Gun control is necessary

Listen up gun nuts.

I grew up around guns. I am a gun owner and a die hard second amendment supporter. But it's time to ban semi-automatics, fully semi-automatics, ammunition, assault guns with too many magazine clips, shoulder things that go up, and guns designed to kill people. That's just common sense. After that you can have all the guns you want! After a thorough psychological evaluation, of course. And you can even go down to the local precinct to visit your gun under strict supervision whenever you want if you have a valid reason.

Don't get me wrong. I'm all about the second amendment. The right to bear arms is extremely important to me, but isn't time we abolish the second amendment? Isn't it a little outdated? Well regulated militia. Why does anyone even need a gun?

I'm not saying we ban guns. Fucking Christ you gun obsessed psychopaths, get a grip. Calm down, no one is coming for your guns. No one is saying ban all guns. I'm just saying that we ban the guns that can kill people. No one, and I repeat no one has ever suggested that we ban guns or abolish the secondment amendment. I don't even know where you evil baby killing monsters come up with that one.

No one is a bigger supporter of gun rights than me. But this is just common sense. Why won't you compromise?

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Other urls found in this thread:

just another shitblue thread

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The compromise is me saying you can choose to control YOUR right to guns, and I'll choose not to control mine. Got it, faggot?

>guns are only for well-regulated militias
>all right, we'll form a militia then
>what the fuck you can't do that you crazy right wingers

Um, no sweetie. I'm trying to have a discussion here.

fuck you shill sage

this thread and pasta again
sage goes in all fields

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oh ok

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Where is Full Auto legal?

You don't even know the difference between an Assault Rifle and a Hunting Rifle...


Don't pretend to know the second amendment or anything about guns. We all know you are a DNC plant.

>magazine clips
Whew. I feel like I need to get Jow Forums and maybe /d/ in here to set you straight.

And the Right to Bare Arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.....

Eat shit and die nigger faggot. Parsley, [this goes in the options field], Rosemary, and Thyme.


I guess we cant say c.u.c.K... Like saying onions bois...

Lol... oooops...

>i support the second amendment
>its time to ban [guns]

lolno. die commie scum


>shoulder things that go up
>ban da ebil guns
>trust me goyim! I'm a fellow gun enthusiast, I swear!
Slidin them threads I be sagin them threads
Keep on slidin and I'm sagin your threads

Eat shit faggot, you know very well you aren't changing any minds here.

Oh herro

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Hey morons, the OP is very obvious satire

Reminder to bulk purchase ammo.

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>guns designed to kill people
Are you retarded, user? Do your parents know that you are on an adult site Jow Forums?

Don't have my common sense gun laws slippery slope pasta I made on my laptop, I have it on my desktop and I don't feel like getting on there right now. You can't control guns though, I can literally bang out a gun in my garage using a mallet, printer, glue, drill, and some wood for the forms.
>P.A. Luty
>Four Winds Shotgun


I'm guessing you came from /d/? You look at dick girls all the time and you still aren't as big a fag as OP. I think it's time you had a long chat with him.

>buying federal ammo and not cheap ass TulAmmo commie rounds from Putin.

It should be a capital offence for any member of the BAR association to be too illiterate to comphrend the meaning of this phase.

Hello new fren. Try spelling it lowercase next time

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No matter the ammo I post you goddamn niggers will complain. As long as it can mass murder leftist hordes of gun grabbing faggots it is good enough. Now kill your family and commit suicide you goddamn faggot.

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>people actually read "No one is saying ban all guns. I'm just saying that we ban the guns that can kill people" and thought user was serious

Just trying to help you get your best bang for your buck if your looking to stalk up.

Obvious bait, but still, you do touch on some valid points, and there's no reason anyone should be allowed to have a gun if you're not in the military and at war. I love this country and want to see the death and violence stop. Don't you?

Talk shit about her all you want but I'm so proud of Emma Gonzalez. I was literally crying when she gave her first speech.. Before now any 11 year old could just waltz into a papa johns and buy a fully semi-automatic M16A1 assault gun with magazine clips, fully rifled assault barrel, and 100k rounds of assault bullet shells in less than 1 seconds. That's like getting shot with a knife the size of a soda can. '

Now our school shootings are safer and we have Emma Gonzalez to thank. I fucking dare you to try and name one person who ever lived who has shown more courage, more resolve, and more patriotism than this hero.

The nose has been exposed, shill for the high score!

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you think taking away guns is gonna stop death and violence?

