
It's been around 100 years since the Romanovs were executed.
Would the world be a better place today had the communists failed and the Romanovs stayed in power?

Was the revolusion just a lust for power, or were they saving Russia?

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Was Rasputin the reason for their death

I don't think it would necessary be a better world. Looking just at the last half of the last century, there wouldn't be a cold war which prompted so many technological and scientific innovation. But i agree that the communism must be crushed. It is a vile and delusional ideology.

Romanovs lost power by themselves, by completely losing all support in society. Th trigger was anarchy in the capital, the exact crisis was effective arrest and ultimatum by the Russian generals to the Tsar.

Execution was the right call. Chinese case showed what happened when the former ruler was allowed to roam free (he struck a deal with the foreign invader)

>But i agree that the communism must be crushed. It is a vile and delusional ideology.
Lol a lolbert


Who knows, maybe.
Nicky was shit emperor and pissed off a lot of people, even before disaster what was WWI.
Thought, he didn't deserve death.

I don’t like communism, but these guys are the reason Russia was the most poor nation in Europe at the time. You’d be lucky if you made it to 25.

Was he a legit bad ruler through and through, or was he to a degree a victim of circumstance and opponents conspiring against him from the shadows?

He just didn’t do a good job, his army was pretty weak and would be crushed in multiple battles. Say what you will about Stalin. But he made the Russian economy explode in the 30s-40s. He also kicked out many of the kikes who were Bolsheviks. He was like a Russian Hitler and would likely teamed up with the man himself hadn’t the Natsocs invade Russia.

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On the night of 17 July 1918, Bolshevik authorities acting on (((Yakov Sverdlov's))) orders in Moscow and led locally by (((Filip Goloschekin))) and (((Yakov Yurovsky))), shot Nicholas II, his immediate family and four servants in the Ipatiev House's cellar.