He. Will. Be. Impeached

He. Will. Be. Impeached.

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A tape exists of Seth Rich’s murder

A tape also might exist of OP having sex with multiple black men at one time

Something may or may not exist which may or may not show or not show someone or someone else doing or not doing something that may or may not be inappropriate.

In your dreams maybe

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pretty self aware post from huffpost. are they finally learning something?

exactly. they may or may not be making up the whole fucking thing


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They are just begging for 4 more years of Trump at this point, they never learn.

whoa so this is """news"""

digits and it exists

This is the most words in a coherent sentence used to say absolutely nothing that I have ever seen.

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And they wonder why they are so hated

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Lol. The juxtaposition of the huffpo headline with the text of this shill post is the absolute state of leftism. I never get tried of winning. Fucking hilarious


John Miller has the tape, they need to talk to him.


Drump took poopy in elevatir hehehe

what could he have done? shit or pissed or jerked off real quick? summoned hitler and ghengis khan and napoleon and plotted world domination?

Too bad the link of the video was sent to Hillary via email.

A tape may or may not exist of Trump eating THREE scoops at a State Dinner.

since op is a faggot,

If that tweet was a /pol post it would have been saged.


kek liberal desperation is reaching new heights.

This sums up the left pretty well. It might exist, but we don't know, but it might. Just take our word for it.

>Three scoops


Lol it looks like someone there would read their own work, and be like "gee I sound like a parody of a retarded leftist," and just not run the article.

No he won't.

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>implying leftists read

They can, but they don't.

This requires enough self awareness to be self deprecating, and if they could do that, half their current beliefs wouldn't exist.

Dream on faggot

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This is textbook yellow journalism.

Let me get this straight.. You added a report from the Huff Post, that indicated that a tape might exist of the President doing something. But no one knows what, and no one has heard anything about it or what is on the tape....

Stay off Meth..

holy fuck it's like fake news doesn't even halfass try to present their libelous hit-propaganda as actual reporting anymore.

I mean during the Presidential election cycle it was so surreal to watch the speed and magnitude with which the (((journalism))) industry went from at least pretending to be objective news to flat-out declaring that their mission is to advocate for the greater good (rightthink) rather than present unbiased information.

We've watched them go from "anonymous sources" to "sources getting death threats" to even citing "sourced familiar with so-and-so's way of thinking" as corroboration for pure baseless conjecture, but OP's article takes the cake.

>There might be something that shows that someone did a thing, but there isn't anyone who can actually say if this something exists, let alone what sort of thing it shows someone doing. However we're confident that you, our valued readers, can derive the objective factual truth from this because if the someone is LiterallyHitler(tm), than the something must be equivalent to the Holocaust(tm).

A tape may theoretically potentially maybe possibly in theory in one universe kinda 50-50 maybe so could exist...


Lordy let there be tapes.

More worrisome is ... at what point do they start deepfaking this shit? What's stopping them now?

mods are too busy sucking each others dick I see

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>Lordy let there be tapes.

ThisX2. If Trump was doing something inside an elevator which was significant enough to capture on tape, I can only assume it was something Maximum-Chad.

It's a safe bet that whatever it is (assuming it's real) would be just like every other "reprehensible" thing Trump has done; pussy leftist snowflakes will screech and REEEE while the rest of us think it makes him even more endearing,