SCREENCAP THIS: they will be denying the demographic replacement of American whites

SCREENCAP THIS: they will be denying the demographic replacement of American whites
The truth is that the 56% memes, although they may be a tad divisive, are a great wake up call to white Americans because it is an accurate representation of the truth. In fact, it would make people even more likely to go further right because the less white they think America is, the more angry they become.

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>Morris levy

>the 56% meme
Care to elaborate to this Eurofag?

imagine being this new

Basicly whites represent 56% of USA

I knew I would get this kinda response, but I'm not, I was just too lazy to look "le 56%" up myself whenever it was mentioned and just felt like asking this time.

man did you just arrive here today


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Man why the fuck would I care about every single meme there is here. I'm just here for the jew bashing.

How could you have missed it?

Honestly through context I already thought about it being somehow related to a racial percentage, but I couldn't really believe that muricans got pushed back this much.

Studies have shown that Americans, across the political spectrum, harshen their views on migration and welfare when shown graphs of their demographic displacement.
Every amerilard out there should be pushing graphs of this to as many people as possible. No need to add in "white genocide" or other outputting memes to the data. It literally doesn't matter. When a regular person, left or right, sees the facts they harshen their views on every policy that enables it.
Sadly most retards cannot stop themselves from putting swastikas and other retarded shit on everything.

It seems we have two choices: becoming a despised minority in our own countries before inevitably getting slaughtered, or getting our collective hands dirty.


This. I love the mutt memes. It gets people angry and discourages race-mixing.

Will do

>Jow Forumstards fall for skewed statistics used to manipulate them
>"REEE! T-that's not true, you are just trying to hide the white genocide!"
Your behaviour is literally the definition of a bluepill.

so they're doing studies on what headlines will best keep the white population docile and uncaring about their destruction

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I’ve been tagging “whites are 8% of the global population” in bathroom stalls for a while now

Ngl I had a nonwhite gf when the muttposting really began
If there was a problem with something in which i am affiliated I never wanted to be part of the problem. I embraced the 88 but not the 14.


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>skewed statistics
How exactly are they skewed?

Attached: Low IQ Democrats.png (4200x3105, 571K)

>demographic replacement doesn’t matter goyim, they will accept your values