What is your opinion on single mothers?
What is your opinion on single mothers?
Absolute cancer and a huge factor in the collapse of social order.
"til death do us part"
Yup. fpbp as usual.
I was raised by a single mother and although I love her to death, I have all sorts of personality and mental problems that can easily be attributed to not having a father. I sort-of blame her but I will never tell her.
My opinion? Well for every single mother there’s a single father. I think they get too much blame for the failure of two people.
Inb4 >women are too blame because they’re the ones that carry the baby hurr durr
Yes but men know that sex carries the real possible consequence of kids as well. They’re not less guilty of creating life because they don’t carry it, or less obligated to the baby. Don’t want kids with that ‘crazy bitch’? Don’t fuck her. Bretty simple my dudes.
In general should not be allowed to exist.
A single woman getting pregnant should result in a state forced shotgun wedding.
If the man is already married the baby should be aborted (early 1st trimester) and both parents should get 100 lashes. Lashes waived if the mother can prove she didn't know the man was married.
If the woman was married but concieved a child in adultery the baby aborted (1st trimester) and the wife and her lover will be flogged up to 200 lashes at the husbands discretion...
Something like that.
They get the rope
Immoral to raise a child in half a home.
They're pretty good for if you're a pedo looking for a kid to molest.
My wife was a single mother, she had a hot a hot little daughter, I needed to have her. She was about 30 months when I met them, shes so hot and I play with her all the time now.
i was 'raised' by a drug-addicted single mother who left when i was 15 to be with a fat illiterate lesbian. my opinion of them is not very good.
Why would any woman want to do this to herself much less think the kid won't suffer for it boggles my mind. Maternal instinct has turned retarded and single mothers should just eat their babies like rabbits do.
>"Bretty simple my dudes"
>pushing the blame away from roasties
Know how I know you're a woman?
>Immoral to raise a child in half a home.
And abusive.
Single mom's should be charged with Child Abuse.
How do you do fellow dudes?
almost all kids raised by a single mother end up fucked. luckily i was raised by a single father
>for every single mother there’s a single father
Beyond wrong. Women almost always get custody. A literal drug addict will get custody before her stable ex-husband.
giving women the option to murder the unborn pretty much gave guys a pass on manning up when he got a chick pregnant
she's the one choosing to keep the kid, so she gets to suffer the consequences...not him
making abortion illegal again would fix this social problem
Ok Pharisee
>>women are too blame because they’re the ones that carry the baby hurr durr
>or less obligated to the baby
>Yes but men know that sex carries the real possible consequence of kids as well.
single dad here, no wife (she’s dead to me, in jail), 3 boys, ages 5, 8, & 15
Sentient, carbon-based black-holes that suck the fun, life, money & time out of everything they come into contact with due to having no responsibility or accountability for their own actions.
let them rot.
Kill yourself
How old are you?
Are you white?
Do you expect your children to also end up in jail at some point?
Also notice she started her post with "My opinion?"
This is just another way of saying "I know you don't want to hear my opinion because it's extremely flawed but I'm going to force it on you anyway"
Do you make them fight for their meals
What do they want to be when they grow up
Why did you pump out three kids with such a trash mother, surely there were warning signs
t. raised by a single thot
are you sure they're all yours?
Why did you have that many kids with a loser criminal? Hell, why did you have any?
>3 boys
You jealous you dont have a hot little step-daughter like me? There's plenty of single mother hoes out there, you can get one too.
Jamarcus, Brayden and Julio are definitely all his.
whats even the point of mothers? i was raised by a single father , never even knew my mother , and im fine. (at least i think im fine lol)
I totally agree with you. I got knocked up when I was 18. I kept the kid though and now the dad is wanting to be involved. 11 some years later.
Yes, white , blue eyes, Christian upbringing
My middle son is hurting the most from all this drama . Our split happened at a tender age. The youngest barely knows his mother and never bonded. The oldest is a literal saint so I do see him being a criminal at all, but looks like he might be a future NEET. Bet he even reads here (hi, jack)
Better than no parents, worse than 2 parents of biological different genders
>(at least i think im fine lol)
You're on Jow Forums my man, you are not fine at all
Mine did the best she could (my dad was the asshole who cheated) and stayed single because she didn't want me to resent whoever she met, or him to resent and mistreat me, but overall I think a strong male figure aside from my grandfather would have been a benefit.
There is nothing easy about growing up without a father.
Purposely having children with no father is abuse.
She went from model trad wife to junky thief due to getting hooked on opioids and then meth to rev herself back up to handle 3 rambunctious boys. She failed, obviously and almost took me down with her. But for my siblings and parents stepping in to save me.
They are a blight upon the land. You're better off having single dads anyday of the week than single moms iirc. It's one of those lose lose ssituations for a society and it generates just shitty kids (most of the time, retards always want to use anecdotes when speaking on the whole)
Doctor Pajeet strikes again?
