This is how a real president stares down an enemy. Trump should take notes. No saluting Korean generals this time eh?
This is how a real president stares down an enemy. Trump should take notes. No saluting Korean generals this time eh?
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What's wrong with that? It's common custom in asian cultures to bow to elders.
Fuck off mate
I bet he wanted Putin to fuck him in the ass
Not when you've whooped their ass an dropped two fucking nukes on them. You don't bow to the conquered and the president doesn't bow at all. Don't they kiss each others cheeks in Russia too? Should Obama have kissed Putin or was that why he was staring.
Kek member when he let Russians hack the election?
Here is what Putin thought of Obama's Stare Down.... hahahahaha
checked and cucked. obama could not have been more of a faggot.
it's not some random politician it's the emperor you retard.
You didn't throw any nuke some evil bunch of kikes did. Just look at all the american wars the goys get sent to die and war weapons are used only as commercial stunts.
Fuck you. US and Russia NEED to cooperate and get along because they are the biggest dogs in the room. If I believed, I would pray for this meeting. As it is, I just want to see them work together for peace and prosperity. Fuck the doubters and the haters. This is about life and the future. Be friends!
>an enemy
Why is Russia an enemy? If I was a seppo I'd be much more concerned about the traitors from within trying to stir the pot.
I think Putin might actually be autistic.
Fake this is the real photo.
What's wrong with showing respect to some based elder, you sperging homo kys
so true
It is only common in thier tradition to if a bow is exchanged you both meet at the same levels.. Bowing lower then your greeter shows subservence which is fine if its your boss, or someone who is above you the company..
but its NOT appropriate for a world leader to bow when no bow is exchanged, it makes you look like an iddiot and that you dont understand the culture of the very person you are speaking with.
>He was greeted with a handshake and took a bow, pretty sure china man is like "What is this dumb nigger doing"
Only retards think that's bad
bitch obongo's incompetence was Russia's asset. Democrats only starting giving a shit about russia after the election which by the way...
>literal evil empire responsible for the death and subjugation of millions
>democrats: "Fucking war hungry republicans, give peace a chaaa~aaance!!!"
>a couple of drunk vodka niggers posting farting frog memes on faceberg during an election
>democrats: "WE HAVE TO STOP THEM!!!"
Democrats are the biggest hypocrites on the face of the earth that were all for obongo's "russian reset" (which was an absolute joke of diplomacy from beginning to end and only serves to highlight how inept obongo and hillary actually were) until they started blaming them for Trump. Putin was freely absorbing ukraine and whatever else he fancied with zero opposition from obongo, aside from some empty threats and bitching. People don't even talk about Crimea now, that's Putin's now, he took that, pocketed it, and went back for seconds, good job obumbo
is that eminem or podesta?
Obama's a power bottom.
Putin thought Obama was a faggot and treated him as such.
that retard would bow and almost touch his forehead to the ground every time he encountered an Asian person, he had no idea what he was doing and neither would you apparently
>Putin knew Obama was a faggot and treated him as such.
Thanks for posting Putin´s KGB "putting a bullet through this nigger´s face" gaze.
Always glad to contrast some bitch nigger ape goggling with true white man star down.
Because you don´t bow down to the other´s dick level, Idiot.
An emperor only in name that we effectively neutered and removed divine rule. The pacific war wasn't even about kikes and they bombed us first faggot. I guess I forgot if you nuke your enemies they win.
Obama was really was the ultimate American president. Such a cool cat, No scandals. Scholarly. Happily married. Really fun guy.
Trump is basically just a fucking bitch compared to Obama.
Obama was a Pussy, Trump has balls, this is why America will be great again.
No scandals? I can think of a few.. dozen.
Why do they keep saying this when they themselves protest with hammer and sickle sign with support for communism/socialism?
>This is how a real president stares down an enemy.
>"I'll be more flexible after my election."
>Laughing at Romney for thinking Russia's a threat.
Stalin would be proud of your historical revisionism.
Two faces
>looks sternly
>literally doesn't do anything for 8 years
~~so dreamy~~
That's a sleepy nigger stare.
i don't think this is bad, in fact i kinda wish more presidents did this. if you wanted to shit on obama, you should've showed the clip where that manlet castro punked obama and was waving his limp wrist arm around
He's not even looking putin in the eye lel
I can't find a single fucking Trump faggot wearing that red KKK hat. Not ONE. I just want to ruin one of them. Step in for the liberal left American way and DROP a fucking shitbag conservative COCK EATING FAGGOT in the fucking GAY red hat.
Barely see any muscle veins.
Now THIS is the epitome of the SLAV
Putin is a master jimmy rustler.
>You didn't throw any nuke some evil bunch of kikes did
>kikes created anime
nani the fuck? I love Israel now
Nice shoop
>the closest ally which got nuked
You amerimorons do realize that Akihito was a teenager when Japan got nuked and Obama was the first president to travel to Japan to acknowledge the nuking?
I wish a real aussie here could just bitch slap you through their monitor.
What's your point?
>thinking russia is an enemy
>thinking no one knows you're a russkie behind Swedish proxy
You cuck, that's a weakling trying to stare down a god, acting tough when he's not and Putin knew it.
>Le anime was because of nukes retardation
Can you die.
>obama gone from politics
>Putin still in charge
Who is the cuck again
The Russian shills going full force in this thread, huh.
>Putin still in charge
The Aussie shit poster who adores/ dictatorships
kys kike.
Everybody hated that nigger, myself included.
Hating on Obama doesn't make us shills you retard spic
He was a fake usurper and let Putin run roughshod over America
Now he will be told to stop. And he will, because we have a real President.
We wuz, we are, we will.
Imagine you are Putin and the rest of your country is this
Russia's the "safe" enemy who won't flip out and nuke us. If we didn't have Russia we'd have China, who doesn't give a fuck. Russia's hard truth is if they joined blue team, they'd get used to nuke China and they'd take the retaliatory strike. Russia doesn't win by joining blue team.
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