Most powerful agency/organization

Curious, humor me if you will. Of all the US three letter agencies, which one is really king? You'd think CIA fags but I'm hoping NSA since it's under military control and by rights should have more patriots on board. (((CIA))) is bad news either way, but ultimately this - Who really swings the big dick here?

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None of the named ones. Maybe not even people like the 7th floor.


All a big waste of money.

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Jow Forums


NSA is the biggest, but if you wan to shoot foreign agents the CIA is king.

Think CIA + SFOD(Delta)

Interesting point. Found this article on the 7th floor so to speak, sheds some light on shit in a way. Your post makes me wonder what groups exist that we never will even hear of.

Never even crossed my mind but I think you're right. Wonder how likely it is the agency answers to them directly...

>Found this article
>Forget to post link

Never heard of but I know Delta works with them big time. The sad part is a guy would hope Delta is patriotic as shit and on our side, but it would be a huge letdown to find out our nations best operators hate us all as much as (((they))) do. Am I wrong here?

Delta and DIA are hardcore patriots, bud. You can't get shitty people to do that level of work. Shitty people might talk, or turn coat. Hardcore patriots will not.

>Delta and DIA are hardcore patriots, bud. You can't get shitty people to do that level of work. Shitty people might talk, or turn coat. Hardcore patriots will not.

I kind of figured my friend, but always good to hear others confirm. All this corruption going on while watching people you care about struggle because of evil engineered difficulties weighs on you sometimes and your mind goes thousands of ways. It makes me just as sick knowing both you and your loved ones as well as everyone elses are involuntarily involved in this too, so having the best of the good guys with you helps the mentality some, you know?

Certain jobs can only be done by people with a high integrity. Secret Service and US Marshalls are other great federal agencies with patriots. Also, the US Park Service.

You forget that the marxists in the cia and fbi believe they are the real patriots and possess the mandate to steer the nation in the direction of their choosing.
Never assume that just because someone wears the label of patriot that they are on your side or working towards helping you.

Absolutely. I used to think that about the FBI and other things as well. Granted every occupation will always have good and bad, I doubt anyone knew some shit was this bad. Know a few guys that are Marshals and one guy in ICE. All of them are good dudes but none of them are supervisors/management either. Just seems sociopaths climb the ladder more often.


The thing about the FBI is, they basically built their MO around being dirty to bust the baddest guys in the US.
Because they were more apt to use dirty cop tricks, they opened up to having dirt in their ranks. Same with the DEA and CIA. With the DIA, you NEED military discipline and loyalty to the United States due to the missions they go on. They're not about fucking over other country's leaders and shit. That's CIA shit.

Like the Park Rangers. You gotta be a tough and good person to do that job right. If you're not, the wilderness will eat you up. If you don't jive right with nature you can be a ranger. It's like adding oil to water. Becomes a broken cog if you will.

Another one I never heard of. Thanks for the info.

Yeah good point, especially with the Rangers. Would be cool if the military was given the task of overseeing the FBI, CIA, DEA, etc... if for no other reason than to ensure ethics are upheld. Pipe dream I know, but maybe some day.


One you've never heard of.

Well, the FBI and DEA shouldn't exist. The Marshals and SS can handle any crimes the feds have any business in, and drug prohibition is fucking stupid bullshit that falls under "the road to hell"-
and "cutting off your nose to spite your face"-

The CIA.... It's a bit of a problem. We need the CIA, and they have to be allowed to play dirty to do their job. Their job? Help make sure nuclear war never sees the light of day.
That's their ultimate job, and the ultimate job of all the major espionage agencies. Even Mossad.
We DO NOT want another nuke going off. Anywhere. By anyone. It's just not at all good for ANYONE who isn't suicidal. And that is the point.
The CIA also helps ensure the US stays on top. We sacrifice parts of ourselves to do it. After all, nothing comes without sacrifice(a cost) and when the stakes are high, the price is deep.
Sad to say I know. And the commie fucks know this. That's why they target the CIA and FBI for infiltration. They know that those agencies have that chink in the armor they can pry into by their nature.
Commies would have no chance getting into places like the Secret Service and US Marshalls, because those agencies are absolutely indebted to integrity and patriotism and thus have ways of finding even the best ghosts.

any real power has been compartmentalized right out of their control by now.

Whichever one screams hero the loudest

The fact that none of you know is so telling. Also the fact that none of you would believe me if I told you shows how effective this organization truly is.

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