Take it from somebody who was in your kid's position (me). Do not make it difficult at all for the kid to see his/her father. It will only damage them further. Even if you yourself don't want to see the father, swallow your feelings and do it for your child.
Yes they’re all mine and they have Anglo names. All blue eyed future heart throbs.
The externalities of single motherhood are bad for society.
There is only a very narrow set of circumstances that would make a single mom date-able.
>she's a widow
>she did everything right in life including earning an education and starting a career
>child is very very young
>child was planned and conceived in wedlock
It's a very small number who can thread the needle...
Destroying families and children one divorce at a time.
Widows are another story.
you mean criminal incubators?
Raised by one. Was shit desu. Would've been better off raised by wolves.
What about a single wolf mother
>Would've been better off raised by wolves.
Let me put it this way. If I somehow had a choice before birth to not exist and I knew I was going to grow up without a father, I would choose to not exist. I wish I was aborted.
>I think they get too much blame for the failure of two people.
Sounds like you don't know what you're talking about.
Most single moms are so by choice.
If it makes you feel better, you can always blame the dad you never knew. Better than feeling angry at someone you love, and maybe he was a nigger anyway
They hate my cooking, cuz I suck at it. Their mother should be doing this but well she chose her drugs.
The oldest is wicked smart but very lazy. Will be interesting to see what he does with himself. Other 2 youngest, too young to really gage that . See other post for last Question.
>Most single moms are so by choice.
Do Jewish golems truly have free will though?
I can't even tell if this bait or an out of touch roastie in the current state of this board
>for every single mother there’s a single father
most single fathers remarry, and have another family.
most single mothers get dog/cats
Pill mill, doc. YES. He was an old white dude, though.
Certainly the men are also at fault.
Still better than be raised by a single mother, in a commune, in the middle of weed growing country, with a bunch of vegans and new wavers.
Got red pilled real quick making my own money selling drugs
Death by fire for any coal burner/roastie who insists on being an unruly cunt and not settling down with a man
That's would be amazing. The state really needs to fucking waterboard irresponsible people on top of lashings. Like for 15 minutes. This degeneracy needs to be stopped asap
Worthless irresponsible fucktoys
40 maximum would be more sensible. That's what the ancient Romans limited lashings to, probably for good reason.
I wake up at 4 am to get breakfast just to not see her. If she's at home, I just don't have lunch because I don't want to risk the chance of a conversation. Single mothers are a mistake
Absolute cancer.
They're screwing their kids up by having a different "Daddy" over every other month to ease their sexual cravings, or using their own teen sons to ease said issue.
Probably because I made no attempt at hiding it? White men are to blame for the failures of western society. Prove me wrong. Pro tip: you can’t.
>women are submissive
>women have forgotten their role and are ruining society
>women should have babies
>women are ruining society because they won’t stop having babies! Reeee!!!!
>women should wait for the *right* man
>women aren’t as smart and we like them innocent to the ways of the world
Jow Forums is filled with literal retards who can’t figure out why the white race is having problems. It’s because Jow Forums is filled worth a bunch of nigger who can’t take any responsibility and always shift it onto someone else.
>or using their own teen sons to ease said issue
th-thats forbidden!
They’re still a father, they still crawled on top of her and impregnated her without being married to her or committing to her. You blame her for that when he is just as guiltly.
I would be medically supervised to not cause death (if risk of death would stop and then resumed later). It should cause public humilation and long lasting pain though as a deterrent.
The fact that this is an argument for you is pathetic.
>hurr durr yeah I got you pregnant but now you’re not doing as I wish you to so now it’s all your fault
Stupid argument. I expect more from Jow Forums
Every single mother I know or grew up with(which is a lot) is a fucking retard. They constantly bang and get into relationships with the biggest regards and psychos ever. It’s like they go out of their way to fuck the dumbest dude around that usually has 3 kinds of obvious mental issues. I blame them for not aborting their baby and passing retard genes to the world.
>most men have anther family
Yeah and most of those 2nd families end in divorce. And the kids don’t respect the dad when they grow up because he has kids he doesn’t take care of.
Thank you user for seeing my very simple and basic point, that was totally lost on everyone else.
>man fails to man up when the woman decides not to get an abortion
>its the womans fault when she decides to keep it
Lol how is making abortion illegal gonna change anything when the woman is either choosing not to get an abortion because she doesnt want to or not getting an abortion because its illegal? If she's keeping the baby either way then the legality has nothing to do with whether the man stays or not?
How are you getting:
Abortion is legal = man leaves
Abortion is illegal = man stays
It makes no sense to me at all
Nobody wants to fight the roastie?
Truly the most cucked generation
Due to the 6 times less grey matter in her brain, she is incapable of seeing logic or how wrong she is. Therefore, arguing with her is pointless.
