Daily reminder to eat nothing but meat

It will increase your gains both physically and cryptowise. Your health will skyrocket as you provide your body with the fuel it's actually adapted to.

Do you really think humans before the agriculture revolution ate corn and vegetables in the large quantities we do today? NO, of course not. Their diet were probably close to 100% meat.

People all over the world following this diet report increased overall health. Their fat percent drops and muscle mass increases. And that’s even without any change in workout schedule. It’ll happen even if you don’t exercise, but not to the same extent of course. People also report that depressions are gone, inflammation diseases are gone, allergies gone, irritable bowel syndrome gone, diabetes gone, snoring gone, joint and back aches gone, head aches gone, eczema gone, skin clearing up, reduced need for sleep, feeling more rested when waking up in the morning.

Another really interesting thing is that this diet will increase your testosterone levels. Why do you think testosterone levels has dropped 18% since 1987? I’ll give you a hint: In 1987 Americans ate 73.7 pounds of beef, in 2017 that was down to 56.9 pounds. That’s 18.7% less beef! The connection could not be any clearer!

You would be crazy to not at least try this out. Give it four weeks and if you don't see any improvements at least you gave it a shot. If you decide to continue the diet, it’s important to remember that cheating is fine as long as you stay above 90% meat. But the first month you should stick to only meat and water. Rib eye steak is considered the optimal meat in this diet. You would need around 2-4 pounds a day depending on your size and activity level.

To sum up, this is the original human diet that we evolved to thrive on. It is only logical that deviating from this to a large extent will cause problems. And that is exactly what we see in today's society.

Good luck Anons, and stay healthy!

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>1 post by this ID

Clean your room, Jordan.

Kill yourself

Who cares if you even gain or stay healthy, it's delicious!

>People also report that depressions are gone, inflammation diseases are gone, allergies gone, irritable bowel syndrome gone, diabetes gone, snoring gone, joint and back aches gone, head aches gone, eczema gone, skin clearing up, reduced need for sleep, feeling more rested when waking up in the morning
I hear the exact same bullshit when people try to promote vegetarianism, veganism, paleo diet, mediterranean diet and low carb diet.
So which is it?

I'll be sure to eat nothing but meat if want to develop painful kidney stones.

Eat your vegetable, lardass

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We didn't ONLY eat meat bucko. We also ate berries and sheit.

We wuz ketosis

Looks like shit in a plate

inb4 the dude that blows vegans out every thread

low carb is truly the way to go for every human. some humans might benefit from berries/nuts/some veggies tho. everyone is different.

What about eggs?

eggs are just unripe meat. good to go.

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eat your greens snownigger

>cooking eggs
>cooking bacon
People like you are worse than jews.

cooking proteins makes them more easily bioavailable. it is known. rare is the way to go though.

I have a side effect from meat where I cant sleep for a month if i eat it, what would you recommend?

meat sweats?

Meat is for the wealthy bourgeois. I can't afford meat.

Eh, I like my burgers with shit on it

It's easy to find animals to kill in nature. It's hard to find vegetables.
How many plants are poisonous? Would you really risk eating plants anyway? I hope society collapses and vegans resort to cannibalism when all their stores are ransacked.

what about muh beer you snownigger

estrogen juice?

Meat makes you impotent. A meat free life is a happy life.

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pretty much only eat ribeye and rump steak + occasional 20% fat mince to bulk it out since i have some regular 3-4000 calorie days.

gotta admit i still suck at the tit of the dairy jew too much but cheese is a fucking tastebud blessing and i don't seem to suffer any downsides

>mfw reading this while sipping a bottle of onions

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Meat is pumped with hormones too. There’s also higher risk of cancer if you just eat meat. Everything in moderation.

Humans are natural herbivores.

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Doing this sucks
My kidneys hurt and it made it hard to sleep in bed

Had to eat green vegatables to balance out the acidity

Eat like Otzi alimentarium.org/en/magazine/history/ötzi-and-his-diet

but we are hairless like a frog so maybe we should just eat flies

That picture proves you wrong though.

Brock Lesnar did that and got colon cancer.

a doctor

Adherence to strict dietary rules mimic religious beliefs and practices, hence the drop in mental and emotional issues.

watch a nature doc of any other great ape. they eat leaves, moron.

if society collapses vegetarians would be at an advantage because they could then quit being vegetarians for survival reasons and start eating meat again when they can find it, meanwhile all you faggots will break down fast without your daily ribeyes.

haha that fucking ad

Don't tell them, faggot. Let them be unhealthy, then we will have the advantage

Yes just like you will break down and cry without your soilent

>what is fire
humans also lack claws to hunt their prey.

