Trump is more than half way through his term

>Trump is more than half way through his term
>Still no wall
Really makes me think...

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Other urls found in this thread: 20, 2017/to/Jul 15, 2018

Obama didn't get the ACA until his second term

Well here in america stupid rural meth-addled white trash obsoletes believed the Trump lies but so far he has just done tax cuts for millionaires and not much else. Rural white trash is so easy to fool it is laughable.

He built a wall in our hearts and that's what matters, user.

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At least they're not voting for gibs

It’s because we have many enemies in the Senate.

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I make less than 40k and I got a significant tax cut. What the fuck are you people doing?

He has stated the wall is in the beginning stages

based and redpilled

I could "state" that I have a 2 inch penis, Doesn't mean I don't have a 12" womb poker

Yeah they're voting for gibs for rich people instead. Let that sink in for a minute. Poor retards vote for billionaire tax cuts all the while education and infrastructure are going to shit and these hillbillies don't even have health insurance.

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50500 bucks a year isn't significant you inbred retard.


And still thousands of little girls raped by muslims each years while anglos are busy hating the US and France.
What a bunch of disgusting pathetic people .

Trump is 37.5% through his term

After Obama closes Gitmo the wall will be built.


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>more than half way through his term
Are you retarded?


>Your little sister has been groomed by muslims, but they are free to do it
Really makes me think...

Not trying to bash trumps plan or anything, but what will a wall help when so many people enter America through the door?

>its a fence after all

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I doubt there will be a wall spanning the whole border. It will probably begin construction and then get stopped by the next president or the one after that. It was a good campaign tactic though.

I hope they coil that baby up with razor wire as the finishing touch

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>those trashy fucking bungalows right on our border


no refunds folks, believe me

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lewd id tbqhwyf

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Trump has been president for a year and a half. That’s not half his term. If you can’t even count, why should I listen to anything you say?


Thats your side buddy.

>those trashy fucking bungalows right on our border
Um, user...

Guess we will just have to try again the next time around...get ready for the salt fags.

>Obama didn't get the ACA until his second term
He signed it into law March 2010, barely a year into his presidency.

>it's literally the same image
>it even has trump for the jew
holy shit

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Isn't it hilarious that now matter the US government is set up in such a way that either side always has the other side as an excuse for why nothing changes, and that the people still cling on to their team versus the other?

It's all a fucking puppet show you retards.

u was paid by dat der soros to post this

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more than halfway?

>it's a fence
bruh... look at this dude...

This but unironically.

I hear Israel's wall is almost done though. Looks big and beautiful to me. All those Amerifat tax dollars gibs is being put to good use.

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>Rural white trash is so easy to fool it is laughable.
well maybe you should start pandering to them if it's so easy, dickwad. you're not going to win any more elections with spics and niggers only.


3 years later it is still a proposal, how come? Is say lack of willpower to send in the military to build trenches and machine gun nests.

ok, that's totally what's happening according to German fag here

blatant lie, ACA was passed in 2010, maybe you're thinking of second year

blatantly wrong Trump is only in his second year, not halfway through

THe WALL will come just before election.

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>4 Yr terms
>2 yrs in

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You need something to reinforce concrete you dumbass. Concrete without such reinforcements can easily break.

this but unironiccly

Math is hard for OP.

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No, he will allow it to stall and then when time comes for his re-election he will blame the Democrats and promise he will do it in his second term.

He has already started being built

>He has already started being built

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>4 year term
>starts January 2017
>more than half way
Are you shitheads on some sort of metric system calendar that I don't understand?

What is up with the helicopter in this pic???

Also I think dressing and acting like this is a symptom of the AIDS virus.

>Into 2nd term=completed 2nd term

was this shopped? I don't believe this is a real photo.

>try to get wall funding in Congressional spending bills
>Dems nix it
>try to trade wall funding for DACA amnesty
>Dems say no

Whatcha gonna do? Trump isn't a dictator and doesn't make the budgets and control every aspect of government.

I'd still like to see a wall, but at least Trump's no tolerance immigration policy seems to be helping out and is just as, if not more, effective. Many illegals are self-deporting or choosing not to come here illegally in the first place due to us having an administration that takes a hard line on illegal immigration and not allowing them to walk all over us anymore.

I'd also like to see Congress make something like e-verify mandatory for all employers. But I kind of doubt most Republicans or Democrats have interest in actually doing anything that would go a long way toward curbing illegal labor and immigration and actually help stop the problem.

Trump took office Jan 20, 2017
Today is July 15th 2018
Time elapsed: 1 year, 5 months, and 25 days 20, 2017/to/Jul 15, 2018

Forget about meming, the left can't fucking add

You don't know how bad things really are.

No wall yet but there are significant upgrades being built in critical areas.

>>try to get wall funding in Congressional spending bills
>>Dems nix it

But I thought the Republicans control the congress?

What's sadder him failing the SATs on his third attempt or thinking he's right posting a selfie

bruh you guys own all of the government, this isn't the dems fault

He's got 6 more years to get it done.

they own probably about 1/10 of the government, maybe 1/100, but of the top branches of Senate, President and House they own all but the Senate, which actually in a way is the most important or second most important one.

200 miles of wall (10%) funded and either under construction or planned despite the cucks in Congress.

>Rural white trash is so easy to fool it is laughable.
You mean the goyim, rabbi shekelstein?

border patrol needs to be able to see through it

He has six more years, or life, that would be cool too.

>tax cuts for millionaires
is there a book of leftwing meaningless statements you all copy from?

