Honestly, trump cant recover from this

honestly, trump cant recover from this

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>imagine getting a dude sucking another dude off tattooed on your arm
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH absolute fucking faggots every single time some idiot actually got this tattooed on them!

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Imagine being so mad you scar your body with pornography of presidents nobody will remember in 20 years


That guy is a faggot

>nobody will remember in 20 years
sweaty, obama is going in the history books. trump is like a pimple on a teenagers face. gone as quickly as it came and faded into obscurity


What a fag

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That's gonna look good as a lamp shade.

Trump will destroy Obamas legacy.

lmao so he’s destroying America but everybody will forget about it

>being so buttblasted you tattoo homosexual pornography on your arm
the absolute state of liberals

This is mental illness.

Gay niggas.

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>got gay porn tattooed on me, checkmate drumpf

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realistic because it portrays Obama as a fag

checkmate atheists

tiny hands cant even hold a pen correctly. hows he gonna destroy the country

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literally the only thing that Obama will be remembered for is being the first black president.
that's his entire legacy.

a nigger raping a white guy just like he raped our country. nothing to see here

Well, he's a liberal

Your telling me someone actually got that tattoo?

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Imagine 5 years from now he's trying to get a job and they go through his social media and find this shit. Idgaf what political autism spectrum you're on, he'll never get higher than a minimum wage job cause most people arent gonna hire someone that tattoo'd a dick on his arm.

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>sweaty, obama
sips beer:
The rest is abject fantasy

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So mad. So, so mad.

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That is such a gay tattoo. Trump derangement syndrome is real...

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Imagine how even more retarded its going to look after few decades.

It’s over
Drumpf BTFO

Damn I didn't know that Obama had such a little dick. That must be why he was Michael's bottom.

damn, these people man

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>I hate Trump so much I'm going to put him on my body for the rest of my life.
the left is a fucking joke, can we start killing them yet?

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>Trump will take away our LGBTQ+ rights!
>I got this tattoo of Trump doing a gay thing to express my hatred of him
leftist logic

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Blormpf BTFO! He’ll never recover from this.

Hell is for ever!

Imagine being such a disgusting low IQ piece of shit that you permanently put something like that on your body

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wtf does that even say? Is it latin or some fag shit?

thats some heavy half-assed cursive

Blumpf eternally BTFO doh

Wait, what part of the body is this??