Why can't people drive in 2018?

Why can't people drive in 2018?

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isnt this illegal? i dont wanna get pulled over.

Because driving is racist in 2018

Show me a law that says it's legal to go above the speed limit.

10 mph + is when you start getting pulled over. 20 + could be treated as reckless endangerment.

Because that's wrong you scofflaw. Speed limit is the maximum allowed under ideal conditions.

Stop responding to bait threads you fucking retards.

Dear Faggot, what is your insurance? How many points do you have?

NY state Thurway is like this
People always average 70 - 80mph, you'll get honked at and flipped off if you go 65

so where can i drive double the speed limit?

>having speed limits

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let's be honest, 85 is the real safe limit under ideal conditions.

>t.guy who's had so many tickets that his car insurance is now so astronomically high that he can't afford it

If we threw all the cops in a giant woodchipper this wouldn't be an issue

A cop is more likely to pull over someone going the speed limit in the far left lane than he is someone going over the speed limit in the far left lane.

tell that to the cop you faggot the limit is what it is. any thing above is your own responsibility.

When your niggers get vehicles you will demand speed limits.

Up here, we have suicidal poos and halpless chinks. Absolute carnage.

this is how I drive on that very freeway, traffic permitting. I've had one speeding ticket in my life, on a surface street.

Cops set the speed limit to whatever the fuck they want. Its your guess

Non whites are terrible drivers. Race needs to be added when calculating car insurance. Imagine how much we could save creating an all white auto insurance pool?

HAHAHAHA land of the free and we can't ever drive a car to its max
Your dial will only ever reach 55% on the speedometer
You'll never know how good it feels to go balls deep and hit max speed

I like driving in the far left lane going the speed limit just to piss off the assholes behind me. I also enjoy brakechecking tailgating niggers like OP.

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Plenty of run up for a truck of peace

best thread on /pol rn, why is this never discussed and why do people drive like such faglords

Your image is wrong.

The right 4 lanes are splitting off from the left 3. Normally I'd agree with you, but when there's a big split like this its anything goes

This is incorrect. I personally go +80 mph in the left lane.

Show me where this is in the dmv handbook

The passing lane in that picture is now a carpool lane.

The pic is accurate for LA.

Imagine how shit it must be to drive there, I dread running into California drivers in my state because they are the absolute most shitty drivers in existence.

Isn't there a really old meme (the 00s) of a video or story about some guy who drove the speed limit around that highway that circles Atlanta
And people honked and screamed at him the whole way as they passed him.

damn you are dumb.

That's not even how the 405 works moron. Maybe if you could read the fucking signs, there wouldn't be any problems.

His digits do not lie though

loooooool, that's not how it works retard. the speed limit is the speed limit, it's the limit of the speed you are allowed to travel. there is no magical increased speed limit if you're in a left lane.


>Want to go to Sacramento
>Have to speed to get there

I pegged my buddies Civic in the middle of the Arizona desert. Shit was pretty cash.

It's on the State to make this clear but they rather have freeway signs talking about Click-It or Ticket-It.

Not to mention there's too many fucking illegals in California who don't know English or how to drive and none of them have insurance. Fuck California.

>Why can't people drive in 2018

Cruise control and, to a lesser extent, automatic transmissions.

You're the problem. I'm surprised you haven't been shot at yet.

>You'll never know how good it feels to go balls deep and hit max speed
That's easy, just get a shit vehicle. "It's more fun to push a slow vehicle fast, than it is to run a fast vehicle slow".

T. Guy who once built one of those motorized bicycles.

In civilized states, anyone going slower than the person behind them in the left lanes is subject to a traffic violation even if the person behind is going way over

It's often called the "slowpoke law"

i know a guy that got a GSXR 1000 up to around 180mph. he said it was fun but in retrospect it was dumb because one small bump in the road could have caused him to crash and at that speed it would have been fatal for sure.

All lanes are the same speed you dummy

>I pegged my buddies

Stopped reading right there.

its an "unwritten" rule, but yes you should always follow the speed limit

People like you make me sick

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I hope someone shoots out your tires

I haven't seen the 405 that open in forever. I frequently take streets more than the 405 these days.

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The left lane is for those going the speed limit, the right is for "slower" traffic. Lawbreakers can go to hell.

>he said it was fun but in retrospect it was dumb because one small bump in the road could have caused him to crash
I'd like to get a motorcycle but I'm pretty sure that's a decision that ends with my body being wrapped around a tree for exactly that reason.

Not as bad as the time we blew a tranny in an empty parking lot.

Whites are easily the best drivers but there are still plenty of dumb whites that can't drive for shit

I would settle for this you fucking fucks

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You have to go back Pedro

The left lane is for passing, faggot.
Your speed is irrelevant.

