Is China about to have another crackup? If you look at Chinese history...

Is China about to have another crackup? If you look at Chinese history, it always seems like the minute they finally have their shit together and are about to truly step forth as the global hegemon they ought to be, something happens and they shit the bed, which results in millions of them dying. China looks pretty good right now, or has in the last few years, so I figure we've got to be in for another Warring States Period soon, right?

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Clones, only 3 immune system subtypes in a population of billions. Our specially-designed fungus will eliminate them shortly.

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The US-Sino trade war will probably suppress enough of their growing middle class that people will flip out. China is trying pretty hard to control their society with social points, mass surveillance, and face recognition software. They know the schism is coming.

The mistake you make is believing the CCP EVER had their shit together. The only and I repeat ONLY way to move up in the CCP is through taking out your competition and thats interpreted quite literally. For example take Xi Jin Ping. You think by looking at the party that everythings good, but hes been taking down members of the rival faction lead by Jian Ze Min. On top of that EVERY PLA general is corrupt and the Army, Navy and Airforce quite literally fight eachother on a daily basis.

Lets not also forget that there is no middle class in the PRC. What you get it dirt poor vs uber rich. This is further made worse by village people essentially needing a big city visa to work in their own fucking country in cities like Shanghai or Beijing.

Considering the recent riots that took place in Zhanjiang with the veterans not being paid their pensions, the bombings, and the uptick in highly contagious viral outbreaks in the region, I think we're not going to be waiting for very long.

Shanghai has its own special rights compared to the rest of the country and not advertised

Please elaborate user

the Chinese are the biggest obstacle faced by the Chinese, desu
>it always seems like the minute they finally have their shit together and are about to truly step forth as the global hegemon they ought to be, something happens and they shit the bed
Chinese always fuck each other over somehow.

Don't forget Chinese war """""""""""""""""tactics"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""

gestalt me?

By 2032 China will emerge as the financial capital of the world. Martin Armstrong’s AI computer has it already mapped out based on cycles.

(((((((Martin Armstrong AI computer)))))))

Yes very soon

this based poo

Northern Militarists
Central Industrialists
Southern Secessionists

t. goldman sachs employee

The US and Russia will conquer and partition China.

Mark my words.

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The chinese lost a war to the fucking french while outnumbering the french forces in the area by at least 3x

How fucked do you have to be?


Southern Mercantilists

Xi Jinping looks like winnie the pooh.

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>xijin the ping and nigger

>China looks pretty good right now, or has in the last few years
Fake it until you make it
Or until famine kills millions dunno

Does anyone in China even care their police state is growing and Xi now has Mao tier powers?

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It's fine my dude, disregard the hordes of wealthy chinese parking their cash outside the country in droves and sending their kids abroad

I dont care anymore, we have much bigger problems in hime to solve

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user, I think you might be the one with Down's Syndrome

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Chinks are not beautiful, but neither are Anglos.

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>This mad over a simple fact
Gee I wonder who's behind this post......

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Chinas hope for growth is outside of china.
95%+ of Chinese freshwater sources are polluted.
Even the groundwater is poisoned with heavy metals.
They are facing a demographic die-off of massive proportions.

Every week they have to give out hundreds of billions in subsidies to prop up industry's like steel.

Everyone smokes in china. Living in the city is worse for you than being a smoker. So there's no downside.

Most of the smart Chinese money fled years ago.

Watch out for the Chinese, the ones over here buying up property. They want to use the USA as Lebensraum

They have their shit together? Didn't he just abolish his own term limit literally this year? Fuck commies, Putin too.

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Okay buddy, calm down

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? left is american, right is chinese no?

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big down syndrome back at it with the shilling

A plausible assumption, although the boy with down syndrome does have a German sounding name.

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Haha seriously though what the fuck
What do you guys wager is behind that memeflag?

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I meant for a while now, it's looked like they were going to get it together and be a superpower.

