Why is this generation so obsessed with suicide?

Why is this generation so obsessed with suicide?
Their music is about suicide.
Their jokes are about suicide.
Their culture barely sees suicide as an issue, but just as a fact of life.

Why is this? What the fuck happened?

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I blame pouya, ghostmane and emo rap tbqh

If someone wants to die by themselves is it my problem.?

you looked outside lately?
murder. suicide. what does it all matter anymore

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That picture exactly.

We're at the end phase of capitalism, this is what it looks like. Next comes destruction for a brief but intense period of time before the mass awakening.

Until then you will continue to see society erode people to brittle weak obsessive psychotic souls lingering around.

It's because as they grow they get "life problems" or they have to deal with life, but they are so fucking stupid to understand this so they think their life sucks and is full of problems, afterall those peoples are just retards whoms think they are smart

Men of this generation have been stripped of purpose. You can look back at the older generations and identify everything were missing right now. There is a war on man image right now. They are destroying what it means to be a man just as theyve been destroying other staples of western culture i.e. The nuclear family.

Sure there's these kids that joke ironically about suicide etc but you have to ask, is this joking itself being organised and orchestrated? Young men have nowhere to turn to these days so they take what they see as the only option left and really, can you blame them?

Something something mouse utopia experiments

Because there is no reason to live for, except for revenge and hate

too late to explore world
too early to explore space
just in time to dope up and explore darkest parts of your psyche

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This, they are not really suicidal they just follow culture.

And culture is influenced by music, just look at how we lost the Vietnam war.

It's a constructed plan to devalue life. The right to abortion is part of the same playbook



>b-b-but my ego, I'm so scared of death!!!! It's about me, not GOD AND ETERNITY AND THE WHOLE UNIVERSE just me me me!!!

Suicide is secondary here it's about attention whoring and there's no better way of gathering attention than pretending you're going to kill yourself.
People rambling about suicide are not the ones who actually kill themselves unfortunately

Those of us whom see past the illusion of darkness will shine forth into the future.

Even though people (especially women) have been brainwashed against the traditional man... instinctively they simply cannot deny their attraction to it. They feel a subconscious pull towards the true man.

The weak shall perish and fall into the winds. Hold fast and grab the sails lads, you will be seen as a true embodiment of mankind once the storm passes. Women will once again cherish you.

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Brave new world
The phenomenon of our times is to constantly be consuming entertainment. Videos, music, games, articles. Constantly being exposed to stimuli. It becomes nonstop. But when it stops people realize how vapid it is. How inconsequential it all is. There is no meaning in their lives. They see no way to escape it so it depresses them. Until they open their phone and take their next soma tablet.

>I need a fictional cloud man to keep sane
I'd do the ironic OK handsign emoji if I could

Man, I can't wait till the end of the week, get out of work, go to the grocery store, pay my bills, have a porterhouse and a glass of scotch, and fucking kill myself.

I have a 14 year old daughter. Her generations humor(at least in her circle of friends) is very dark and not serious. Her IQ is also 145, so that might have something to do with it. They treat life has having no meaning, but it comes from a light happy place. They also hate vacuous celebrity worship.

The world is pretty much finished, its not getting better than this so why bother.

I'm a faggot so I don't really worry about reproducing and marriage. But my best buddy wholeheartedly loved a woman. She dumped him, he lost his job due to the company going bankrupt, and his car crapped out on him. The dude wanted a stable life of loving his girl and marrying her. Having several kids. That is all he wanted. Now he is depressed every day and talks about how all the women at his office hit on him and want to cheat on their boyfriends. He sees no point in women, work, or life any longer.

Suicide is a childish response to lack of family, meaning and purpose. You can suicide or you can fight and create those things for yourself. The race of psychopaths pushing for this degeneracy don't need the same things as human beings. They just need to be able to take, destroy and hurt. Their religions keeps them organized and prevents self destruction.

I am an alien sent to monitor this thread.

Now the real question is: why is reddit more popular than Jow Forums when their memes are such shit?

basically something like this. i've had already had two close friends kill themselves and have met many other guys who are depressed and usually suicidal. it's a fucked up phenomenon going on that doesn't nearly get enough attention. society needs to be reformed to create something more meaningful

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sinister forces messing around with memetics

Zoomers were born into this shit so it's only world they know. 30 year old boomers at least remember times before 9/11 so we have hope shit can be changed.

Sucks when you are genuinely depressed. Since it seems like such a fad now.

This is true. Nothing like pyrovalerones to take you into the darkest reaches a man can find.

Internet points, plus Jow Forums tells new people to fuck off

Because humans need some kind of struggle in their lives. If there's no hunger, no poverty, no war, no plague, if all their life is fine and dandy, humans start to go haywire and invent made up problems, or off themselves.

