Is #walkaway a real thing?

I keep watching these #WalkAway videos

There are a TON of these things. People of all ages, races, backgrounds, education levels, the whole thing.

All of these former democrats are explaining why they are done with the Democrat party and liberal politics.

This can’t just be a small microcosm. There are a LOT of videos of this. Imagine how many people are also walking away but don’t want to make a video about it.

Is this winning?

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Other urls found in this thread:

yea I know 30 liberals who are joining other parties they're fucked meanwhile the right got its shit together

>1 post by this ID
GTFO kike shill.

Theres millions of people, some are bound to be real, but for the most part it's propaganda.

If you watch 100 videos of an ex-democrat ex-progressive, it does not mean that it's a huge movement, it just means that these people want attention or paid.

I'm literally an SJW who turned white nationalist but the #walkaway movement is AstroTurfed as hell.

No they’re AI humanoids controlled by the reptoids from planet Zorg

I actually talked to a few of the people who made the WalkAway vids

Most of them got redpilled on globalism and stuff like that. Black people too.

Pretty cool

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Sure, but you only gave him one minute. That's not really fair to be honest.

No, it's staged by lefties who were always on our side. Daily reminder, 60% of ecelebs (including thy goddess Lauren Southern) are in fact lefties even if they're anti Marxist, anti SJW, anti MSM and anti islamophillic appeasement.

Ps Lauren is fucking perfect.

Attached: laurensimonssen.jpg (1080x1269, 1.81M)

Where can I find these half persian, half asian girls with massive tits? This is what's been missing from my life. Huge chested halfcasts.

yes, the right-leaning nazis in americas systematically disenfranchising government is using optics to sway people towards their side. its obvious. sad how republicucks can NEVER play fair

I don't know if the movement is true, but I'm a registered DEM who voted for Obama twice, and then Hillary (very reluctantly) who is fed up with the political correctness and identity politics pandering going on with Democrats and the left. Their failure to condemn BLM/ANTIFA, Islamist apologists and pushing lefist myths like the gender wage gap is something I can't tolerate anymore. They're authoritarian, not liberal. I'm definitely not walking away to Trump, but I'll probably be voting third party (which is essentially voting for Trump since I live in a swing state).

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Stop posting over grown downies.

Attached: Asian - Down syndrome 4.png (869x627, 573K)

We will find out in the mid terms

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Attached: Asian = Down syndrome.png (1384x748, 1.04M)

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these comparisons look nothing alike you autist. imagine being mad at asians because they're smarter than you lmao

Attached: Asian or Downie.png (1375x769, 1.13M)

>Defending yellow short stack zipper faced down syndrome monkeys
You're only hurting yourself Chang.

Attached: Subversive bastard.png (505x576, 34K)

>Killed and or displaced various Caucasoid ethnic groups in Eurasia
>Sacked Baghdad and irreversibly destroyed several centuries worth of scientific/historical text/knowledge
>Tainted the slavic genome and produced half breed nigger tier Ruski retards
>Spread the black death to Europe
>The parent of the Turkish bastard
>Ruined countless civilizations
>Perpetuated an undesirable phenotype
>As of now destroying the environment/eco system
>Maliciously cruel to animals
>Known for beating helpless dogs into submission

Attached: download.jpg (475x549, 38K)

holy shit there are a LOT of videos. lots of based black men as well.

Just found out that not only do Asian men suffer from the highest incidence of 'Micropenis' worldwide, literally EVERY SINGLE ONE of them carries the mutated gene that is responsible for it.

This mutation occurs within an gene known as 'SRD5A2', an enzyme that is less active in Asian men and is responsible for processing the hormone testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), an androgen which is more 5x more potent than regular testosterone.(1)

>Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a sex hormone created from testosterone in the body. It plays a major role in the development of characteristics that are typically associated with men (body hair, muscle growth, and a deep voice).

This less active enzyme in Asian men(2) is the reason they have lower DHT levels compared to other races of men,(3) it may also explain why their penises are smaller on average (unconfirmed) as DHT is necessary for the maturation of the penis.

