You Going? You Should. Dress Nice for Good Optics

I am
Not a Proud Boy
Not into prayer
Questionable patriotism
Not a literal Nazi

I'm going to show support, and defend my right to speak and associate freely, without mild fear of violence and persecution. Kind of like the ACLU used to do. PNW anons need show, or forever mildly fear some quim fucking with your property and/or person, because you aren't a full blown Communist.

Attached: PDXaug4th.jpg (1280x720, 145K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Tempted to fly out for this

Punch a commie

Do it. Some shitty liberal city in your awful country could be next.

Attached: PDXaug4th2.jpg (1280x720, 166K)

I will only defend myself and my folk. Mostly, I'm going to highlight the fact that LEOs are violating their sworn oath by doing nothing/shit on Mayor and his 'hands off' approach re ICE protests and PP rallies.

Will there be a big happening? (counter-protests)

absolutely not.

I think it could be the big one. pre-election, hot weather, Anti-fa will be seeking a pond of flesh for being BTFO...
I'm writing my blood type in my underwear as we speak. Not really, but I bought a gas mask and am taking head protection. Hopefully that will be enough. I'm an excellent fighter, but can't stop bullets or knives with bad ass alone. No worries at all though, and it must be done.

>pond of flesh

its just an excuse to street brawl with the local commies

No one should go to this glow-in-the-dark honey pot.


my sides

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Not for me. Put on a MAGA hat and walk from PSU to the PCC indaghetto. See what happens.
I'm going to protect unpopular speech and my freedom to associate with lunatics.

He's a striker, if I'm not mistaken.
You want to pick ALL the cotton?

If you go to this you are falling for the trap. Punch a commie and win? You're an evil nazi. Get your ass kicked/doxxed/arrested? Life ruined and you deserve it because you're an evil nazi.

The only winning move is not to play.

I fucking love cotton.

August 4th is punch a commie day

proud march
pride march
is there a difference?

the absolute fucking state of mutts

Cunt, I don't care why or how it's happening. I'm going because I had to fight(intellectually) constantly, getting my worthless PSU education. All my family are conservative Christians and some of them haven't left PDX yet. I'm going to reclaim turf, because if you lived in Portland, you'd know it's hell on Earth for anyone to the right of Marx.

Fuck off with your "IT'S A TRAP" shit. I don't care, because I have to live here, and I'm not removing my Ron Paul 2012 or Donbass battle flag bumper stickers out of fear.
>stars and bars mean anything to those fucking retards?
Also, I'm pretty pissed that they took over the punk scene. Taking that back too.

Attached: War_Flag_of_Novorussia.svg.png (1200x800, 14K)

>what a faggot bitch

I unironically supported them until recently when they have now been infiltrated by the lawyers guild and have decided to change their mission
yes it's my first rally I'm going to for the reasons you sited. Also I hate commies

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Same here. Even did volunteer web design for them, but it was already fucked by then. I'm pro-life, and there were conflicts constantly.

>yes it's my first rally I'm going to for the reasons you sited
good on you

Based nigger mutt

shameless community bump

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Take your meds, Alex.

delet this, because Infowars is likely going.

Oh, and if you go, and expect to defend, wear something you cherish. Something sentimental, or something you care deeply about. I'm wearing my uncle's helmut.
You will get a real 'boost' if some mutant Anti-fa tries to defile it.

That’s what Joey wants. Rural Oregon is filled with infowars types. It’s honestly shocking to me how multiple people I know think Oregon is solid majority blue.

you sure told me hurr durr leftists btfo amarite?
post your dna results, how proud are you

This. All of those alt right faggots are controlled op. The right is united. We don't need another fucking autistic child running some cow over.

