I'm a jew of mizrahim origin (lebanese and syrian) and Israel is ten thousand times better than diaspora jews. everything you guys accuse 'the jews' of doing, are exclusively ashkenazi. they are left-wing, minority-obsessed liberals who sellout israel in order to virtue signal for palestinians and other left-wing groups. diaspora jews are to the jewish race what white liberals are to the white race. they are race-traitors, backstabbers, weak, self-loathing liberals and they will always vote against their homeland.
Israeli jews on the other hand are right-wing, conservative, nationalist, anti-liberal and anti-globalist. They preserve their ethnocultural identity and encourage others to as well.
> but muh conspiracy says israel is undermining the West!
How? In the Lebanese Civil War, we supported the pro-Western Christian maronites and wanted them to have their own land. In the Nigerian Civil War, we sided against both the US AND the USSR in the most bizarro-world conflict of all time. even the Vatican was on our side. We supported the Nigerian Christians when they wanted to be free of the nigerian islamists and wanted their own nation called Biasra or something.
> israel is a khazar colonist nation occupying palestine!!
Wrong. Israel's population is just over 8million. Of that population, 1.5million are Sephardic Jews (Mediterranean/North African) and 3.2million are Mizrahi Jews (Indiginous ME Jews from Leb, Syria, Egypt, Iraq). That's 4.7million combined, out of the 8million Israel population. This doesn't even include minorities like arabs, druze, and christians. So no, there's no way Israel is a khazar ashkenazi state when not even half of the people living in it are ashkenazi. So go ahead, continue to spout arab conspiracy theories about how the jews are all united. Even the Saudis and Omanis are done being israel-haters. We've supported the west and nationalism in all of our geopolitics, while our enemies are always leftist pan-arabists.
Israel > Diaspora
Other urls found in this thread:
Most israelis are mutts made up of all the different groups except for the ultra orthodox. And they're all still fags about the holocaust
Israel is 100% undermining the West just looking at the amount of influence and where their kvetching gets them.
t. Jew who's done birthright
No Jews > Jews
Kill them all.
If it's so fucking great why aren't you over there?
I've been to Israel. Greatest people on earth. Liberal coastal Jews of the US aren't the same species.
I am Amerimutt.
Based Faisal, based jews.
i'm with you man, not all kikes are sorosoids or run hollywood
laughable. everytime im about to go full natsoc someone posts bullshit like this.
Aw, i didnt read the blue part. Does seem off. Is that what you meant?
>one-upping a fake quote by another fake quote
If you'rw implying Veteran's Today is a bad source, i encourage you to visit this buffet of red pills: veteranstoday.com
Terrible web design, great content.
Is this fake
What about this
Kvetching still?
Thanks for the links
You're welcome.
kinda fake because it misleads by referring to a friendly fire incident as an "attack"
very fake because they did not film the twin towers before the attack, and the interview quote is fake (check it and see that your source is a video that is dubbed over in english)
>I am a Jew
not fake but doesn't support 9/11 involvement
38 new thread, mostly textbook slide threads, in the 25 minutes since the creation of this post. With many probably alreadt deleted. So obvious. I will bump this to archive myself, kikes.
Hello Ethan Klein.
shoah the diaspora jews.
You're part way correct, the average israeli isn't really that hostile to white people or right wing movements. The government however work with the globalists and scam the world into doing their bidding. If israel oppressed arabs with their own shekels i really couldn't care less, but they drag us into it while then controlling the truth in our media and governments
>kinda fake because it misleads by referring to a friendly fire incident as an "attack"
Fuck yourself. They napalm'D the life rafts. The American flag was flown from the deck, as on every America vessel. Certain subject are immune to kike deflection, and it ousts your setup: you have little JIDF stations or work-from-homes all over our countries. Pic related.
> (You)
>very fake because they did not film the twin towers before the attack, and the interview quote is fake (check it and see that your source is a video that is dubbed over in english)
I'm sure you dissected all the available information in those police reports in the 3 minutes between our posts, Noam. Every post you kikes make digs the hole deeper. You let the IQ meme go to your head.
how much does Australia give Israel?
Is it hard to fap with no foreskin?
All it takes is a little common sense. Saddam was allegedly launching SCUD missles into Israel before 9/11, which was attributed to a Saudi hiding in Pakistan/Afghanistan.
I'm not retarded like most people here on /pol especially the mutts. I'm completely capable to understand the deference between based israeli nationalists and globalist commie jews from the the US.
