Don't watch their games, don't eat what they feed you. Eat meat and fish, use the Paleo diet of your ancestors. Free your body and mind of Jewish poison and prepare for war.
Stop drinking beer. Stop eating bread
Other urls found in this thread:
>Glyphosate levels were as high as 30 micrograms per liter, even in beer that is supposed to be brewed from only water, malt, and hops. This finding by the Munich Environmental Institute calls into question the rampant spraying of Round Up on both GMO and non-GMO crops around the world, and casts doubt upon Germany’s 500-year-old beer purity law.
nigga talkin like my ancestors din eat beer or bread nigga aaaaaahhhaaaa whaaattt
Was it natural of full of chemicals and made by machines?
Jumpin Jiminy Christmas is that a quote from my man Matt Bracken?
>Eat meat and fish, use the Paleo diet of your ancestors.
I cannot agree enough with this. Use the knowlege wisely, and do not share it with leftists. Let them "stay vegan, and die vegan"
The deep knowlege is to eat the meat organic grass fed and raw.
>Don't eat their food
But can at least move to the farmlands and grow my own food?
Roger that.
You can still buy what you need in the grocery store if you are discerning. If you care able then move to the farmlands and produce healthy food for yourself and fellow white people.
Guess what? YoU'rE fUlL oF cHeMiCaLs RiGhT nOw!!!