Well well well, look at what we have here

Well well well, look at what we have here.


Which is more likely, Jow Forums? That this shit is rigged, or that one dude was able to call the goals scored, down to 5-10 minute ranges, and the types of goals scored?

Attached: ted3.png (807x499, 1.01M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Jow Forums cup is less fixed than World cup

Attached: maxresdefault-1.jpg (1280x720, 214K)

Big if true

Attached: 1531568112541.jpg (1439x1425, 1.35M)

>literally shilling your own twitter account with edited tweets
wow im impressed, fifa is rigged.

you can't edit tweets

Rigatoni. The streakers were the tell. Putin himself was there to see the kabuki happen under his own nose.


how did you find this guy? very interesting

oh no shit?

Attached: putin[1].jpg (433x242, 12K)

Posting from a different timezone, making it look like the tweets were published before the events occurred.

Are you dumb?

Attached: 1521086929162.png (1276x664, 121K)

Do yo have any inkling of a clue how timezones work on twitter?

Do you realize that the tweets say that they were posted 7 hours ago? Time zone is irrelevant.

Twitter adapts the post times to your time zone based on IP, but how many hours ago the tweet was posted is universal no matter the time zone.

explain please, i thought the time stamp is always age of post, am confused

How on earth can goals in open play with full-on defending be rigged? The penalty was rigged


>Damage control

read the fucking article and shut up

Twitter adjusts the time zone to your location faggot. Just like Jow Forums.

Attached: 1519479479036.png (1188x454, 59K)


So how can I find out what time zone this was in? Let's say it is Russia: that would make it 3:30PM, game was at 6PM in Russia.

I think I'm retarded, please explain.

Attached: Untitled.png (589x234, 11K)

Kek Jews need to cheat so niggas win

Actually, it's not timezones.


England vs Belgium

Belgium wins 1-0
6:04 PM - 26 Jun 2018

So the account spams various likely results and deletes the ones that don't happen...looks like they missed one.

Also, you were VERY wrong up here. I don't think you know what you're talking about.

>So the account spams various likely results and deletes the ones that don't happen...looks like they missed one.


You're doing so much damage control it's actually conterproductive and you're making me think there is a real conspiracy now..

holy fuck you are absolutely retarded.read the fucking tweet i put in my comment. tell me if that was the actual result. dense piece of shit.

the rest of this thread can be saged now

Dude, relax. All that implies is that they ARE NOT in fact deleting incorrect tweets.

You're a moron.

They post a ton of tweets and delete the ones that didn't come true.


so many tech illiterate boomers on Jow Forums these days it's embarrassing, they still operate under the mindset of the internet being literal magic

that was a great Jow Forums cup.

can I get a check?

Attached: 1528615066758.jpg (495x330, 42K)

It's legit.

Belgium did win 1-0 in that game