The mutation is known as 'R227Q', and is a non synonymous change in the 'SRD5A2' gene.(4) 'R227Q' been shown to retain approximately 3.2% of normal enzyme activity and appears relatively frequent in Asian populations.(5)

It is time for Tenda Spencer to renounce his "masculinity", transition to womanhood, and live out the rest of his life, content as a cock sleeve

>sources (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

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>making fun of downies when you have autism

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>Projecting a self diagnosed mental problem
>Moving the goal post

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This was already exposed as a handful of Republicans and fake accounts larping as Democrats. The only place it is "trending" is in online, conservative circle-jerks like Jow Forums.

there are actually so many of these, maybe it isn't just a micromeme

these two are just from the last few minutes

Attached: Asian Downie.jpg (550x604, 91K)


It has like 50,000 retweets and hundreds (or more) YouTube videos

Keep posting this meme, you're doing God's work user.

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Are you unaware that Asian people display significant neoteny, and that it's one of the expressions of downs as well?

However, the genes that cause that neoteny in people with downs is caused by a different gene than the genes that cause it in Asians. Neoteny is a result--not a cause.

Almost all of whom are, unsurprisingly, larping conservatives and bots.

that democrat party has gone wrong
what is going to take for them to accept they went crazy and fix it?
losing a couple elections?
all these videos i've linked from the last few hours. there are a lot of mutts getting on the drumpfwagon

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I was literally just talking to a black girl who #walkedaway and voted for the god emperor

A lot of blacks posting these vids. Pretty crazy

>Moving the goal post
I never asserted orientals actually suffer from down syndrome, but rather that their phenotype matches the criteria of down syndrome.

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naw man lmao, its a troll we started here at Jow Forums. im amused at the attention its getting though, maybe it will catch on for real

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It has like 50,000 retweets and probably over a thousand YouTube vids

Look it up

These aren't the same thing libturd. Republicans winning gives you 8 more years of muh Blonald Glumpf and false outrage. Nazis winning on the other hand gives you a premature eternity in hell.

First laugh of the day

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>man with down syndrome
He looks like typical murican to me.

AstroTurfed implies somebody with deep pockets is funding this, as is the norm with all the fakery on the Left.
Presumably the Lefties would've found out by now just who is the money behind the #walkaway faggot if it's a fake. Maybe they have?
It's definitely getting a lot of exposure on all the right leaning sites out there and radio-silence on the Left, like they might be concerned it's real.

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Yes. Democrats only care about promoting their fellow wealthy elites. They are pretty much just blue Republicans at this point. Giving HRC the nomination over Sanders proved this.

>Yfw you see the DNC wishes to make demographic firsts over picking the most viable candidates

>Is this winning?
No, it's the confrontational game that the elites have rigged. There needs to be a balance, one side can't win forever or gain too much ground. Therefore the eternal struggle is ensured.

>Nazis winning on the other hand gives you a premature eternity in hell.
Perhaps for gypsies like yourself. Now fuck off, vee.

#Walkaway is a huge Republican-backed deal. I have no idea how legit it is, but it's certainly become more of a publicity stunt than anything. However, there is a reality behind it. There are millions of 80+ year old, traditional values Americans in today's Democrat Party, many of whom still vote Democrat because that's what they've done their entire lives and don't understand the horrific nature of today's Democrats. These are Republican votes ripe for the picking if local and state candidates can get boots to the ground to these places.

Essentially, it's a half truth, but it is rooted in a real phenomenon. Of course, appealing to 80 year olds via Twitter is retarded. Go volunteer at a retirement home for real change.

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stop being a sperm sucking faggot and I will
>never gonna happen

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This is a bot.

I'm on the left but I don't have Trump Derangement Syndrome. I'd rather he keep winning than to vote for a globalist.

blacks are even going to the republican party
i know a black guy at work who told me he voted for trump

It’s definitel winning.
The left could only hold a grasp for so long, the internet took away their power, now they’re becoming irrelevant. Let the democrats die, it’s okay.

