Other urls found in this thread:
Monster marketing team, plz go.
Your jewish energy swill is fucking disgusting.
>e-celeb thread
>1 post by this ID
>use of option field
>one word topic
if you don't like the taste, you don't have to drink it for the ultra energy
i funnel it up my ass
This is nupol it’s the worst. All bot accounts are automatically kept at the top of the catalog while organic users are autosaged. Most of pol is literally retarded so they respond to blacked threads rather than letting them die.
The time has come. :')
Who has the link with the him talking about his giga jew friend?
Real 30 year old boomers drink Rockstars.
>Tips trucker hat
Based and redpilled
t. 35 year old boomer
Why do people only ever use the white Monster to shill?
Red Bull is the choice drink of pol. Owner puts his money to work for our causes.
I'm starting to get paranoid.
As soon as I quit monster I can't stop seeing this monster meme and thread spam.
just don't get it do you
Its the official drink of white nationalism.
YouTube was different back in '09....real good times with star ratings instead of these faggy thumbs up...
t. 15 year old zoomer
is this Jow Forums thread?
At least pewdiepie gets it.
Fucking boomers getting all bent out of shape over Monster Energy Drinks and thinking its some goddamn advertising campaign or CIA plot.
I find pewds and his Monster refreshing.
The ABSOLUTE MADMAN did it again.
based and redpilled
I unironically bought a sugar free white Monster yesterday. It was... really good.
Do we control the memes or do the memes control us?
Based and redpilled
Why do so many energy drinks like Monster taste like shit?
welcome to flavortown
Halo 2 best Halo
Not every flavor of Monster Energy is for everybody. Just gotta try em all a couple of times and find the Monsters sips that's right for you
it's the worst monster, which makes the meme funnier. It's also white, so it's racist.
I drank my first one today to see what the fuss is all about. It's disgusting. Sugarfree drinks taste like refined cancer
stay away from these shit puree drinks, they might give ya a buzz but have fun pissing alot all day.
they are gross thats why its a meme
I only wanted to try one. I already knew it would taste bad because all artificial sweeteners do
It says 4 posts you stupid faggot.
y'all niggas got bioplus?
that's objectively wrong but many people think that to be true. I enjoy H2 but it wasn't the best one (that one was CE on the PC).
idk, I steer clear of that artificial shit
I think it's the best Monster (unironically)
holy shit that meme is me
>/sips/ in stereo
I've tried a few and they all taste the same.
bioplus jacks you m8
I wanna see this if true.
CE Fuckin SUCKED! I had to force myself to play through it!
It has 0 calories and it's white. Red 0 cal monster is better btw.
I said the same thing about Halo 2!
All good things take time broham. You'll find the right sips one day.
Hey tho did you hear France won the world cup its Rad! I heard it over XM radio in my PT Cruiser on my way back from morning practice.
Halo 2 looks better , plays better , is funnier , has more character , more memorable levels , and overall just BETTER.
Plus , you have the Lockout multiplayer map as well as the overrated Blood Gulch.
>not having a blast on custom edition
Keep sipping goy. Thanks for the shekels. Good luck with your ass-hole cancer in 20 years.
twentysomething year old boomer
>he doesn't know about the flamethrower