Keep it up comrade, good night! I got to go
>We supported the Nigerian Christians
you supported ISIS/ISIL and al qaeda groups in Syria. go die in a fire.
Every dime and drop of blood that we have wasted on zionist wars
Take care brother
>We supported the Nigerian Christians when they wanted to be free of the nigerian islamists and wanted their own nation called Biasra or something.
No. You played us. Your agenda was only lip service and you never ever supported the Christians in the un-civil war but rather where more concerned about how your proxies in Saudi Arabia and allies in Egypt will react. It was for this same reason the US did NOT support the Christian south.
They are still supporting Boko Haram and ISWAP in Nigeria.
the pic you attached is also fake, because that's a class on some "cyber infrastructure protection" bullshit, basically network admins. nothing about "censoring the internet" which Israel has no power of doing.
love how the people who come up with new false flag conspiracy theories every 2 weeks suddenly think Israeli pilots should have been 100% confident the USS Liberty was an american ship because it flew an american flag, like it's below arabs to fly a false flag on their ships. check what flags Karine A, KLOS C, Victoria and Francop used.
I was able to "dissect" all available information because this is the 39158th time I see it, freak.
You people love posting your gore and pedophlia don't you?
horrid judaism and its filthy elohim
ok so 0 gotcha
>Enter shale
>Jonathan Jay Pollard[right] was an American-Israeli citizen who worked for the US government. He is well known because he stole more secrets from the U.S. than has any other spy in American history. During his interrogation Pollard said he felt compelled to put the "interests of my state" ahead of his own. Although as a U.S. Navy counter-intelligence specialist he had a top-secret security clearance, by "my state" he meant the state of Israel.
>Two senior Democratic Congressman have written a letter to the US Department of Justice urging "fair consideration" of Jonathan Pollard's wish to emigrate to Israel upon his release this week.
>On Friday, Congressman Jerrold Nadler (NY-10), Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property and the Internet;and Congressman Eliot Engel (NY-16), Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, appealed directly toUS Attorney GeneralLoretta E. Lynchto consider Jonathan Pollard's "expressed desire to reunite with his family in Israel following his 30 year prison sentence."
Free Biafra! Death to Israel!
Kvetch more.
what? your post doesn't make sense
Ibn Saud's Jihad to unite the Arab fiefdoms of Arabia under a single banner was financed by Rothschild and he had Military and intelligence support from the British. The aim game was to break the evil Satanic Ottoman Caliphate. Ibn Saud was supported by both the Brithish and Rothschild family on the condition he does not declare himself Khalifar. He was advised to rather announce himself as King. In Islam, monarchy is haram. The reason for the Brits insisting on Saud being a King rather than a Khalifar is because of the latter's experience and difficulty in controlling Islamic colonies over the fear of Mahdist movements. The beheading of Governor Gordon in Sudan by Islamic extremist was reason why the Brits decided on in-direct rule in northern Nigeria.
If we're ever going to defeat the evil Jews, we are going to need the good Jews to point them out and allow us to exterminate them
I neither like or trust any of you.
reminder to download 4chanx and filter memeflags
Filter all Israel flags you mean? Because they’re the worst posters on this site. :3
Did you have a comment on Napalming the life rafts? That's a war crime, kike.
Could you even imagine, the patriot Israelis tossing the Ashkenazi Talmudders over the wall to the wolves.
Is that your ignorance of our involvement in the zionist wars, or your attempt at claiming that the zionist wars are in fact not zionist?
It doesnt make sense to a Hasbara kike that wants to dismiss every post. It's literally your mission. Any non-kike/human would acknowledge ANY one of the other posts besides the ones they scrutinize.
yeah it's something you made up, there's no such allegation in mentally healthy sources
How many testimonies from US Servicemembers will you continue to undermine, you parasite?
>Any non-kike/human would acknowledge ANY one of the other posts besides the ones they scrutinize.
Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Are Israeli mizrahis still seen as pretty much 2nd class after ashkenazis in Israel? Why is it always the middle eastern Jews who are fervent anti-Arabs? What do you make of @edycohen?
ya know dude. Instead of doubling down on shit, you would be fucking SHOCKED, shocked, how quickly people loose interest if you own up to shit, call it what it is, and move on.