Greater mass appeal.
It is a safe space where posting some bullshit about a show, comic, game, or political opinion won't result in people calling you a retarded faggot.

>Why is this generation
It's mostly Russians
You certainly can't blame them. They turned all their little girls into prostitutes, now they're starting to kill themselves.


100 IQ boomers don't get this
most of us can't just settle down with a good wife and live a comfy bluepilled life because the good women are gone

no le upvotes for witty comments

At one point in my life I had set in motion a plan to kill myself while minimizing the impact on people around me as much as possible. I saved money for expenses after my death, chose a location/method and a plan so that the police would find me instead of someone randomly stumbling upon me. Tied up loose ends etc.

I spent a while on the plan and part of it was making sure nobody had any idea I was suicidal. Definitely not posting depression memes on instagram.

A freak, once In a lifetime chance occurrence happened though and stopped me in my final steps mid plan though. The most surreal thing that’s ever happened in my life.

Mind explaining? I'm curious now

I think its all the medicines they are pumping into everyone along with the crushing realization that you aren't near as fucking special as your parents told you you are. Couple that with the oppression olympics that have been running unchecked for far to long and you got a bad situation made worse.

I got a "suicidal" cousin who should be used as a poster child for why over medication and telling kids they are special is wrong. Her story to follow in the next post.

>be my cousin
>perfectly normal with the exception of rather uncomfortable period cramps
>doctor comes up with with a brilliant solution
>puts me on birth control to regulate my periods
>Seeing nothing wrong fucking with my hormonal system while my body is still developing I agree
>also I guess I am free to start having sex now
>go to college party with my boyfriend and let an entire fucking chior run a train on me
>decide after the fact that I really didn't want to have sex after all
>file rape complaint
>turns out I live in the 21st century and there is about of 20 different cell phone videos of me not only willingly engaging in but also actively encouraging my own rape
>the cops not taking me seriously has made me sad
>get put on antidepressants as well as anti anxiety meds
>get into college myself
>people find out about my previous degeneracy
>feel bad again
>also realize that even though I was a big deal at home, I'm just average here
>decide to "kill myself"
>take a handful of sleeping pills while in the room with my roommate
>tell her not to call anyone, I want to die
>turns out she can't listen, calls for help and I live
>my school doesn't want the liability of me killing myself in their dorm rooms
>"""""Recommends""""" I take a year off to work on my personal issues
>after getting kicked out of school my therapist recommends I get a therapy dog
>this is the best thing I have ever seen, never let the dog leave my side
>except for 8+ hours a day because I can't handle the responsibility of actually taking care of a dog
>one day my dog is out running in the yard unattended and runs into the road
>now that my dog is dead I better kill myself again
>proceed to try and overdose on fucking benedryl
>in the room with my mother
>after announcing what I am going to do
>surprise surprise I live again

>Mom is now stricken with fear that I might kill myself (despite clearly showing that I in no way intend for my "suicidal" actions to actually kill me)
>but she also has a social life and doesn't want to deal with me
>Thankfully she is a brilliant woman who comes up with a wonderful solution
>get sent to my uncles farm whenever she is to busy to watch me so that I can be constantly busy and not have time to kill myself
>however I have put on 200 pounds in the last few years and can hardly get out of the chair, much less work
>end up sitting in the chair, crying, for hours at a time, multiple days a week
>get put on even more medication
>now I take a pill any time I start to feel slightly sad
>also when I need to sleep
>or wake up
>or do anything
>I also bought another dog, and this one hasn't died yet

I hate to be rude about it, but its time to shit or get off the toilet. Everyone around her is sick of dealing with her. Let her story be a lesson to all of you future parents out there, medication should be used as a last resort, not a convenient way to make things "better". Take the time to raise your kids right, and if you do fuck them up, don't pawn them off on others for fucks sake, cause we don't give a fuck one way or another.

why hasnt anyone mentioned tmd yet?

You're projecting, dumbass.

Nobody who's scared of death is an atheist, it's pretty much the exact opposite. If anything, it would make more sense to claim that the atheist's lack of fear of death is why we're prone to suicide.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder?

why don't you give us a quick run down.

transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers?

t. 1991 suicidal boi

I don't buy into (((media))) agenda of buying more and more and more, fuck consumer society, I live in a small flat and never bought a single piece of furniture
I don't buy into the "build a family" meme, I do not want to sacrifice my comfort to reproduce
I don't care about myself, I don't care about anyone else, I see no goal. Life is pointless in the great scheme of things.
I don't buy into the god meme, an old faggot who will punish me if I leave this plane

Therefore, when things are getting too hard, suicide looks like a valid way out of this shithole

Many things. Babies first time hearing the word nihilism. Their first glance at global politics and economics. They can’t get the whole picture but what they have is enough for them to feel devoid of any meaning in being alive other than consuming garbage entertainment and wasting their life away looking at a screen pretending to be smarter than they are.

