
Why does Jow Forums refer to mixed race children as "mutts" and "goblins"? When studies constistently show they are more attractive, intelligent and healthy than """pure""" children of any race?



Seems like the science doesn't agree with your racist views.

Attached: beautiful child.png (602x602, 367K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The mutt goblin will be in between the two parents.
That's how it works.
Not above the two.
And those are general terms, I am aware. But when you deal with politics, you deal with the power of the group aka general things.
Kys meme ideology

What a cute baby :^)


all mixed race people interviewed: "this mixed race baby meme needs to die!"

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By the way it's also true in the animal kingdom that mixed breeds are smarter and healthier, since the alt-right loves to invoke dogs to "prove" racism.


That's due to environmental factors like poverty you idiot.

leafpost bestpost

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How do I delete a post

Hes so cute :D

>Throwing around absurd claims while disproving them in the same post with a picture
>Citing any source that claims bad is good, especially globohomo-guardian


Mixed race children are more likely to have health problems , high stress, smoke and drinking problems.
Mixed race kids suffer from low self-esteem, social isolation and poor family dynamics.
Interracial marriages have a 23.5% chance of divorce, compared to the 13% for same race couples.

Typical jewish horseshit.

My whole family smokes even my 7 year old brother smokes it has fuck all to with race


Science does not examine reality on a metaphysical level.

click on the box next to the title and press delete at the bottom of the page


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they all look the same

>studies show that kikes are behind every evil in this world
Oops. You had a little slip there, yid.


Mixed race couples are more likely to have stillborn babies than same race couples.
White/black mixed race children are less healthy than white ones.
Race-mixers may give less parental support to their children because of greater genetic distance.

Lol, if you don't know what statistics are, maybe you shouldn't even @ me , friend.

Man, there are so many red flags in this post that its almost funny.
>typing like you came fresh off facebook
>only two links to back your claims
>”muh science”
>the guardian


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>the guardian

kek, nice try shill. Statistically white people are the most attractive race, white men are the most desirable inter-racially as well as white women. I can see your leaf through your memeflag faggot


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Yes I am Canadian but who cares? And also you can't say whites are the most attractive race when people have been socialized by western cultural hegemony to falsely believe whites are more attractive.

>Ashkenazi/Sephardimutt mix justifying its existence
How does it feel to never be considered a real Jew by the religious leaders of your country?

>every time

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So you post a pic of a baby chimp as your example lmao

no these lesser haplogroups are weaker and dumber. They will eventually create new mutatios… Filthy xenos

Why do racially pure jews have high IQs then?

Delete system_32 in your hard drive

>studies constistently show they are more attractive, intelligent

wow OP, what a horribly bigoted opinion... you're not actually implying that full breed blacks are disgustingly ugly, completely retarded (but not actually retarded) people?


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Dogs breeds are as related to eachother as an anglo is related to a Nord.

Jewish culture encourages success and hardwork

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Hello JIDF! Working overtime for those shekels

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that thing is a monster.

But they are still racially pure so should be inferior to mixed breeds (((user)))

Just look at the poos for example, pale skinned northern indians are considered a better marriage choice, smarter, and better poeple than darker southern indians. Fuck, africans smear all kinds of shit on themselves to bleach their skin, seeing pale skin the same fucking way and killing themselves to get it.

They call all Americans mutts, not just halfbreeds. People in Europe are stupid enough to believe that 100% of people in America are 56% black, but in reality, 56% of Americans are 100% white.

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still the mutt memes are quite funny

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Studies can be bought, you should know that best fagcap

Fuck off hebe

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Some are, most aren’t. It’s clearly being forced though.

Jews are mixed breeds, the 12 tribes were fucked by every nationality over thousands of years. Genology is Jewish trick. aKA 23&Me

>pure jew
no such thing, they are all mutts and detest white people because of it.
the closer to purity they are, the more genetic diseases they have, theyre the weak physically.
mentally like all nepotism practicing communities, they will breed their best with one another but the superior IQ being a factor in their schemes is a myth, theres more genius level whites on earth than there are ALL jews.

You aren't programmed to believe anything to be more attractive. Why aren't east-Asian men considered attractive? Because low nasal bridges and flat faces arne't attractive.

'The Alt Hypothesis' on race-mixing:

These 56% are not white by definition because some so called european haplogroups were brought from Asia or Africa recently. In fact we should call you 5,6% mutt

Mulatto Mongrels

Attached: GINGE + NIGGG.jpg (815x430, 108K)

Reminder that this is what hides behind all memeflags.

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Forgot your meme flag, Ira.

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So a dumb, short white woman and a dumb, short black man will spawn a tall, smart mutt?

Which can often lead sterility.

