Why do you let a Jewish guy make fun of yours whole country?

Why do you let a Jewish guy make fun of yours whole country?


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the entire world makes fun of burgers, so I guess that they learned to not care.

New haters like this Herman Munster looking fucker have to wait in the back of the line while the current haters are being processed by America.

America has this thing called freedom of speech, its what separates a good country from a monkey ridden shithole like Brazil.

How can you guys not appreciate Sasha not even a little bit?


Because we have Freedom of Speech. It is the right of all American's to be complete morons.

this guy is talented, even if he is a libfag, or fucks with conservatives, he is a meme master, since i was a young kid i've enjoyed his fucked up humor, even if he is a quasi-fag. I can give respect where it is due, thats what separates us from the bluebrains

>implying we cared to begin with

Like, look at this shit. This is fucking hilarious. Is this going to change anyone vote? No, but its okay to look at this shit and laugh at least once. This is actually fucking funny and yes I am a kike shill so.yboy. It's hard to believe the guy didn't sign up to do this for fun.

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>brazil doesnt have freedom of speech

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This is so fucking blatant I find it hard to believe the guy wasn't in on the joke.

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kek this is actually funny.

desu I like this sasha. Look at his chad as fuck chin here. Anyway, I'm done shilling.

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>A literal who

Do you get fanny flustered when some dirtman int he street calls you cheap because you won't toss him a coin?

He is making fun of Israel too in this clip

nvm I'm not done shilling. He got fucking JOE WILLSON to say this shit.

This is what makes he awesome. He fucks with everyone. Its refreshing desu.

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Torrents(with protection from a VPN) and adblocker

These things kill the kike

No one really cares about what Mr. Famous thinks anymore.

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He is literally tricking a kike fellator. He thought he was getting flown in by an isreali award show no fucking lie. Sasha is fucking based. This shit should be Jow Forumscore.

He looks like Max Headroom or the guy from that pedo show with the pink haired kid on it.

You don't know robbie fucking rotten's name? ! Newfag detected.

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>make fun of yours whole country?

He's making fun of all the idiots that will suck Israeli dick on anything. If Israel is doing it, they'll sign off on it. Both Reps & Dems.

> Jewish
> Your country
There's your mistake, it's not our country, it's theirs

Isn't racism literally illegal in Brazil?

Reminded me more of Facejacker than his earlier work, it was ok, not great, but has potential, i'll keep watching.