White woman dont want you because you are weak

White men are the most pathetic, weak, and cowardly men now. YOu've lost control of every major industry and institution of power and women know it. Female hypergamy is redpilled...They always seek out the strongest men, which are not you.

Your Christianity won't help you either--in fact, it will make it worse by leading you down the path of maximum cuckoldry. Your endless LARPing online, your stupid hobbies and video game bullshit won't dull the pain in the long run. In the end you know you were failed men who did nothing to stop your own genocide.

I applaud white women for finding stronger men rather than surrender like white men have.

Attached: images (1).jpg (258x195, 8K)

Other urls found in this thread:


There is no solution to biological inequality, where human beings simply do not find the Asian appearance physically appealing, on a male, for whatever reason.
Asian-ness is a net negative.
White women want nothing to do with Asian men. I don't want to live
-Tenda Lung Spencer EurasianTiger, founder of r/hapas (angry asian incel forum)

Attached: 1506271598194.png (666x500, 590K)

rased and bedpilled

ok, chang
is there really the need to spam this all the time?

Attached: mdwsvnzqj21qilvlto1_1280.jpg (604x403, 17K)

Show your flag please.
Also if white men surrendered they wouldn’t have America. Unlike your loving blacks.

which explains why Asian women love white men and you had to use the first amwf pic you could find on Google, chink

"I have had Asian women tell me that they do not like Asian men.
I have had white women tell me the same."
-Tenda Lung Spencer EurasianTiger, r/hapas

June 4th 2018

Attached: i93UKaF.jpg (1500x1500, 472K)

Lmao all talk no stats

>YOu've l
wow, a drunk asian cuck decided to shitpost. my race forver btfo. sheesh.

"Please fucking fetishize Asian males and Hapa males."
-Tenda Spencer EurasianTiger, angry cuck from r/hapas

Attached: 1507851397928.jpg (930x1362, 229K)

look nigger I'm from West Coast Canada you aren't kidding anyone here about how shit really is.

white roasties would lynch asian women at this point if they could

Attached: roastrage3.jpg (1023x1331, 314K)

I shouldnt have posted the pic but all im saying is true

No doubt a desperate chink posted this.
Guess what, statistically (even you can find this) races tend to stay with their own race... but your dumbass saw a couple diff races together and thought it was normal. What a fucking idiot.

>I applaud white women for finding stronger men rather than surrender like white men have.
White men are weak and have become docile
50-60 years ago hitting your wife was normal

"anything Asian looking when it comes to a man is like enduring a consant whipping for your entire life."
-Tenda Lung Spencer EurasianTiger, angry cuck from r/hapas

June 4th 2018

Attached: 1509867079417.jpg (1352x916, 248K)

Keep coping you yellow short stack downie mongoloid. Oriental men are the least desired race of man in the world, even when factoring in the dating patterns of oriental woman.


Attached: Asian - Down syndrome 4.png (869x627, 573K)

You can convert to Islam.

Attached: Asian = Downsyndrome 3.png (1347x614, 1.02M)

Just found out that not only do Asian men suffer from the highest incidence of 'Micropenis' worldwide, literally EVERY SINGLE ONE of them carries the mutated gene that is responsible for it.

This mutation occurs within an gene known as 'SRD5A2', an enzyme that is less active in Asian men and is responsible for processing the hormone testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), an androgen which is more 5x more potent than regular testosterone.(1)

>Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a sex hormone created from testosterone in the body. It plays a major role in the development of characteristics that are typically associated with men (body hair, muscle growth, and a deep voice).

This less active enzyme in Asian men(2) is the reason they have lower DHT levels compared to other races of men,(3) it may also explain why their penises are smaller on average (unconfirmed) as DHT is necessary for the maturation of the penis.

The mutation is known as 'R227Q', and is a non synonymous change in the 'SRD5A2' gene.(4) 'R227Q' been shown to retain approximately 3.2% of normal enzyme activity and appears relatively frequent in Asian populations.(5)

It is time for Tenda Spencer to renounce his "masculinity", transition to womanhood, and live out the rest of his life, content as a cock sleeve

news-medical.net/health/What-is-Micropenis.aspx (1)
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1827450 (2)
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8672990 (3)
snpedia.com/index.php/Rs9332964 (4)
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12843198 (5)

Attached: 4bZMGee.jpg (2448x3264, 587K)

Attached: Asian = Down syndrome 2.png (1438x709, 1.33M)

Attached: Asian = Down syndrome.png (1384x748, 1.04M)

Thanks, I really needed these sources.

Attached: happy-old-man.jpg (480x450, 86K)

Hahaha faggot chink BTFO

>White woman dont want you because you are weak
this is true

Attached: Oriental or Downie.png (1331x710, 1.03M)

Attached: Downie or Asian.png (1434x787, 972K)

>Killed and or displaced various Caucasoid ethnic groups in Eurasia
>Sacked Baghdad and irreversibly destroyed several centuries worth of scientific/historical text/knowledge
>Tainted the slavic genome and produced half breed nigger tier Ruski retards
>Spread the black death to Europe
>The parent of the Turkish bastard
>Ruined countless civilizations
>Perpetuated an undesirable phenotype
>As of now destroying the environment/eco system
>Maliciously cruel to animals
>Known for beating helpless dogs into submission

Attached: download.jpg (475x549, 38K)

you seem a little obsessed
just a little

Show your flag, faggot

Attached: IMG_3896.png (1030x353, 190K)

Attached: Asian or Downie.png (1375x769, 1.13M)


Attached: Albert nuke the gook Einstein.png (1375x803, 502K)

What's that? Sorry - just busy inventing everything.

Attached: Newton.jpg (530x367, 66K)

>This mad over a simple fact
Once again, Gee I wonder who's behind these posts...........

Attached: Yellow monkey.png (535x375, 51K)

Thats a horse face though

How many of these are you going to make Gook Chan? When we nuke you all again hopefully your waifu survives and you all can produced even more deformed slant eyes.

>Reveal you identity Laowai

Attached: Subversive bastard.png (505x576, 34K)

>Female hypergamy is redpilled

can you be even more twisted, you absolute faggot?

go back to r/hapas et


chaturbate com/xasianmilkx/

chaturbate com/xasianmilkx/

> chaturbate com/xasianmilkx/

chaturbate com/xasianmilkx/

Attached: 957F9C1B-79DC-413E-A2FD-D8F20D7C34B0.jpg (640x792, 121K)

>I wonder who's behind these posts
A crazy psychopath with a bunch of zipperhead/gook images and video links saved on my PC, who calls everyone a Jews for pointing out his mental illness?

sorry Lee, White women seem to disagree with you. Love your own women. This is sad and pathetic how many nonwhite men worship the white mans daughter

Attached: 1508605001088.jpg (1100x1200, 104K)

>Projecting a Freudian slip
Mental illness implies my mental faculties are faulty. This of course is a false assertion considering the fact that I have a natural desire to slaughter all mongoloids around the world. This blood lust is mainly due in part to an underlying legitimate profound psychological reason.

Attached: Crack head nigger.jpg (700x876, 64K)