You would find a toddler attractive you sick fuck. That violates the NAP

Friendly reminder mixed race children have lower IQ, more health problems, cannot donate organs, and cannot receive donated organs. Two mixed race children that are siblings bodies will even reject organs from each other.

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You’re getting the oven for that.

>Why does Jow Forums refer to mixed race children as "mutts" and "goblins"?
Technically mutt refers to Americans of mixed European ethnicity and goblin generally refers to mestizos, who are no longer hybrids but have their own race which was formed from Amerindian women and Spanish men.

Niggers don't count as mutts or goblinos.

It's the white part of them that is attractive. Their intelligence also gets a power boost from their Aryan DNA. Filial 1 (F1) mutts should have 50 percent rights. F2 and F3 ogros get 75% and 95% respectively

And that is exactly the reason why you outlawed marriages between jews and non jews in Israel right?

>studies show they're more attractive
mutt intellectuals lmao wtf does it mean to be scientifically attractive?

You're wrong. Race mixing is dangerous, and mixed breeds are unstable.


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>meme flag poster is literally a kike
this is why I dont trust any of them

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Both links compare children of distantly-related (i.e. not close relatives) parents to children of closely-related parents (i.e. inbred). No shit, an inbred child will on average be fucked up compared to a mutt.
If you want tall, smart children, have children with someone is tall and smart, not someone on the other side of the evolutionary tree.

If they have kids they will be fugly.

That kid is Russian, black and some sort of Asian. I follow the mothers IG. The mother is Russian and the father is black/asian. he's a cute kid I gotta say

>studies constistently show

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Requesting all posts by this ID in the thread in a single image meme. Quality JIDF exposure here.

If there’s a smaller difference between races than within them, how is this true?

Dog breeds have genetic diseases due to inbreeding. As a Jew, you should be all too familiar with this.

Do they have these numbers separated by the mix. I wanna see the half nig kids that are dumber then the average white.

Jews are goblins. Listen to Alex Jones again and now it will make sense.

Most of the mixed kids I know have issues with their identity, and seem to morph into a walking stereotype of one race or another, but I’m not sure it’s that way everywhere.

Mixed race vs Pure white hahaha

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We hate everything the left loves on principle now, that includes poor innocent mutt babies. Sorry, but this is how it's gotta be.

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You had me until

>more attractive




Saying the same thing over and over doesn't make it true.

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>Why does Jow Forums refer to mixed race children as "mutts" and "goblins"?

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You ever notice these racemixing shills only tell you to breed with blacks? Never muslims, spics, or gooks? Always blacks I wonder why.

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This is why no one likes you Moshe

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>Why does Jow Forums refer to mixed race children as "mutts" and "goblins"? When studies
Who else stopped reading right there?

A cross between a Whyte and a Black is an upgraded Black.

A cross between a Whyte and a Black is an upgraded Black. and of no use to Whytes.

Theresa May is Jewish? No way!

> JIDF unmasks self by accident
> How do I delete!?
> Wait no I am Canadian!

toppest of keks

> there is greater genetic diversity inside populations than comparing other populations

Kikes like to bend the truth with information about mixing all the time.

There is enough genetic diversity within europeans to produce healthy children.

They are all cute and good little kids until they hit 10-12 years, thats when you start to understand which of the kids will accomplish something and which ones will become niggers (not literal niggers, but lazy etc.).

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So if we apply this liberal theory to actual real life then...

Arabs must be the pinnacle of human intelligence, beauty and health since they are a mix of whites, blacks and asian?

In fact doesn't the world as it exists prove conclusively that neighboring races mix to produce an average of the two's abilities?

Your theory only applies to resistance to some diseases, and if your theory were put into global practice, human's ability to fight infection would greatly diminish as the required intelligence needed to maintain civilization and health would decline as your willingness to let the dumbest and most irresponsible people to breed away and smother out the more intelligent wherever they live.

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>muh hybrid vigor!
We aren't some tiny tribe up in the mountains somewhere that lacks genetic diversity. We have huge populations in the 10s-100s of millions. There is nothing to gain from race mixing but a whole lot to lose.

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Brazil as an example destroys their entire argument. It's the most mongrelized place on the planet with negroid/native/white mutts everywhere. Worst murder rate of any country, over half of the people live in extreme poverty, non-existent education, just a mixed race hell. That's what jews and their leftist slaves want for all white countries

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>"mutts" and "goblins"
I call them mutants

You do realize the genetics study mentioned in both articles made conclusions against procreation between first cousins. The actual study was INCONCLUSIVE between on the benefits of inter-race genetics.

The only conclusion was to not procreate with your first cousin....

Next time read the article versus the headline and the picture.

Put me in the screencap.