Just saw a commercial for this on TV—the absolute state


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There's that number again

>6 million highlighted

>mfw its the list of the first 6 million liberals (jews) to be gassed

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Steyer sounds like a very Anglo-Nord name

God it really is a kike fetish isn't it?

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every single fucking time


When will Trump start proscriptions. It's time.

Seriously, do jews think this number gives them magic powers or some shit?

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> taken money from foreign governments
Need I explain Hillary's ties to Saudi Arabia?

lmao they can't even eloquently explain why BLOMPF needs to be impeached in their promo video

>He's uhhh...t-treasonous that's reason enough!
>We need a president who doesn't lie
>He's connin' da whole country n' sheyt!


that video is embarrassing. I thought kikes were supposed to be good at media manipulation

Does anyone have their address?

Asking for a friend.

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6 deals with reality and earthly matters. They are trying to will consciousness into reality.

>Clicking malware sites.

Impeach Trump? More like You Take It In the Rump

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it's funny because the guy that actually said this quote was a cornbread commie.

and you ignorant FUCKS post it like you think you know. haha fucking get wrecked.

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Wow (((6 million))). Out of 350 million. That's just embarassing



Checked and noticed.
Kikes never ever fucking stop.
I was never a Holocaust denier, but this magical number six million bullshit makes me hate them more every day.

All, I mean all the local and state wide media denied me any spots for commercials. But they give discounts to this kike to run impeached bullshit.
Hmm, really makes me zinc, how come they get such cushy rates for ads on television?

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>tfw you dont even need the glasses anymore

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Sure hope nobody forms a group called NEED to EXPLODE and visits these based Liberals.

>disrespect election results
>want to impeach the president without a crime

>when the cars for kids jewish scams rip off the impeach 45 mentally ill people too

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his dad was jewish and he's a billionaire hedge fund manager shitlib

>be part of the first 6 million
Ok this is an ebin troll. It has to be.

every fucking time

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>mfw no more comfy /tpg/ threads

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