If you must go, you go dressed as an antifa fahgot and hold signs reading "Pedophilia is a sexuality"

You go and you false flag those homos like they do to the right marching with brand new creased Nazi flags. Go dressed as a fucking tranny, stand on their side, and make them look retarded. No doubt the libs who planned this (Jason Kessler again) have some heinous shit planned to get their "blue wave"

I heard there's an event in Berkeley the day after. Is this true, and will RAM be going to both? Healthy, groomed white men cracking commie skull is great optics

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Enjoy your jail time you absolute fucking retard. These cities are controlled by astivist mayors and community organizers who would love to make a news cycle out of your hardship. You are being setup.

My people came from the country you have let slip into darkness(shame on you).
They were the first Mormons from England. Made booze for Brigham. White AF. Owner of much cutlerry. Fan of Sheffield knives... Oh... Sorry.

RAM has been shit talked by the more colorful people. Patriot Prayer will not hesitate to kick out people who they think are identitarians.

>Enjoy your jail time
Shieeeettttt. They probably have my old flip-flops up in the Mult. Co. Tower.
>23/24 lock-down in a fucking high-rise full of niggers hardens a man

This. I'm not going to 'wear' my politics, or look like anything or anyone. I like how over time PP has made sure to kick out the LARPers and Fed agent provocateurs. I feel confident that any skinhead in braces and boots will be promptly asked to go home and change, at least.

>muh thread
I plan on drawing attention to the Mayor's lack of interest in enforcing the law, and spotting weapons to go and report the the cops I KNOW, love to kick ass. I have seen them do some shit... wew

Is this going to be a thing? Come to NYC. I'll go.


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Go with American flag

Portland is really the last problem city, it seems. Even Berkley seems to have cooled. Dunno. Portland liberals have always been in competition for the most radical left title. Portland, Seattle, N. Cal are all full of blak blok fags from the '90s, when they were union stooges fighting the WTO and NAFTA. Crazy flip with those fuckheads. I used to like/run with some of the OLD anarchist types.
East Coast seems tame, other than some E Midwest Rustbelt states with big union presence.
Fucking commies.
"Liberty Prime is online."
"All systems nominal."
"Weapons: hot."
"Mission: the destruction of any and all Chinese communists."
"American will never fall to communist invasion."
"Obstruction detected. ...
"Probability of mission hindrance: zero percent."

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was thinking about it, but taking a sign with pills about PDX 'stand-down' from Mayor.
Hearts and minds.

I get your point. Portland is def the worst. I have a hippie friend there who is nuts and even she seems tame compared to the others.

No just American flag. Normal clothes. Make yourself look attractive


>Make yourself look attractive
eh... I also plan on slaying some country pussy, bigtime
How can moderate lefties feel there? Actually, I know the answer. Panicked, and just trying to not make waves(got a centrist gay lover senpai member still there).
Anyway, the FAR left has brought fucking FEDERAL cops in to do the work the insane Mayor will not. Antifa doxing the Janitors at the ICE building... It is essentially Fed LEOs doing all the enforcement at the ICE blockades and rallies that are in the Federal Plaza. Crazy shit.
I love the insane running the asylum though. 2020 will be a massacre.

1. Lead your opposition to oppose a powerful symbol, this is how to control them as they seek something to give their efforts justification. The symbology that represents this only matters to the extent that it will be accepted by the people it represents, the power manifested, and the people who follow as the intended result.
2. Uniting under the American flag will divide the opposition into American vs. Anti-American, whereas flying a partitioning flag will divide your own support and unite the opposition against you. You cannot fly the flag of an old historical adversary (even if it was a mistake) and expect to receive wide cultural, financial, and international support.
3. It is lawful in every way to carry the US flag and say anything you want to define it. Force fed red pills.
4. Any government in the US (local, state, federal) will feel obligated to protect the US flag as a symbol, and any violence against it cannot be portrayed as moral.

