Too Degenerate?

i drink a bottle of wine every single night. Am I too degenerate for the ethnostate?

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no but you are degenerate for asking permission how to live your life from a website full of virgins and boomers.


>being this normal


keep up the alcoholism and hope to god you don't get withdrawal syndrome.

TIL Jow Forums is full of alcoholics just like me

>bottle of wine
that's not how it works

what are you even implying

maybe find a reason to live?

You are addicted. Cut it out

That's literally how it works. Maybe you need education on alcohol instead of LGBT and black history

It’s about consistency and frequency not massive amount

drink more

Only if you enjoyed it

the only way i will stop is if someone puts me in a cage until the cravings stop. i cant sleep because all i can think of is alcohol. i hate it and love it at the same time

Who cares about degenerate, cringey memester. Think about your health.

first he said every night, not day.
the bottle of wine would be out of his system by the time he woke up in the morning.
true alcoholics need to drink in the morning till night.

After 5 posts? Get sober, loser.

Yes, but not because of alcohol, because it’s wine. Only women and homosexuals drink wine.

Be a man and get yourself some whisky. I recommend Laphroaig.

Honey Jack
is smooth and cheap

fuck you wine is dirt cheap because no one buys the cheap stuff

its cheap because it's 12% or less

Jack Daniels is utter shit and I'm not saying that to look cool.

You must like licking charcoal
>honey jack
Are you a woman?

You can get a half gallon of 4x distilled vodka for 20 bucks.

No that’s just more acute. He’s still an alcoholic and said he has cravings too

Don't have kids. If you do, stop drinking. My dad drinks a bottle or two of wine a day (lunch and dinner) and it really interferes with his ability to maintain a relationship of actual depth and realness. Just stop altogether. You're an alcoholic.

i like not shitting and puking myself everynight tho. wine tastes good

You’re the reason your dad drinks.

try drinking with him faggot

how often is it in the system, and that it does not break the half life of the alcohol. So you can be an alcoholic by just drinking 12 beers a day.
And the half life is around 24 hours if I remember correctly.

Hence my comment about you being a woman. Why don’t you go get some mikes hard lemonade, or some wine coolers, fairy boy?

You're not fooling me and I can sense immediately that your drunkenness is pretty lame to be around. I would not recommend any females I know to associate with you or consider marrying you. No way.

Not true at all.

You won't get withdrawals unless it's a 1.5L bottle and you barely weigh 100lbs. Occasionally I'll polish off a 750ml of merlot and I'm pretty buzzed but not drunk.

first time i had mikes hard i thought it was non alcoholic and chased whisky with it. got smashed

I drink polish vodka sometimes.

there is only like 4-7 beer in a bottles of wine depending on proof the of beer and wine
a bottle of wine is nothing really

Nah he was drinking long before I got here and probably because his alcoholic dad beat him for no reason.

You're a fucking piece of shit also.

You're pretty lame if you can't see the damage an alcoholic can have on a family. You're actually a pretty shitty person.

so you know what is hobby is, drinking.
and you dont drink with him.
such a good son
you might not have been the reason he started to drink but YOU are now the reason he still drinks

I see why your dad drinks. You are very emotional and feminine

There are no benefits of drinking besides hedonistic pleasure.
Maximum recommended intake of wine is around 1,5 bottle of wine per week slightly warrying on your country and diet.
Explain how surpassing this amount regularly by >450% for no rational reason isn't addiction

Yeah you are a shitty person actually. Like super shitty. Incredibly shitty of a person.