>youtube channel starts out with two white men commentating over video games >funny as fuck, gets unabashedly politically incorrect at times >they bring in a slobbering nigger who plays video games like a slow retard and can't tell his left from his right >entire channel goes to shit and turns into a PC hugbox
Your ID is a nice color and looks like it says DOOFGA which sounds like something that the colored person in the picture might say.
Nathaniel Peterson
first off niggers fucking stink
Liam Martin
I imagine they became more PC when their youtube buxx were threatened. Another theory was because they didn't want to piss off their girlfriends/wives. Matt became more and more of a pussy over time too.
Joshua Smith
But it was originally going to be Mat and Woolie but Woolie was too busy at the time
Matthew Perry
>commentating what the fuck kind of niggerism is this?
commenting, not commentating. converse, not conversating.
nigger english
Charles Harris
They also steal pies
Nathaniel Sullivan
It's Okay To Be White.
White Power Truths 101
Jaxson Long
Jordan Barnes
I havent watched their channel in years. From what I remember, Woolie was the edgy one. I remember that he was at an Opie and Anthony show talking to them (O&A were notoriously "racist" and edgy). Did it really become PC lately?
Adrian Reed
Nah just videos with Mat in are PC, if its Pat and Woolie then Pat will say whatever he wants and Woolie try and play it safe but will eventually start going along with Pat and be offensive
Jason Miller
I remember hearing about Mat having a weird mental breakdown a couple years ago. It might have to do with that. Also, what the fuck happened to Liam?
Luke Bailey
Eh, Woolie walks the fine line between comedy and offensive content. He's a good counter to Pat.
Can't remember what the podcast was when Liam said that Woolie was 3/5ths black and Woolie died with laughter.
Xavier Rivera
Liam basically quit because he couldn't handle being worst girl, same reason that Mat took time off for a month
Julian Hernandez
Matt went full cuck and everyone started doing individual channels to jump ship
Alexander Carter
I need details, nigga. Matts tweets are protected, did something happen?
Joseph Reyes
Watched SBFP religiously from what must have been the 8th grade til about two years ago (21 currently.)
As a Jow Forums autist in high school these guys were like any other LPer, friendship simulators.
I don't want to go back because it's like an ex or a drug habit. Good thing I'm assuming they've kept the same shit quality of content not to invite me back in.
Evan Robinson
just watch Paige's (Pat's gf) streams for the actual good content
Kevin Morgan
>Matts tweets are protected Thats pretty much enough to know someones cucked af
Liam Cruz
I read some rumors on here that Liam was trying to hook up with Paige. No idea about that. Another rumor I seen on here that Liam purposely fucked with Pat's TV settings to piss him off.
Austin Cox
Oh no my jewtube channel
Mason Hughes
This. Woolie and Pat playthroughs are top tier best friends material. All of the politically incorrect jokes you love and good bants. Both of them still browse /v/. Matt is a tumblr faggot who's SJW wife cucks him. He's also a legit alcoholic.
Jonathan Diaz
woolie's hilarious, sorry you're upset by a black guy being in your entertainment medium, faggot
Aiden Morgan
>picture of a black guy >somehow me, a person of culture, is supposed to know what this references go to bed gamergate kids
Lincoln Peterson
>TBF ever funny Go back to /v/ please.
Logan Morgan
Woolie did you make this thread? Don’t you have a podcast to record tomorrow?
Jaxson Carter
Niggers aren't very PC, their fault for being self conscious 2bh
Jose King
Woolie is undeserved of the nigger accusations. Despite acting 'tribal' among other blacks and race baiting more often lately, his real difficulty is his ego and his grotesque hair care. That and being a race traitor, which as you know is a negative for whites as well.
Although I do have sympathy for him. He grew up in the islands man, I've heard some horror stories. One of them involved him being refused attendance to a family funeral because of family religious grounds. Also, he has lineage involved in the communist/revolutionary uprisings, and a fucked up family, so if he's a little bit "SJW" I'll let him pass.
Matt's an alcoholic plush toy who needs to harden up. Pat's ok. They're all bad on the police question though, that cosplay stunt was no reason to dislike police, in fact it was downright childish.
Benjamin Davis
commentate ˈkɒmənteJt/ verbBritish gerund or present participle: commentating
report on an event as it occurs, especially for a news or sports broadcast; provide a commentary.
>gerund or present participle: commentating back-formed, and non-standard.
Andrew Flores
They are literally called sports commentators you fucking mong
Liam Evans
>good content >60+ minutes of reading donations every stream I get it; they want to be consistent and show gratitude to EVERYONE who financially supports them. But just get on with the fucking video game.
Daniel Robinson
kys, woolie is funny, Liam is the nigger of the channel and I'm glad he's gone.
Ppfftt imagine him being kicked out over some stupid reason like that kek..just fucking with pat...it was prob money the reason Liam left ...boss couldn't make those dollars yo
Christopher Howard
Also fucking kek a woolie thread on pol.
Camden James
Pat+Woolie is literally the best combo, you pleb. Matt can get annoying as hell and Liam is just boring (SBF got instantly better when he left).
Landon Taylor
It was over when they got a cat Even day9 turned to shit once he got a cat I swear there's a connection here
Woolie isn't terrible commentary, he is however terrible at puzzle solving, map navigation, exploration and other basic skills of level movement. He's great at fighting games because they require no understanding of the game world. Pat is the strongest when he has someone to place against, anyone it doesn't matter. I really loved his summery of dialog in RPGs.
Youtube has really gone down the toilet because of niggers and because of Germans. Two of the worst fucking groups of people for youtube. I used to use Youtube all the time, if I found anything interesting I would look up similar content and then just binge that shit for days. I can't do that anymore, because half of the people producing content are niggers or people who speak German. At least with the niggers you can tell it's a nigger from the thumbnail, so you can avoid it, but the Germans never state that the video is German. You go trough dozens of videos, and every single one of them is some German fag who didn't even bother to put something like ''[Ger]'' in the video title. Most of the time the title of the video is in English, so they're specially fishing for people looking for English content. I hate these faggots.
Tyler Campbell
What the fuck are you guys talking about? Woolie was their best addition, and nothing about Matt or the channel is PC. The worst thing to happen was Liam joining, and he’s gone now.