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5. Any partitioning symbology (confederate flag) will be perceived as weak individualism by strong people and leaders. You should at least want to try to have your ideas integrated into the massive institutions that already exist. Partitioning the US now when it is not absolutely necessary would have to be the dumbest thing, for only the dumbest people
6. Uniformity and clear objectives will help distinguish yourself from copycats and (((subversive outliers))). Even though centralization has it’s weaknesses, progress in any clear direction cannot be made without it and this is something the opposition does not want you to have
7. If America is an openly pro-white majority and non-whites accept that it is a win and a dialectical failure/breaking point for the opposition. Every successful nation has temporary visitors

>Lead your opposition to oppose a powerful symbol
I dig, but it has almost become the flag of the militant right, in the minds of even middle of the road folk. Blame who you want(it's commies), but it's a fact, in this climate.
People will assume I'm patriotic. I want to call attention to the Mayor, and the lawlessness he has happily Tweeted permission for, to his fucking....

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thanks, bro

>I want to call attention to the Mayor
It will be perceived as a leftist tantrum. Never recognize the legitimacy of those who rule over you illegitimately. You will feed their power. Everyone who will see it will already know. They want to see people who will act.

Acknowleged, Sun Tzu, But I want people to remember who to blame, the next time they are stuck on the bridge in 96F weather, because The Art Institute go re-upped with shit meth.

>shit meth
They LOVE that shit, because it comes from china and is inexpensive. They LARP as Norks on the drug oof the proletariat.

This is why people say these protests are meaningless and result in no achievements. The only good result that can possibly come of this can be summed up as a Positive Energy Ritual. An achievement would be to demonstrate there are many people unified by a common moral purpose and are willing to act upon it together with discipline

>The only good result that can possibly come of this
STFU, you fucking noodle. I want to be able to wear a MAGA hat, if I ever support Trump. This isn't some fucking poli-sci debate, you worm. I... fucking I, want to go hear a speech at PSU when some dangerous faggot needs to sell a book. I want to go into the ICE office unharmed, to NARC on my illegal shit tier co-workers.
Fuck you, twat.
>first they came for the Kekists, but I did nothing, because I'm a faggot ass bitch that talk about hiding his power level

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I want to get to work on time, or get home on time, and not be held up on a bridge because Anti-fa is angry. I don't want to think about how my bumper sticker or perceived affiliations will be taken when some mob of cunts in black mask "shut down" the place I am.
Again. Fuck you, twat.

Hope to shake his hand. Hope I can handle it.

I don't want to have to watch streams, to find out when shit is getting hot, so I can warn my family to avoid downtown.

If you don't live in Oregon, I don't GAF what you think. If you do, and like the current climate, same.

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This is controlled.
Patriot Prayer Freedom March? This sounds exactly like the kind of thing leftists would organize, except with right wing buzzwords.

All of these posters glow.

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I,I, me

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Oh no doubt there are people looking to fan flames. If anyone does go, go strictly for free speech. Go to support the right for them to have an event that is not interrupted. I would love nothing more than to carry a movie poster sized picture of George Lincoln Rockwell at the Summit of the Nation of Islam, but I would be asked to leave immediately.

Don't go PERIOD, fag
They're going to take pictures of you along with a controlled figure who's going to go and kill another lefty with their car. Everyone on the right will be demonized for this

Attached: Julius Kieser.jpg (600x600, 21K)

so let Portland fall?

>If anyone does go, go strictly for free speech.

>They're going to take pictures of you
Heeb. Be gone.

shut the fuck up you fucking fed son of a bitch, this is a goddamn trap. We can all fight another day. Also,
>three singular posts in a row
You don't fit in faggot, go away

Cunt, there are all kinds of players involved, but for me, it's a local issue. I have to live here, and the far left fags have gotten out of hand.
For you it's a good way to waste time in the cuck shed, but again, I live here and it's shit if you are remotely conservative. And Anti-fa cunts are LITERALLY violent IRL here. Can't have that. I have conservative family that would like to shop now thank you.
Fucking jelly man. Putty. Clay to be molded... Maybe Mo is done with your wife now. Go see.