I always give into pressure and drive faster. Generally I stick to the speed limit for better fuel economy but I always give into the pressure when someone is tailgating me

Why can't weak faggots walk or cycle. Why must we breathe your poison so that your fat ass can grow weaker and weaker in perfumed comfort ? The only consolation is, drivers get the highest dose. Enjoy your cancer.

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I think pol is just bots responding to bots at this point

illegal spics always drive super slow so that the cops don't pull them over.

granted, it's not like they can get deported now anyway, since it's literally against state law to inform ICE that you have an illegal in custody.

>A cop is more likely to pull over someone going the speed limit in the far left lane than he is someone going over the speed limit in the far left lane.

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no you retarded mongoloid. you can legally be going no faster than the speed limit in the left lane. speed limits are gay but i hate entitled boomer tier assholes who think the whole world has to move so they can drive their pos riced out subaru 30 over. we need an autobahn but more importantly a higher iq population.

Just fucking today we had a line of traffic trapped behind this one car doing 55 in a 65 on I-84 in the passing lane. When I finally got up to that point I got on their ass and held the horn down. Fuckers Would. Not. Move. I went around and saw they were a pair of sheboons. Fucking dumb cunts.

Shit you're lucky to break 10mph right there except between 11pm-4am.

Anyone in LA not doing 85+ in the left line with no traffics is a major hazard and causes accidents from people going around

Mmmm im sure cops understand these """"""unwritten rules"""""""
Go you're a faggot

And then what? Only degenerate niggers are afraid of being pulled over

Not everyone is an inbred mong on an island with cities designed for peasant and serf foot travel user, some people live in a place that requires farther distances to be traveled and are blessed with motor-coaches as their means of conveyance.

you realize speed limits are there to reduce traffic.
going beyond the speed limit causes traffic and congestion spots.
also retards who change lanes every 5 seconds.

>Up here, we have suicidal poos and halpless chinks. Absolute carnage.

Dont forget fucking albertan drivers probably the worst drivers on the fucking planet. BC once did an assesment about speed limits and they considered raising most highways to 115 instead of 100 km/h and basically since most of the time chinks never leave vancouver they could have done it except for fucking albertans. Cunts can only drive in a straight line and even then its only half the time they can do that right

I believe it is actually illegal in my state to block the passing lane, and it takes precedence over speed limit laws. So you either haul ass or stay in the right lane.

Oh I wish a nigga would.

you will get arrested you dumb nigger

If you go over 10% of the posted limit you are at risk to get pulled over.

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this, i did a report on how people's driving habits are more influenced by weather, time, traffic than by speed limit. speed limits are retarded.

How is it bait. If you are going the speed limit in the fast lane i am wishing death on you and hope i see you crash and burn alive in front of my eyes

I agree with the sentiment but that image is of a highway about to split so those rules don’t apply in that situation. You’d have to separate it based on which split they are all going to.

Nobody should go below 80 in the left lane under any normal circumstance though

it's only hard for mexicans and gooks.


It is the 'passing lane' not the 'fast lane'. You are only supposed to be in it when you are overtaking traffic . In theory, if the flow of traffic is doing the speed limit, the 'passing lane' should be empty.

>Retards don't realize you can easily go 5 mph over the speed limit on almost all non-highway roads without worry of getting a ticket.
>You can easily go 10 or 15 mph over the speed limit on highways.

Law breaking low IQ nigger detected.

Speed limit is the speed limit you nigger. Just cause you are on the left does not mean you get to go faster.

Right along zyklon B in Montana



>I also enjoy brakechecking tailgating niggers like OP.

I did that once to a motorcycle. He's dead now.

Cops let you go 20+ easy if you’re on a job


-t. AZ

Because you live in California and over half the drivers are drunken illegal spics and/or on some sort of mood altering substance

>20 over speed limit
ok buddy, enjoy dying

It's bullshit. You don't get many opportunities to go 65 unless it is early morning it late night.

On a highway, yes. Not on a busy freeway in a big city. Then the left lane is for those going 80mph

You american faggots are such bad drivers.

maybe in your state, fagtron

Obey the law you nigger.

nigger thats as illegal as actually speeding in half of the states

what a waste of trips

because blue states are handing out drivers licenses to to get democratic voters and could care less if they know how to drive or read english street signs.

I drive minimum 35 in residential areas, minimum 60 on main roads, minimum 90 on highways.
One speeding ticket ever.

Nothing is free in California you faggot

The main highways here have a design speed of 140 km/h. The speed limit is 100. People naturally go the design speed. 50 over is automatically stunt driving, which is a summary $10,000 fine, 3 day suspension, and roadside vehicle seizure. Ministry of transportation went full retard.

People being unable to drive has been comedy bread and butter since at least the late-70s. It's not new.

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