Just a daily reminder /pol is a Christian Board.
Just a daily reminder /pol is a Christian Board
All daily reminders are JIDF genitally mutilated mutt sponsored threads:
>CAESAR'S MESSIAH The Roman Conspiracy To Invent Jesus
>Cesare Borgia's image used as Jesus Christ
>The Dead Sea Scrolls [complete eng translation] - John Marco Allegro
Yes. Christ is King.
t. i want jesus to fix all problems so i don't have to be the one who has to fix it
family friendly
>implying you *really* know who *you* are
>implying you now what you're problems are
>implying you know what "fixing" these problems even entails
The fear of god is the beginning of wisdom
>implying jesus exists and ever fixed anything
>implying jesus wasn't just a murdered anarchist truther
>implying christianity isn't about reminding everybody that you will get murdered if you try to liberate humanity by showing of a sacrificed anarchist on a cross
deus vult
It takes a strong intellect to admit this.
Pol needs Jesus now.
Our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, your will be done on earth has it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread, and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil and forgive us of our tresspasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, For thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever
When will Jow Forums accept the Christian pill as the only way to fight degeneracy and the international Jewry?
not going to join your cult to fix your personal problems.
Yeah that worked out so well in the past. FFS, christianity is obviously false and equally obviously semitic
It is actually the end of wisdom
HAHAHAHAGAHA you live in a country, that arrested the guy, that put up a video of the aftermath of a filthy savage Allah akbaring a 1 year old girls head off
On a hate crime because the video could paint immigrants in a bad light HAHAHAHAHAHAHA who's cucking your bitch ass tonight a Somali or Moroccan? Go cry in the corner and furiously masterbate faggot..
What kind of mental illness do you suffer from?
It takes courage and wisdom to except that you are not in complete control of your life, it takes even more intelligence to realize that if there is a creation there is also a creator.
>when we die we die
Atheism truly is amazingly smart.
Semetic? How can god be confided to a race? Jesus was god in human form, he transcend your primitive ideas of time and race.
>peak intellectualism here
All people's struggles exist because of sin. That is my problem and yours. Pretty simple stuff brainlet
The one where I'm not failing at shit posting christians, while Muslims are chainfucking me in the ass...
And it takes even more intelligence still to say that if there is a creator he didn't write the bible, and he doesn't care what we believe or else he would give us more proof of his will
Christianity is the white man’s religion.
>esus was god in human form, he transcend your primitive ideas of time and race
Except in reality he was not, he was simply a jew who you foolishly believe to be god in human form
>Christianity is the white man’s religion.
No, it is a semitic religion, science and reason are the white man's religion
You sound highly emotional and mentally unstable.
>literally a more primitive version of Islam
>Jews + a very centuries.
White men created reason and science. You're a fucking kike puppet.
>proof of pizzagate
>God speaks to Jow Forums
Satanist BTFO
Molechians on Suicide watch.
do some bad shit and see what happens to you (actually don't). my interpretation is there is a natural universal order of righteousness and you dont want to piss of the big man upstairs (figuratively). these things are felt and experienced in the real world not read from a book. thus once felt, fear of the lords retribution for sins committed is real and shines light on real wisdom which is leading a better life.
That has nothing to do with the bible. I am not an atheist, i just don't believe anything which has been proven false