But I agree that Xi declaring himself ruler for life is probably going to have bad consequences. It looks like things are starting to pop off just as he's settling in as emperor, which is not a good sign for him.

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China will grow larger, faggot.

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China's empire collapses always coincide with the grand solar minimum. We're at the very beginning of another grand solar minimum. Famine will be China's undoing, like it usually has been. They're trying to prepare for it, but there's going to be a lot of death.

They have a massive debt bubble.

>A population of downies is going to grow larger
I doubt it, most oriental downie women don't even like their own downie men, and for biological reasons prefer to indulge in miscegenation.

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>China looks pretty good
China is a Ponzi scheme one trade war away from complete collapse. Trump knows this. I knows this. Not sure how you don’t know this, fucking idiot. China will not exist as a single nation state in the 20 years. Trump will be hailed as the hero that killed the dragon created by Nixon.

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>Tigger the Nigger

Thanks swede-user

I got a few chuckles out of that

China in the past 20 years has only grown, and it has had the biggest growth in its history. It will be hard for any secessionist group to gain momentum, though if they slow down it is more likely they become more like Japan's/South Koreas economy with a bigger trade outreach. China is set up pretty good however for the future, they get cheap energy from Russia and just need a holistic trade deal with the EU. If America declines further and starts withdrawing from regulating world trade , China will have a bigger influence in Europe, Africa and Middle-East, not just economically but also in foreign policy.

Every single country in the world has a debt bubble, with the US having the biggest. China doesn't even compare.

I love sharing laughs with my corpulent colonial cousins.

>China's end will be soon
Christ can't they just go away at once after all this time, I swear they'll end up falling soon


The CCP probably could have stayed in power for another century had they continued Deng Xiaoping's rule of getting rid of individual personality cults, now Winnie The Pooh is slowly going to Mao levels of retardation which will probably end up leading to the government collapsing in the next 2 decades.
It's absolutely baffling how much they're going along with his stupidity after sealing a perfect Orwellian recipe for societal control for the past 30 years.

They view it as “the Mandate of Heaven.” It’s part of their culture to be insect slave drones. They literally view authoritarianism as democracy.

Source on this or general info on immune system subtype distrubution around the world?
The implications of this are very interesting...

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The Western countries do this differently, they have the luxury of being able to go for a softer, more subtile approach with monitoring and influencing the populus.
I estimate that China is already firmly in control of their people with the current state of their programs, and if not they'll reach the point where uprising won't be possible anymore within the next decade.
Also consider that the quality of life for a large percentage of their population has dramatically improved the last two decades. Hundreds of millions have entered the middle class.
They're not going to flip out because of a recession.

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Japan as a unified society will probably survive far longer than us as a strong country...

Wonder if Japan, using their extremely advanced technology, high discipline and morals could regain their place as the 2nd world economy, behind the U.S.... hell if you could regain your nationalistic notions I'd be really scared.
China has a lot of problems, Japan not so much, it might be possible that Japan instead of China rule over Asia? Or be the most powerful country over there?

Serious question, do you guys have ANY sort of 'neo imperialistic' ideas? Any guys you could scream just like Nazis are called out here?

The end of china is nigh but it acceleration into oblivion is caused by TRUMP BABY

Japan is still firmly wracked with post-WWII guilt. It would take a paradigm shift to alter Japan back into an imperialist mindset. However I personally don’t think it would be difficult to awaken those demons given that Japan’s neighbors are still quite hostile despite efforts to foster peace.

If the world order really does begin to fracture and disassemble, and there is some sort of spark or casus belli, I could see conflict breaking out easily.

Right now, I don’t think Japan really wants to rule over Asia, though. It would take too much effort.

