Blacks are happy

>Blacks are happy
>Hispanics are happy
>Whites and Asians commit suicide in the best of life conditions

Why is this?
How much do the races differ on this?

Attached: 1531310634662.jpg (184x184, 11K)

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BECAUSE NIGGERS AND SPICS ARE LIKE CHILDREN LIVING OFF THE LABOR OF WHITES AND ASIANS. How many children commit suicide? Practically 0. How many adults? Literally 99% of all suicides. It's easy to just coast through without giving a shit when your whole life is paid for.

I doubt this.
Even in their own countries they don't off themselves.

Ignorance is bliss

>the best of life conditions

Attached: 1412871056921s.jpg (237x216, 10K)

The highest white suicide rates are in Eastern Europe, so your "best conditions" equation is a fallacy.

I like this user.

First responses is always the best response.

Yeah, and I'm sure parasites are absolutely loving it when they find a host that doesn't try to scratch them off.

They're starting ng+ on a higher difficulty,