"yeah we got some bad apples in our community and the nation had some shady shit along the way to becoming stable. probably still does. Shit, so do you; look at hillary, obama, the bushes, clinton, and I can go on. Look at the indians of the US, atomic testing. So yeah. Our bad, sorry for the attempted conspiracy to suck the US into a war against egypt back before most of us were born, and sorry that I have no control over a government that is funded and manipulated by ultra wealthy families content to use jews as a shield for their own illicit deeds"
So bro, you go that route, and suddenly you are a lot more accessible to people, plus you gain the added benefit of ending the jewish scapegoat and passing the blame to where it needs to be instead of obstinately defending your hidden masters. We all have them, its a matter of recognizing them.
>Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
So you have resorted to entirely indecipherable balderdash?
Did not the Zionist Jews Being well off in Germany in 1915 make a deal with England to bring in The United States to overthrow the czar in Russia? Starting World war 1 USA crushed Germany. Was it not the humilating defeat of Germany Cause resentment of the jews by the Germans, feeling they were sold out to the Zionists, America, England, and Russia for Palistine? Could that be the real reason WW2 happened?
I was addressing pics containing fake quotes and debunked conspiracy theories, why don't you own up to them being false?
>you are a lot more accessible to people
I am accessible to people. You are not. Try saying any of that shit to a real person outside. Lmfao that lack of self awareness.
MGM logo is the Demiurge which is on a micro scale a parasite in everyone. It is quintessentially the yid parasite worm called Demodex.
That's because they know you are all filth.
I will take a Jew any day than an Arab Muslim scum
Israel is a bullshit meme country dude everybody knows that
>I was addressing pics containing debunked conspiracy theories
Oh there it is. USS Liberty apologist, please link me your source that "debunks" the testimonies given by the men and women, our Veterans, who commemorate this terrorist attack. usslibertyveterans.org What's THEIR endgame? I want you insight before this hits that "it's in the past/ancient history" benchmark.
>Try saying any of that shit to a real person outside. Lmfao that lack of self awareness.
Nice projection. The people "outside" are knee deep in Kike media. The people here are statistically not. Your Hasbara op is gonna need more backup, preferably someone who lives up to the IQ meme instead of the pilpul-kike stereotype.
Just stop circumcising little kids and we'll be all cool.
>t. Actual nigger
Get boko haram’d
>MGM logo
Get Jewed!
Both worship a borg cube, the hex star flag and the monument. Kind of a toss up really
Crickets from the Canadian kike? More redpills for lurkers then:
Gittin 57a. Says Jesus is in hell, being boiled in "hot excrement."
Sanhedrin 55b. A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years "and a day" old).
Sanhedrin 54b. A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old.
Kethuboth 11b. "When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing."
Gittin 57b. Claims that four billion Jews were killed by the Romans in the city of Bethar. Gittin 58a claims that 16 million Jewish children were wrapped in scrolls and burned alive by the Romans. (Ancient demography indicates that there were not 16 million Jews in the entire world at that time, much less 16 million Jewish children or four billion Jews).
Baba Kamma 37b. The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has "exposed their money to Israel."
Really annoying is that word in latin means a circle. Literally kikeing cock, and since its mostly done through medical subversion, everyone defends it. Most people refuse to see it as a death cult ritual or that its for stem cells, profit, depopulation, mutation, degeneracy and vampirism objectives.
>The people "outside" are knee deep in Kike media
-someone who is accessible to people (but can't get a girlfriend)
>Ad hominem, projection, kike.
You have visibly lost. I imagine if we psted pics of ourselves and our girlfriends, you woudd be 0-4 as well.
>I'm a jew of mizrahim origin (lebanese and syrian) and Israel is ten thousand times better than diaspora jews
The elite who identify themselves as Jewish are going to sacrifice your little home to gain a stronger hold over the globe.
They're giving nuclear-armed UK to the muzzies.
Hope you've got a bunker David.
why dont you go back to israel then kike
David is too good of a name. "Noam" cut deeps.
This is my attempt to show you I love you.
27My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
28And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
29My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.
30I and my Father are one.
10As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
11There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.
12They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.
13Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips:
14Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness:
15Their feet are swift to shed blood:
16Destruction and misery are in their ways:
17And the way of peace have they not known:
18There is no fear of God before their eyes.
Romans 10 KJV
13For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Ephesians 2 KJV
8For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
John 3 KJV
16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever BELIEVETH in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
All you have to do is believe on Jesus. No baptism, no church service, no repentance will save you if you died right now. You MUST believe the blood of Christ is that of God manifest in the Flesh, and that He washed you of your sins.
100 TRUTH.