I’m The American Waseda guy btw...

not until xi dies, unlike the previous chinese leaders xi is actually charismatic with a great propaganda machine going for him inside china.

ones he dies all bets are off and wouldnt put it past the chinese to go fullblown nuclear civil war or just outright invade another country to stem civil war

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chinese economy is a bubble fueled by real estates that keeps itself together by printing more paper money. China's economy is going to collapse sooner or later

great book

remember when journalists did their own factfinding?

I remember.

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Their economy will likely implode if Trump continues to enact sanctions. It will be unfortunate as refugees will flood neighboring countries.


>They literally view authoritarianism as democracy.
Can we ship our lefties over there, they'd do great
okay theyd get executed which would be awesome


Chinese don't care about freedom AT ALL, they will be fine with all of that as long as they can feed themselves.

There is growing middle class of skilled labor and educated professionals. They are the single most destabilizing factor of the entire state. Buffalo farmers and mining slaves will not revolt when securities and housing markets implode. They were poor and will continue to be. The very rich will flee to other country where they own property and passport if they have no political power and very rich with political power will remain because it is only their hope of survival as elite. These people will not flee to Canada and New Zealand only to become wage laborers and lower missile class professionals. The middle class stands most to lose and most to gain, and are larger than very rich class as well as filling all key middle management positions. All generals can be replaced by their subordinates however the 80 year old fat PLA general can not fly the jet fighter or lead the battalion of lower middle and lower class Chinese.

Lookup shadowbanking.

You're overestimating how much Trump's sanctions will do. It will slow economic growth but not to a point of collapse. China will shift it's trade to other countries.

The only policiy the USA can enact right now that has a chance of completely ruining China is an all out blockade of all the sea shipping lanes. It will mean war and the USA nor their allies are willing to go this far. The window of opportunity to do this at a cost that is not too great has passed.

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Such shifts in trade do no occur overnight, and there is not another market which is prepared to support the loss of US trade for china. US has more options. china has built this trap theirselves by maintaining export surplus for so long. With out this fast cash trading chinese markets become unstable.

Chinese economy nearly collapsed in January of 2018. The country is fucked beyond hope socially, and environmentally. Those who can try to escape to literally anywhere. The chinese government builds fucking ghost cities where nobody lives just to keep the housing prices in check, but they cannot do it indefinitely. It is all a big scam.

good thread but spammed with a lot of dumb posts. china's stock market has declined a lot this year. interesting things are happening relative to the value of the yuan and gold as well. there's something going on, but it's hard to figure out. i'm wondering if there's more to trump's tariff game than meets the eye too.

lol no you fool. The only country that has a major consumer class and is growing is america. There is no other prospectful market comparable at the moment. Someday maybe pakistan or india, but not right now at all, and both have declining pops.

your not good with history are you. the west hype something and china edges closer to over throwing america in total gdp every time. they dont shit the bed your dumb ass just never reads the news a week later and accepted the headline as absolute fact the week previous

as a result i bet you cant give a ball park estimate for chinas total gdp

tell you what bong keep coming here . new economic data rolls in for america in a few weeks and i post these things in othe rtopic threads when the time comes.

just for you i will do it for a week for the next 3 batches of economic data with a side by side comparison with china america germany/france/uk. i bet this is the year america slips again with negative gdp growth

if you dont want to see it fair warning every week of gdp figures for america (1 time every 3 months) i will be posting it regularly in unrelated threads town crier style. i will make you choke on your undeserved sense of self importance as you watch america be over thrown

>millions of them dying
Started a bit ago with H7N9, they're not reporting their losses openly because it's in the five digits now

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> Soulless bug people slave race
Who somehow have the highest national IQ in the world :^)

>trusting statistics published by communist authoritarian states

Please Mohammed.

Bump for interest

500 children are ran over daly in his country and he smiles

>waste time looking up bullshit
yeah, no.

What ever Chang.

>Thirty years' war
>Seven years' war
>Napoleonic wars
>World War 1
>World War 2
It's time for another major war in the West. The last one already cost them their colonies.

they're only neighbouring with literal shitholes and japan