>the Republicans control the congress

The replacement of both the primary and secondary barrier in San Diego, 20 miles of new barrier in Santa Theresa, and 32 miles in Hidalgo and Starr County is not a bad start. The majority of illegals are crossing in only a few places and even ~100 miles of barrier will help a lot. We still really need to have the entire border sealed off with a proper wall though, hopefully in September he'll get some more funding.

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Please, there are 51 Republicans in the current Senate. And that includes cucks like McCain who oppose Trump at every turn just because he hurt their fee-fees. R's do not have the kind of majority they need to ram any piece of legislation they want through.

the dissonance is strong with this one

500 dollars a year is incredibly significant to the majority of Americans. I'm about to buy a farm, and 500 dollars would buy me half of the woodworking equipment I need to start a business, or two goats that I could breed into a herd, I could even save up for two years and invest in a nice expensive dairy cow. This doesn't even count the fact that businesses are paying less taxes in my state and so they can afford more labor cost, which means I can get more hours and more pay per hour. So you can rightly go fuck yourself dutch.

The issue is that any mexican without a criminal record can easily cross the bridge in Laredo, Tijuana or elsewhere, can obtain a tourist visa, and just overstay. This is the MAJORITY of illegals. However, if one has a violent criminal history one cannot obtain a visa to overstay, so they must cross the desert and the river. So in essence the ONLY reasons a person would risk that journey is bc they are a cartel member with a record, they have wronged the cartel who literally sit on benches in places like Laredo and spot people who are on hitlists so they can take them out before they cross, OR they are trafficking children for profit, i.e. drug mules/sex trafficking children to sell to the Mexican mafia and others. A wall would significantly reduce violent criminal immigrants which would help a lot, but you are correct it will not stop demographic replacement.

>when reddit arrives

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jesus christ just burn it all down.

please someone just place these two pics side by side. no words needed.

It was passed early in his first term, it wasn't fully implemented until the second.

The cuckservatives are blocking the wall. Voters need to purge the Republican party from the Paul Ryan's, Graham's, McCain's etc

And they're gonna tell him to stay the fuck off their land, just like they told Bush when all he wanted was a fence. If he steals their land through eminent domain he'll probably lose Texas entirely.

>Really makes me think

Don’t hurt yourself.

i have see nthe new wall it was made for manlets.

>Hey Trump what kind of wall do you want?
>I want bars so we can point and laugh at those Mexican animals like it's a zoo

I can climb that fence with a rope and dig under that foundation easy.

This is only from the 1.6 billion he has secured. He is still waiting on DACA to work its way through the courts, might even end up in the Supreme Court in the Fall.

If DACA is declared unlawlful, and it is, and it will be by the majority conservative supreme court, it will be struck down.

Its really the only bargaining chip he has on the democrats, he needs their vote in the Senate, and they wont give him the 25 billion needed for the entire wall. Basically he has to wait to see the midterm turn out, DACA court decision, and bargain with them to get the full 25 billion.

Now imagine every time I saw billion, its like he says, "BAHLLION!".

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>39% into (first) term
>"more than half way into his term"


Mexico is paying so he doesn’t need the senate for anything. No more excuses, just build the fucking wall.

>Trump is loved by the GOP and DEM Establishment
mhmm. interesting (((theory))).

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>stupid rural meth-addled white trash obsoletes
That's really where you're going with this, Shareblue? Insult the people the people you alienated? I mean, I don't get it. See, back in 2008 when the Republicans lost everything, they stepped back, thought hard about what the fuck had happened, and reinvented themselves. It was almost comical how finding an avowed Neocon in 2009 was kind of like trying to find a Nazi in 1945. Oh, there were probably a lot more opportunistic cocksuckers than there were actual Tea Party True Believers, but at least the Party as a whole recognized that the public had had enough of their bullshit and switched tactics. Whether they were sincere or not is kind of irrelevant. It worked. The went on a nationwide apology tour and captured The House in 2010, The Senate in 2014 and the presidency in 2016 and hold 33 state Governorships and 67 out of 98 state legislatures. Meanwhile the Democrats strategy after losing a presidential election they should have won (if they hadn't fielded the worst candidate since Micheal Dukakis) Has been to insist that the public is wrong, and they are right, and start a Stalinesque purge of the ideologically impure in the party. Bernie Sanders has been branded "no longer a leftist." A long time New Youk democratic Senator is likely to be replaced by a 28 year old waitress who spouts platitudes from the Communist Manifesto. The California Democratic Party is backing a low grade moron who got 12% of the vote over a long time sitting Senator who got 48% of the primary vote. So really, how effective is it to name call the people you been shitting on for years? But you do you. And tell Brock I said Hi.

he will run on it again

he will build it
just vote for him goy


I don't think you fully understand what the tax bill did. It pared the tax code down from 500 pages to just 17. Most of the loopholes and exemptions disappeared. Moreover, one of the biggest exemptions was the ability to deduct state taxes over $10,000 from you Federal taxes. So if you're rich and live in states like California, New York, Illinois or other stateswith high property taxes, your federal tax bill for next year just went through the roof. And the beauty is, the feds didn't technically raise your taxes, the just stopped subsidizing your state taxes.
Every body technically got a tax cut. But all the loopholes were closed (see above) and as far as infrastructure is concerned, we had high taxes and it was crumbling. making them higher wasn't going to solve anything.
>Taxes aren't raised to provide services
>services are provided to justify raising taxes


and kushy jobs for fags in the control center beltway to control and feel good and control the dialogue and control the banter