Like I said Jow Forums are the niggers now.
I found the nigger
100% this.
If there is one group of people who don't need convincing of how terrible single mothers are it's the children they raise, there is never going to be a way to fix the damage it causes, you just have to learn to live in spite if it, and it hurts every day to know it didn't have to be like this. That's if you don't just implode as a minor and develop an addiction or worse, many end up just killing themselves and I completely understand why they do it, they know how fucked they are and every adult in their life has failed them so completely that they have no clue how anything could ever get better, why even live a life like that?
Good willing I should ever have children I will make sure they never have to know what this feels like, I swear to God in front of all of you right now.
I suppose your right, I've done that dance too many times myself. But I was hoping someone filled with vim and vigor would step up to give us a show.
Women set the standard, and they failed when they sold out to porn with their non-porn peers not calling them out on it. Women ruined the first world.
Victims of feminism.
He is saying that in his mind if a woman gets pregnant she then has a choice to keep the baby or get rid of the baby and since that choice is hers alone that means the baby is hers alone. It’s a stupid argument. It’s a summer fag. There’s more intelligent people but they’re not about to take up this argument because they know they’ll lose.
>Be raised by single mother
>She wanted to trap a man and she wanted a girl
>Dad ran the day he found out she was pregnant, shortly later found out she was having aboy
>Attempt to raise me as a girl but start rebelling around age 5
>She was already hitting me before this but from here it really took off
>On top of the regular ass whoopings she'd look me in a room with nothing but a bed in it for months at a time, only aloud to leave to shit eat or go to school, it was really fucking horrid over school holidays.
>Have an extremely abusive step grandmother and uncle how she know's assualt me physically and sexually, doesn't care, sends me there as much as possible so she can go out dating
>At age 13 I report my mothers assaults to my principal, one side of my fave is completely wrecked.
>Principal was a feminazi piece of shit who instead of filing the mandatory report decides it best to have a chat with me and my mother, allows my mother to talk to me before hand.
>Mothers crying and babbling like a fucking lunatic telling me if I follow through me and my 2 other siblings will all be split into foster care.
Porn is on women now? Men are the ones that make that the lucrative industry it is. Not women.
maximum cancer
worse than a nigger father probably (never had a nigger father though just assuming)
What you want to fight about?
Women go after the dangerous men who are exciting but arent going to provide a future. This as always been true but nowadays with an overreaching goverment providing for these womens, they are more insulated than ever for their poor choices thus more and more women feel confortable with getting knocked up by a high risk man. Literally heard black girls in class saying that their plan for the future was getting pregnant and signing up for gibs. I know blacks are more dissolute than whites but shades of this attitude is becoming more and more common.
An unfortunate circumstance if it's due to the death of the Husband
But on a widespread scale it represents the death of civilization, look at the entire American black community if you want any evidence
I have no idea who consumes mainstream porn. OC is always superior imo.
>Recant on my statement, I love my siblings and she only treats me like shit, say my injuries are from a skateboarding accident and not from having my face smashed into the bathroom floor.
>Kicked out of home 1 week later, move in with in with biological grandmother, she treats me well and I feel safe for the first time.
>Start developing identity issues in my teens, I fucking hate women so I assume I must be gay
>Start frinking at age 14 and experimenting with my sexuality, didn't like male intimacy either, don't understand why I'm such a freak.
>Meet my estranged father at age 15
>The man is an animal, hosting sex parties with teenage girls and shit loads of drugs, give me ecstasy and acid for my 15th birthday, I'd previously confided in him about my sexual difficulties, he takes it upon himself to fix me
>Tripping balls hard at one of his parties and my dad arranges for one of the house sluts to fuck me, walks up and starts fondling me in front of people, pulls me pants down in front of everybody, pushes me down on the couch and starts fucking me, I was scared out of my mind but more scared of disappointing my new dad, she rapes me infront of my dad and his friends
>I stop visiting my dad and my drug use begins to get excessive.
>Death of the husband
Death of the housewife you stupid faggot.
Go thank your nearest family court for that when you got a few minutes to spare.
I can agree with that as increasing problem but it’s not the majority, although that’s irrelevant anyways. My point is fairly simple, women are fairly submissive to men. Maybe not when they’re in packs but one on one women tend to be fairly submissive and that goes for the biggest black American girls as well. Men are failing to lead them. And this is what infuriated me about Jow Forums and modern man in general. They blame women for everything while acknowledging they were never evolved to be in the roles they’re trying to play and then laughing at them because they’re such failures. Modern men really are Quarterbacking from the couch and getting mad that it’s all falling apart.
>I have no idea who consumes mainstream porn. OC is always superior imo.
Why would you make your original argument if you have no idea about it then? And then why would try to shift the conversation to what porn you actually like as a way to throw a red herring into the mix?
You're not that smart are you?