You can play the long game and larp as a democrat for years before you go full repub

I mean

I know black tumblr art students who are voting trump

I don’t even know what to say anymore. My mind is blown

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OP I don't know if it's legit a huge movement. I do know this though, the vids are getting A LOT of attention and support. People on the left are CONSTANTLY looking for reassurance and public acceptance. Other lefties are going to see that. I saw a video by a literal mutt which she thought she was only going to get 10 views and her Mexican mother apparently talked shit about her whiteness. She was a Bernie her video has like 150k views or some shit. People on the left are going to see that, and see how easy it is to stand out and get love and attention.

Of course its a real thing a ton of us gave up in 2012 and walked away in 2015.

Hell Trump walked away...

Is paris still burning in celebration to afrikka winning the world cup?

>Let the democrats die
Holy shit, look at the voter stats my dude. I live in a relatively conservative small city and registration numbers are half dems, quarter repubs, quarter independents. For every converted Democrat voter there are 10 non-ideological shitheads going out voting Dem despite having zero to negative (shitlib propaganda) information. Bad Demonrat optics, as good as it is for us, are not enough! Every last Democrat needs a slap in the face that their party is now completely socialist and anti-American.

>black republicans exist
k, nice anecdote. 10% of 40+ million is 4 million. Don't get your hopes up.

I saw that vid too

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That’s actually still a lot of people if you think about it

That's 4 million people who aren't "rural and suburban retards" as they say. Counts for a lot for where they live

That's the point. It doesn't change voting numbers. There will always be not just black republicans but black young republicans. The question is whether this is part of a meaningful trend. We have no reason to believe a meaningful shift is occurring, especially in a Twitter hashtag supported by overwhelmingly longtime Republicans. The real question is whether we can physically jam these stories in the faces of Democrats and force them to talk about them.

The fuck is #WalkAway, the same #MeToo horseshit used to demonize men/white people?

Those in power are trying to very subtly infiltrate what they believe will be the new zeitgeist of the west. Conservatism/Republicanism. They know they can no longer progress as rapidly with the hard left social justice shit, so they're trying to slowly trickle their way right with "grassroots" social media movements like walkaway. Look at Candace Owens. I like to view her as the personification of (((their actions)))

1) try some bullshit
2) get called out, so go radio silent
3) start to transition to your opponents side
4) go big, or go home. Start to push your agendas real hard.
5) those that call you out, who originally saw you for what you are get vocal, shut them down. Convince your enemy that their most loyal supporters are their enemy.
6) You now control your enemies position.

It happened decades ago on the left, when they were pro-republican, now they realise they need to once again control the opposition which have all shifted right. Why do you think "terror attacks" and school shootings have all stopped in Europe and the US since they got caught off guard and have now realised the old tricks aren't working?

I honestly think we are going to see more black republicans in the future

The dem party is just gay and cucked as hell. The feminist message is ridiculous

There’s also a growing population of black people who are moving up in class. A lower-middle class group of blacks. Some of these people are going to be republicans in the future

I think we could see a black vote up to 15% in the future, or maybe even more.

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A gay Twitter hashtag that limp-wristed idiots think is going to change 'hearts and minds'.Really, some college republicans are jerking themselves off over it and accomplishing nothing. A solid waste of time when you could just ask your grandma/next door neighbor/coworker if they really think transgenderizing kids is ethical, or whether we should become a socialist country.

Could be real thing. I voted democrat all my life, I want universal healthcare, reduced military spending and increased education funding. That said ill vote republican until democrats say they will punish illegals for coming here. What I need is some sort of nationalist socialist party that campaigns on those views.

Water from stone, my guy. Ethno-centrism (big bad scary word, but valid for most groups) against 'white oppression' keeps them voting Democrat. We can't fix that for most. Where Democrats can get eviscerated is the huge population of white swing votes/non-ideological Dems.

Are the democrats cucked and feminine as hell? Yes. But I think the end of that is white cat ladies getting the boot (see: Feinstein un-endorsed), not blacks leaving the party.

>blacks are even going to the republican party
I see this all the time but are skeptical of the magnitude that this is happening.