I tried cutting fats, it was awful. I tried cutting carbs, no effect. But then I cut sugar and boom, amazing results. Even natural sugars need to go. Get your energy from fats and protein. Sugar is the food Jew.

it doesn't work that way faggot

Lord Peterson only eats meat, why haven't you started The Carnivore Diet yet user?

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What, your love for soilent? Sure it does.


Do not eat ONIONS, overly processed foods, artificial dyes and preservatives and you'll be okay.

I don't eat onions products

>niggers eat vegetables
Whats your point user?

can't say onions on here lel

Yeah low fat is a dumb meme.
Fat's what your body is craving when it's hungry.

wtf i love meat now

Why not? Onions go we with steak

No surprise so many jew names zucker-something.

>eggs are just unripe meat
never change, america.

I eat poultry, cottage cheese, beans, and chug down bottles of a whey protein drink I mix up.

Fat is important, especially if you're trying to lose weight. Your body, by my understanding, has two modes. It can use fat or carbs as fuel. Carbs are a preferential. When there aren't carbs available, the body switches to fat. If your diet includes fat while being lower in carbs, your body is optimized for fat.
Or that could be total horseshit.

>but for some reason the meat eaters couldn't start eating vegetables for survival reasons
A+ argument you all out total idiot

What are molars Abdul?

>oh look at me the pretentious millionaire that brags about being able to afford meat
meat in germany is from 25-50 euro per kg and with meats energy levels youd need about 2kg per day to be saturated. I cant afford that im not bill gates. I eat mostly only noodles and potatoes. fussilli / penne are 39 cents per 500g . And 1kg is enough to keep me saturated for a day.



Israel #1

sugar is a type of carb. How did you cut carbs without cutting sugar?

assuming vegetarians will live for more than 2 days when society breaks down. I will eat a few before I die. Your first cunt

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nigger just hunt

(Protein,Carbs,Vitamin C) that's all you need.

All men...please at least once in your life go on a hunt and harvest a wild animal for food. Wild boar, elk, dear, duck, etc. And prep a proper meal in an iron skillet and on a grill over a fire.

sounds like a good way to get colon cancer

Impending Doom: The Diet

we ate berries and also fish, you sir are a twat, also Peterson is a fucking manic depressive imbecile who has tried every diet going, and whichever one he is currently fixated on is the one that has fixed all the problems that he seemingly hasn't fixed.

>going without is better than going with

enjoy becoming a vegetarian faggot

Meat was a beneficial thing when food was not as prevalent.Today it is the main cause of heart disease as most people in the world die from over eating.I truly feel people consuming meat is more of this american consumer religion as it neither benefits people,animals nor the planet.One would think pol would know this as leaders such as hitler believed as much.

It's the filter. When he says onions he means s o y. The mods set it so when you type soi it corrects to onions.

been doing keto for almost 6 months now. No carbs, no bread, no other sugars. i cheat only once every two weeks when i eat a chocolate bar or other sweets.

>more energy
>lost almost 16kg in 6 months
>feel much more rested
>overall feel much better

>pay a fucklot for food because meat is expensive as fuck in switzerland
>i crave sugar like a motherfucker in the evenings
>not eating bread was hard as fuck in the beginning now ok

>muh crytokike

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Nice try Rabbi...your people are always trying to tell everyone what is best for the planet. The modern sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise...largely due to people being zombified in their own homes with television, internet, etc. and separated from real human interaction. This kills people.

Get off your asses and exercise, eat healthy, including meat. White people - make more white babies.

The original human diet was objectively not exclusively meat. We have studied this at great length, it was a combination of large quantities of meat periodically, and then a steady intake of nuts, berries, fruits, and occasionally some vegetables and edible grasses.

There is absolutely nothing wrong (and in fact many things right with) eating a diet containing meat, green vegetables and fruit. Also fish. Rather than getting autistic in regards to only eating meat, simply stress that the elimination of processed cereals is probably a good idea.

I did it and I'm not shitting 6 days straight. Help.

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you have a weak grasp on english

Eat a cabbage to get some emergency fiber into you. Then brace yourself for a torn colon.