Teenage meme depression. being depressed and suicidal is cool with the teens now a days

> implying those losers with no following have any influence

LiL PEEP, Bones, Tekashi69, period, fuck your little faggot ass rappers, bitch.

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>this generation
>obsessed with suicide
Which generation?

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Damn I wish I was there

>tfw never got to run a train with your boys

forgot to meantion how theres not actually any problems and it passes on its own.

This is what extinction looks like.

i dont think that is really just "heavy meds and being called special" thats just a shit upbringing making a shit person famlam, even without the meds she would prob have been fucked

holy shit those 3 rappers have 1 good song combined, and it's Highschool by peep. Please stop larping that they are good


What is there to live for?

All of the jobs are remedial, offering you little pay for the work given. Most of the remedial jobs need you to be a debt slave and go to college. Going to college doesnt even guarantee you a job or any money, just debt.

The music is soulless, art is just childish scribbles, social interaction has been replaced with social media. Cinema has always been trash and Video Games are following down the same path. Other hobbies are too expensive.

A lot of food poisons you, the water poisons you, and if those don't kill you you're liable to be killed by the crazed subhuman next to you.

You take drugs and alcohol to numb the pain, but really they're just there to numb your pain as you die slowly. In the end you're still killing yourself.

So again, what is there to live for?

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Fuck up virgin no one likes you faggot.

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once you explain to them no one will actually miss them when they're gone, it stops

seriously try this if you have someone in your family that is suicidal. I had over 6 people kill themselves in my family since 2008. They do it for weird reasons, it's a 'ill show you'' type of thing with our suicide epidemic. Truth is, after 3 years, everyone forgets about you and moves on.

But the thing was she was more or less normal before the meds. She thought she was gods gift to music to a point she was somewhat insufferable, but what highschool kid doesn't consider themselves an expert on their hobbies?

She gained 200 pounds, regressed to a childlike state emotionally and "tried" to kill herself TWICE in the two years since she got put on pills, and those were the only big change.

Don't get me wrong, its shit upbringing as well, one of her sisters is a straight up cash for sex whore and the other one dropped out of school and has spent the last three years drifting around the country to "find herself" while sleeping in her car and receiving regular money transfers from her parents. They 100% fucked up as parrents, but this was the normal one right until she went on the meds.

To watch your grand children play in your fields.


Try listening to good music retard

The devil wants us to die because he hates mankind. It shows just how much of a hold he has on the world today when suicide and "wanting to die" is being normalized

Can't blame anyone desu, if I lived in freedomland I would buy a shotty and off myself any day. Sadly only barbaric methods like a rope are at hand here and I am too big of a pussy to pull that off.

My grandpa used to do this, taught us how to drive the tractors and then would just sit on the porch watching us go around in circles pulling each other on the hay wagon. I never understood it until right now, but that was what his whole life was building to wasn't it? Seeing your grandchildren growing and becoming self reliant. Knowing that you did a good enough job with your own children that they passed your genetics on and your line is secure for another 40 years?

Rise in depression + edgy jokes = Suicide becoming a common and relatable meme

Society has always been suicidal, it's just this era it isn't so taboo anymore so you hear about it more

eww wtf is this shit

"""""""good music""""""""

because life sucks

.t Gen Xer
It started with us, but we passed it onto our kids. Sorry we weren't better parents, guys. We were too busy working two jobs to rear you in a more positive, healthy way.

yeah that is mostly true but suicide rates have been going up especially amongst young males.

idk exactly what to make of it but it's likely due to normalizing discrimination against men.

Sheit nigga why not get on autismbuxx and travel around US of fucking A with some cheap ass camper van? That's what I would do.

I totally would If I had money and a girl I loved.

God I wish I was a baby boomer

It's just a joke that's been relatively fresh due to having been taboo. The reasons for expanding depression are medication, self-diagnosis, lack of heroes and the widespread understanding that nothing works how we're raised to believe it's meant to (people writing storied solely for profit/propaganda, not entertainment or expression, as a basic example).

Probably a combination of "Young Werther" effect and society sucking balls
And in ye olden days men just plain worked themselves to death/illness before they could wax poetic about sweet suicide

I've always figured that the recent uptake in suicides among young men was due to the lack of outlets. Up to damn near 50 years ago a young man could pack up his shit, hop on his horse/in his truck, and go find a new place in the world that needed him. Now we seem to have reached a point where we don't need that specific breed of young man who will get up and start something new because damn near everything is built up. That's why we are seeing all the hobby "farms" becoming such a huge craze. People are looking for those outlets, and in absence of a natural one they create their own. Hell, the only real outlet we have that's similar to that is the military, and look what happens to those poor fucks when they get out.