Most white dems vote for:
>free shit
>indoctrination from school/uni/both
Crack their reasons for voting badly and all of a sudden you have a Republican. Unions and free shit voters though, to be fair, probably shit out of luck on. They all tend to lean right on values and issues sans narrative, however, and can be easily flipped.

It's fake. It's a midterms campaign by the GOP and the (((Trump))) administration.

Its gonna go up for a while for a bunch of reasons. A big one being how today's liberal morons love to speak for black people and use them as tools to threaten right in front of their faces online. Usually awkwardly.

They see that shit.

I'm glad that Jow Forums had the sense to let this happen organically rather than try to force it. Sometimes the best thing we can do is nothing at all. The radical left has alienated the center-left and will continue to do so. Remember: Never interrupt your enemy while they are in the process of making a mistake.

>I honestly think we are going to see more black republicans in the future
As long as the Republican Party in its current form it exists that will always be pipedream.

Black Conservativism is different than White Conservatism.

Candace Owens and her waifu protection squad don't get that.

yeah but our healthcare system is retarded because our government wont reign in the profit margins on all the jew doctors and the layer upon layer of middlemen taking their cut. we objectively spend more money and ger worse results. and its not just because we have huge amounts of diabetes. we are getting ripped off at every step of the chain on healthcare. also increased education funding is prettg much a no brainer especially at an early age.

Did all the republicans posting the hashtag tip you off? Total waste of time, will never get into the circles it actually needs to get to. If it's only republican ideologues using the hashtag, it's a circle jerk and nothing else!

I'm not going to do some stupid Internet hashtag bullshit.

But when the Dems fucked over Bernie, who was going to get my vote, I decided they were fucked up. Even more fucked up than our fucked up electoral system itself.

That pushed me out of the Dems camp for sure (although liberal, I was going to vote Dem for Bernie instead of my usual Green). That pushed me out of liberalism. Now I'm leaning fascist and becoming more right-wing every day.

That's what you get, Dems, when you fuck a liberal in the ass!

Any black person worth their salt would be independent and not align themselves with the republicans just because they aren't democratic any more.

Ok how is black conservatism different?

Why is it every time someone posts Asian girls a bunch of queers have to bring out the anti-chink propaganda? If you can't acknowledge that Asian girls are hot your a fucking faggot,

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Dude, I don't get it. I just like vagina, but some people apparently really care what color the skin attached to the vagina is. I'm over here just happy when the vagina can cook too.

Some spastic spergs patrol the board hunting for any pro-Asian threads

Same thing happens when you start citing stats about homosexuals being pedos. You magically get a wave of homosexual lunatics spamming about how homos dindu nuffin

>But when the Dems fucked over Bernie, who was going to get my vote
This right here will come back to haunt the Democrats, and very soon. The Bernie Socialist-Lite types that were marginalized and silenced during the Presidential campaign haven't forgotten. The gays that were ignored after the Miami shooting in favor of pushing the liberal gun agenda haven't forgotten. The women who were pressured into voting for Clinton solely because she has a vagina haven't forgotten.

The DNC has constructed its own demise. At this point they'll probably crash and burn all by themselves.

Link me boys

Reps have moved so far left they are now what Dems used to be.
Dems have moved so fat left they're nothing but trany Communists.
Normies and libertarians are leaving the Democrat party.
However it started, walkaway has legitimate momentum.

See, that's not a bad idea until you look at the state of demographics and government. Single payer, not a horrible idea. But what would Dems do with that inch of leash? Start giving away state-funded abortions, or more likely something worse I can't even imagine. Demographics? We'll have to be paying OUR paychecks for Paco's twelve kids and boomers.

They're getting there. They want money and a good life which anybody can tell them they'll get. What Republicans don't offer is sorting them somewhere between shemales and pedophiles in this weeks ordering system.

They don't like weird shit. Don't think most people do when it comes down to it.

I agree but why night mode

It must be he replies with this almost every thread

What does they think about NAP and recreational nukes?

>can't see that apes have thin lips and niggers have thick lips

Doesn't have to be that deep pockets. Or not that huge of an investment. If it fails, it's just a little money lost.