>When there aren't carbs available, the body switches to fat.

not all carbs are the same
got to know differences in body conversion to sugar and fat storage

spinach obviously better than potato
green bean better than corn

starches, grains and things like carrots cause blood glucose spiking which creates release of insulin
release provokes body to burn and store sugar as fat
once ketosis is acquired via no sugar and no grain for a week
you will get sick at first during first few days
almost throw up kind of stomach sick
that passes
then the mental fog is lifted
you'll wonder how you ever could have lived any other way and feel ashamed for not trying it earlier
i did it went through the process
shed 85 pounds in a year
also did exercise
the key is not to overload too much fat carb or protein as any imbalance can offset the metabolism and make you have to make adjustments 40 40 20....20 being the percent of carbs
multivitamin if you are concerned you are not getting enough
fat and protein have to be somewhat in line otherwise you run the risk feeling tired or too hungry
cravings are easier to control when every meal and meal time hit the same ratios and periods, body becomes used to set patterns
fat loss increases and becomes dramatic
too much sugar is very much what leads to most if not all diseases
people tend to think just a little is ok
but it tends to throw your body off
which requires effort to reset and get back and maintain balance
if you enjoy making it hard on yourself then by all means go off the diet
it's just like exercise
once you go off the patterns the body has to retrain again has to work back up to training levels
that is where all the work is...in maintaining schedules
which is why most people never lose the weight or keep it off and gain it back
they lack maintenance discipline

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6 days?
Dude you better prepare your ass for when the big one comes.

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You're lying. No primitive man had access to 200+ grams of carbs 365. That's 10 full sized modern sweet potatoes every single day. Tell me where berries and fruits grow in Europe during the winter? Go on, I'll wait.

Veganism is provably unhealthy in the long run but can have benefits in the short run. I think both vegans and vegetarians get grey earlier.
Paleo and low carb is basically the same as OP suggested. Mediterranean is also lots of meat and fish.

fuck off, you know I'm right

Our throwing arm, and forward facing eyes, say otherwise.

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Dude it's gonna hurt.

3 hours on the toilet and you'll shit out a softball of shit.

Not even kidding. This happened to me when I ate a package of bacon.

Bad time.

>what is grass fed, organic meat

>Veganism is provably unhealthy in the long run
So is keto.

Wow, it's almost as if leaving an important nutrient out of your diet leads to health problems!

>muh high carb diet
you doin it wrong nigga

Here's a cool thing user. Humans are designed to digest meat and we do it extremely efficiently. Our digestive system takes up almost all the meat in a short time and very little is expelled. It's very common to go days without shitting or just shit small delicious nuggets. Six days is quite long though, but I wouldn't stress it. Be sure you eat enough though. Eat when you're hungry and eat till you're full. That's important.

Regarding all the fiber faggots. Fiber does nothing good for your digesting system. It does NOT help you to shit, that's just a meme. As it turns out it's the exact opposite. I don't bother to find the link, but a study was done on this and the result were clear. The people in the study had a hard time shitting, but after some weeks on a meat diet they shat like never before. The group who still ate fiber still had shit problems.


Nearly 100% of these are left liberal faggots pretending they’re saving the planet, the original virtue signal diet. For fuck sakes, we’ve already seen vegans die because of retarded deficiencies they develop and vegetarians are usually skin over bone.

>Do you really think humans before the agriculture revolution sat on her ass infront TV, PC, Cellphone.
NO, of course not, they spent all day outside.

>meat in germany is from 25-50 euro per kg
Where the fuck do you buy your meat?

Holy shit those look tasty as fuck. Are those English muffins with ham cups with poached eggs inside?

And whoever said cooking wasn’t an art form...

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I'm not so sure about that. Ketones are associated with longer life.

I can't afford to. I mean I can afford stuff like chicken or minced meat, but it comes from bio industry animals that were basically sick when they lived + treated like shit. I can't afford more than one big steak (the desirable meat) a week either.

They're obviously just bacon with eggs, fool.

I should also add that fiber is literally just a filler and contains no nutrients. We are just not made do digest it and it will fill you up and make you shit huge fucking lumps. It's just not natural to eat. If you really want a healthy digestive system it is VITAL that you cut out close to ALL that FIBER shit. Do you think our ancestors had to eat several 100 grams of cabbage to be able to shit? By the way, cabbage didn't even exist before the agricultural revolution. It's the same with all the other vegetables you eat, and grain, and corn.

And so should you

sulfur farts

Veggies unironically give you a potbelly because you can't digest it properly and it just sits and ferments inside of you.