>End of capitalism

Hardly. Capitalism is growing and that's a good thing. Capitalism isn't the issue. It's been around since the dawn of time and every form of government that has tried to squash it or regulate it has failed miserably. The most successful monarcy's, dictatorships, republics, you name have allowed free and open trade.

Bones is fucking bestboy you piece of filth

You are right, suicide is a valid way to leave this shithole while also showing everyone that you were a massive fucking baby and not a real man who can deal with lifes troubles

I hope I become a ghost and I hope ghosts are real so I would atleast feel something.

>What the fuck happened?
Social Media
They see all the other people having a wonderful life and think they are cursed.
Not knowing many of the peeps with "wonderful lives' are suffering from crippling depression just like they are.

Copypasta incoming
People have bleak economic prospects, social media and obscene work schedules erode socialization, surveillance and internet degeneracy erode trust, (((alimony))) and distrust between the sexes erode the family, buying houses and raising families is becoming unaffordable, and (((consumerism))) eats away at savings and value of relationships. Politics is "post-truth" and worthless. Death rates from alcohol, drugs, suicide, and similar conditions are rising, while healthcare is increasing in cost but remaining overburdened with 80 year olds who are mostly kept half-alive because their exorbitant medical bills are profitable for the companies. Neocon radical nationalism and rabid anti-patriotism and anti-nationalism drown out healthy pride in one's nation. On top of this, (((neoliberalism))) and (((rugged individualism))) atomize society and ingrain the thought that society doesn't actually exist, and that we have no moral responsibility to help our countrymen.

But curses are real, 5 generations of my family proves this, they must have angered some gipsy nigger due to all the suffering they went through.

Cringy as hell.

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Starspangled boyo you in here?

My sons will be my revenge.

These people would be happier if capitalists and kikes weren’t replacing them with spics and niggers. Many whites in younger generation don’t even have proper jobs and are basically forced to live with their parents. I’m lucky not to be like this but others aren’t so much. I blame boomers for putting us aside like human garbage for shitskins. They could’ve voted out the 1965 immigration act but they didn’t. Now they have the balls to claim they’re conservative when they just leave us to die with a horde of nonwhites. The Jewish question needs to be solved. Putting them in our nations was a mistake.

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They are born as sociopath NPC abominations 70% in fact aren't even real people but stunted little shits that the universe hates.

Too old

I was born 31 years ago next week. I was born a happy child, to a middle income white family. We didn’t have everything but we had what we needed. My Father was an architect, my Mother was a nurse. I grew up just like every kid in the 90s grew up. Playing kick the can, hide and seek, rollerblading, riding my bicycle around. We would have huge neighborhood barbecues, family picnics, family reunions. We would see our relatives on both sides of the family at least once a year.

And then it happened. Right around 1999 when cell phones and internet started to consume our lives it all came to a crashing halt. I spent the rest of my childhood locked in my room playing counter strike and chatting on IRC. My dad got NFL Sunday ticket and ESPN which gave him what he always wanted most, unlimited sports so he didn’t have to pay attention to life anymore. My mom had her HGTV and coors light. Nobody even talked to each other anymore. It was too difficult to interact in person. The family outings stopped, the vacations to see relatives stopped. Everyone I know became consumed in their myspace and eventually their Facebook accounts. If you weren’t connected to that person in some way before, they wanted nothing to do with you. It became impossible to meet new friends because everyone was so connected online they had no reason to meet anyone else. People started spending more time on their phones than speaking even when out in a group of friends.

They’ve successfully alienated us from society and pinned whites against each other. We are no longer a community, we are merely ghosts of our former selves going through the routine of life for nothing. There’s no hope. I look at myself in the mirror, a balding 31 year old man without a family . All I see is pain. I’m angry. I’m angry that I never got a chance to have what my previous generations have had. A stable loving family to support me through life. I’m not suicidal, I just don’t really want to live.

To expand on this, it's not even hobby farms and military men come to think of it. My grandpa ran a woodshop out of his garage when he retired so i may be biased here, but the amount of new blood that has come into hand work trades lately, be it wood working or blacksmithing or even bushcrafting, there are a ton of young people doing it, and even more substituting YouTube videos of those topics for the real thing.

Suicide has been normalised. I know a few people who have tried/committed it

those digits

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Just suck his dick already you homo. I know you've fantasized about converting him.

Make us proud, white boi.

A non trace amount of population needs to exist at the state of existential crisis. These were the samurais the kamakazis the warriors the hunters. Now that existence has become so soft, they have no honorable way to exert their raison d'etre. I guess isis is one outlet...


You experienced a miracle user. Whether the source is a conscious god, or the ebbs and currents of the metaphysical world, or anything you care to conceptualize it as in-between. The ultimate purpose of life might be unknowable, but there is a purpose - find yours.

Yeah man
Supremely comfy. Not only in body but in spirit
God bless your grandpappy

they want to die because they know they can NEVER COMPETE WITH BBC