Why is it so overpriced, Jow Forums?

Why is it so overpriced, Jow Forums?

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>tfw the only thing you're paying for in a university is a single professor

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greater and greater administration fees brought on by greater and greater administration burdens catering to the lawsuit-happy generation of parents who look back fondly on the exact same shit they would sue the school for not preventing

dam its like this web cartoonist is not an authority on post-secondary education for some reason.

when the government is subsidizing everyone so that the college can charge you even more

Universities have become more and more left wing. The SJW agenda has clearly taken over postsecondary education institutions in this era. Ergo, the greed that has led to the current tuition rates comes from... The left itself. This is literally greedy leftists stealing from leftists.

>create culture where college is considered a necessity with the GI bill
>demand for college skyrockets
>change laws so that student loans can't be defaulted on, meaning that colleges can accept nearly anyone and still get paid
>colleges are now free to raise prices to whatever they want because your average dumbfuck doesn't understand the concept of debt and students loans are risk free in investors eyes

Artificially infinite demand

That's the labor theory of value for you.
The biggest problem with universities is sports programs. Sports should not be allowed in schools, they're a drain on the institution and only serve to bring in niggers and crime.

is he ok?!?!

The perception that a middle-class life is impossible to attain without a bachelor's, and that an upper-middle class life is very difficult to attain without a graduate degree. Add to this the influx of wealthy Chinese students whose parents will shell out practically anything to have their kid educated at an American university driving up tuition. Basically they have you by the balls and they know it.