Here we discuss the mess that is the EU and what would be feasible, practical and better alternatives.
I suggest a economic confederacy of nationalistic states.
Here we discuss the mess that is the EU and what would be feasible, practical and better alternatives.
I suggest a economic confederacy of nationalistic states.
>I suggest a economic confederacy of nationalistic states.
>Here we discuss the mess that is the EU
I can’t take someone seriously when they say EVROPA instead of Europe..
I can't take seriously one from Saudi Arabia
EU is currently anything but what I proposed
That’s not a nice thing to say to your ancestor, my dear Arab rapebaby. Kingdom of Sicily 2.0 when??
>better alternatives
no union but just free trade between former EU states.
>a economic confederacy of nationalistic states
no, that is even worse than the cancer that is the EU
Sorry, mudslim: I'm not from Sicily nor anything below the Po
I'm interested in your point: care to share more and why would my idea be worse than the fisaster that it is now?
I cant take someone seriously when they say EUROPE instead of Europa
>>Confederation: a more or less permanent union of states with some or most political power vested in a central authority.
because a confederation of states with be more inline with something like the US which is the absolute opposite of what I want.
A confederation is the end goal of the EU and it appears you are fine with that.
I want trade and that is it. No need to have any other part of our cooperation be centralized.
>and what would be feasible, practical and better alternatives.
Neo-Francian Empire with Germany, France, England, Netherlands and North Italy.
just a peace treaty will do
Dios mio, my poor descendent. Did the ebil northerners make you self-hate? It’s okay to be southerner and proud of your Arabic roots. Don’t let whitey break you.
I’m fine with Europa. Or better yet, call it by its Arabic name: Orobba. Evropa is just cringy as hell.
I spoke about an economic confederation: I just want a central market, not a central government or I would have specified "NATIONALISTIC states"
Sure thing, Mohamed: last time I checked, you reigned only on sand and goat-fuckers, so stay mad
>I’m fine with Europa
you better be as its what it is called.
>call it by its Arabic name: Orobba
I dont care what you call it. Its not its name mate.
then avoid stuff like "confederation". Just say you want a central market.
also what do you mean by central market? Standardization of goods? Equal trade laws? Or just tariff free trade?
I wish, my friend
have you ever read the shitty quran?
your stupid prophet expleicitly says that you cannot marry or have children with white people (unbelievers).
it doesn't matter how many countries the muslims occupied.
that fact alone doesn't mean that muslims defiled the purity of other peoples with their filth.
have you ever thought what will do once your oil runs out and you are no longer relevant?
the Americans will fucking rape you.
Ok, maybe I used the wrong term. I think I would be fine with just free trade between states (equal trade laws and tariff free trade sound nice).
I'm interested in other's opinions so I can get a better view of possibilities
ok fair enough
>equal trade laws
well the problem with equal trade laws is that they require a place for disputes to be handled and some sort of legal entity that is above the members of the trade block.
I am not against that mind you but it does mean sacrificing some of our sovereignty. However as long as there is a clear way to leave the trade block then the benefits outweigh the negatives in my opinion.
We agree on that. I for sure think that an "economic union" is the way to go; and just that, no greater power than the single state sovereign if not (but I'm not so sure about that) a council of some sort for foreign (=out f Europa) policies, since a cohesive response to outer menaces would be not only necessary but even ideal
>What is Emirate of Sicily
Whitewashing this hard.. why deny your Arabic roots, my dear Giuseppe Al-Sicilian?
You know pronuncing the letter P is not standard in Arabic, right? Make it easier for my European arabic peeps to pronounce. You know pumping Arabic hordes into Orobba is part of the plan, right? Accommodate us now, we might have pity on you when the day comes.
>Cannot marry white women
Are Greek schools completely defunded now? I can’t excuse this stupidity. Christian and Jewish women (we call you both people of the book) are perfectly okay for Muslim men to marry. Christian men on the other hand need to convert before marrying a Muslim woman, my dear roach rapebaby.
- free trade (pretty much, can have exceptions)
- no free movement of people
- every state has its own independent demographic policy
- some kind of military alliance, that is focused exclusively on defense from outside (no invasions in the middle east)
- dissolution of nato and removal of american bases
- common protection of the outer european borders
- various other initiatives that get agreed upon as needed
Isn't that exactly how it started out?
Yeah that would have been the goal but we never really got there and instead created this monster
Because I already told you, I don't even know someone from Sicily, my dear mudslim troll
How do we get middle-easterns, north - africans and africans to stop being criminals ?
I don't think any of you member states realise how much this is a German Hegemony.
Look how many member state companies have been bought by German companies vs the other was round, some industries don't even exist in member states anymore even though they used to be in most of them.
Take steel for example how many member states still have a steel industry?
Kill yourself nobody want to hear your pseudo culturized condescending bulshiit deser rat
its called europa/evropa in most european languages
It will always lead to this, economic unions lead to political union.
You are lucky that china didnt buy it
We just have to teach them javascript.
I agree on most of that, I want americans out of here.
I disagree on freedom of movement, though: of course states should incentive their citizens to stay and build there but if we are talking of internal migrations (of only real europeans, I mean) I don't see it so bad
>I don't think any of you member states realise how much this is a German Hegemony
someone from down under thinks he can learn the Dane of the subhuman called G*rmans.
>Take steel for example how many member states still have a steel industry?
Denmark never had a steel industry. Also its mostly us Danes that are invading and expanding our business into Germany than the other way around.
Germany in turn rape the eastern block and the poorer southerners. Not really my problem.
>if we are talking of internal migrations (of only real europeans, I mean) I don't see it so bad
It's not the end of the world, but countries should still be able to restrict it.
Also, when you have countries like France and UK it's not easy to get "real Europeans" only. Until those countries fix themselves we need to restrict them.
Agreed. I have been to Paris recently and I saw first hand how much "french" it is, nowadays
>parents moved the family from Palermo to Lombardia 24 years ago..
You know your ethnicity doesn’t change when you move, right?
I don’t know, I avoid dealing with nafris and Arab-larpers in Europe, mostly scum. You’re not getting MENA’s best, that’s for sure.
Hello backwater Mississippi trashy faggot, how’s your meth operation going?
It’s called Europe in English. This an English speaking board. Speak it, motherfucker.
Except I am much older than that and back to my grand-grand-grand father my family spanned between Lombardia and Trentino. Tell me again, why do you insist on your idiocy?
Because denial will get you nowhere, pepe. Look at your PM ffs. It’s a common theme with southern Italians to larp as northerners because of northern oppression. If this isn’t the classic Stockholm syndrome, I don’t know what is. Be proud of your glorious past. I hope the kingdom of Napoli and Sicily would make a come back in my lifetime. I’m sick of northerns controlling everything in Italy, including the narrative.
>It’s called Europe in English
English is just a frenched up version of old German and old Danish. Its a mess and should not be taken seriously.
we cant and you know it. Cant teach an old dog new tricks.
that sculpture is amazing, how the hell did they even make that? drawing something like that is already hard as fuck
EU monkeys
all of you
Europe is doomed. The will not save Europe altogether. The solution is the creation of relatively isolated Amish-like communities that aim to be self-sufficient.
>The will not save Europe altogether.
she cute