at all.

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According to my thesis you would feel EXTREMELY lethargic without carbohydrate. I do NOT believe this statement.

We all listened to the last Rogan/Peterson podcast. Calm down.


And it was non processesed natural vegetable or plant based items they had to walk around to eat. The problem with starches is modern starches

Yeah that is why the Lions all passed out and died. All gone.

RIP Lions you lazy shits.

(Your theory, is probably true, considering COOKED meat. Raw meat however? Food of the Gods, your energy will triple)

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Apes also eat meat whenever they can though. It's one of their preferred foods. IF they can get it.

Many scientists believe that eating large quantities of meat is the reason we evolved the way we did, as well. It's literally what set us apart from the rest of the zoo and allowed us to grow huge brains and develop consciousness.

Tell me, what do you think is easier for your body to do: convert plant matter into muscle, or convert meat into muscle? Consuming energy / food that has already been converted into useful organ cells and tissue by another animal is efficient eating. Sure, we have the capacity to convert plant matter into useful cells, but it isn't as efficient as letting a cow do it for us and then eating them.

You are what you eat, man.

Well I don't see any lions walking around obese or with heart disease at alarming rates like humans.

I'm still impressed it even made the nominations desu~

But honestly, people say Testosterone levels have dropped 40% the past x years and I'm sure environmental pollution and onions contribute to that but 35% of it is surely due to not enough animal fats in out diet! Testosterone is made from cholesterol! Free range eggs are one of the healthiest foods you can eat, contains everything needed to make a baby chicken!

>You are what you eat, man.

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If any fool eats raw meat they would be foolish enough to be an atheist.

Im not alone

>"Aushwitz look"

stop using their terminology

Nice try, antifa, hoping to kill your enemies off