> Clips

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17 is not enough.

Tomato, tomahto.

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It will certainly help reduce it, and that makes it more than worth it.

>i am a big supporter of the 2ns amendment and guns, but i want to abolish it and forbid guns

Well, I am a true patriot. I want to do what's best for my country and if that means giving up on the second amendment to prevent gun deaths then so be it. That's far better than just burying my head in the sand like so many people on Jow Forums or Jow Forums.


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Tldr. Fuck off

You are a dumb cunt if you think anyone would believe you grew up around guns, are a gun owner, and are a die hard supporter of the second amendment...

FAKE AND GAY... do you get paid to copy and paste this bullshit every fucking day you dumb bitch?


Shut up Hogg

>Why won't you
Because you're full of shit and you honestly think this high school level shit is convincing.

1776 will commence

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But most deaths arent by gundns, and most guns death are by illegally owned ones by gangs user.
So no, this argument have been used and destroyed countless times.

That's not bulk, that's over priced walmart range rounds.
Pic related is bulk.

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>I am a true patriot
How dare you say such lies? The much better solution is for everyone to be armed and any real patriot can recognize that. You can't prevent things from happening by only ensuring criminals get the upper hand on having more access to weapons compared to law abiding citizens, but you can by making sure everyone is armed.

This has to be a copypasta

>Bait gets this many replies
How many newfags are here on Jow Forums?

its fucking embarassing man, people still take the bait too. sage to no return

I hate your filthy French bloodline of dirty whores and cowards faggots BUT I wish I could deport this fake bitch OP to your shit hole country and bring you here. I would put a fucking brand new AR in your skinny little bitch hands, you smelly frog eating cuck..

I live about 25 minutes from where this is produced, and I really wish they had a clearance center or something. There’s a nice state conservation department range a few miles from there too.

>my fellow white people,goyim i....

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I agree. I had a friend who was a cop and he literally gave me a gun that he took off some niggers one night while we were drinking on his porch.

>idiots calling this bait
>even BIGGER idiots thinking it's serious
OP, you've made me lose faith in this fucking site. There was a time when Jow Forums could recognize satire. It wasn't even vaguely subtle satire. You couldn't have been more obvious about it if you attached a picture of someone making a stupid face. There's no more fucking thought in this shithole. Just "WAIT A MINUTE IS THAT A THREAD NOT AFFIRMING WHAT I CAME HERE TO THINK? FUCKING BAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIT" without even reading. You people are the saddest motherfuckers in existence. Even a liberal would have read that post and scoffed at being made to seem so stupid.

Hey guise, I'm an NRA card holder. You should listen to me.

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While I agree with you I really only saw magazine clips and had to jump in here with both fucking feet. I knew it was bait when I started replying but I just couldn't help myself.

IT'S NOT FUCKING BAIT. It's satire. Or, in retards' terms:


can you provide the source
(not arguing, just interesting)

Call it whatever you want I still call OP a faggot. Now please kindly go back to teaching little girls english or if a native then sniffing their used panties out of a vending machine.

You're a gun owning LARPing kike faggot

Sir I believe you underestimate the absolute state of the liberal mind.

OP is 100% serious about banning guns but doesn't want to admit it in his clearly communist and devious language.

Gotta read between the lines you silly bitch.

(We know)

>Don't get me wrong. I'm all about the second amendment.

>I support the second amendment but...
No you don’t. You’re either retarded, a liberal, or a shareblue shill. There is no “but” in the second amendment.

I know that this pasta is just another practice thread.

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The source was written on the pic

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And i support the first amendment, but i think your views should have you thrown in a camp

>I'm all about the second amendment. The right to bear arms is extremely important to me, but isn't time we abolish the second amendment?

what did he mean by this?

I wonder whos behind this post...

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I keep seeing these stupid threads just to get reminded that here in sweden it’s a real pain in the ass to get any gun.

Thou not impossible as i am in a gun club rifle marksmanship. Just need more experience to get dat license.

The dream would be too maybe own old swedish mauser 96 for hunting. :)

>Why does anyone even need a gun?
NIGGERS you bait shop twat.

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Very transparent shilling. 3.5/10.

Well most people only read the first line, surely if they continued reading they would have seen through it

You fucking autists this is copypasta. Shut the fuck up this is meant to get a reaction out of you.

The issue with guns you have over there is nothing compared to here in the eu and Sweden

Consider yourselfs lucky you were born in merica. While in sweden if you accidentally killed a man in self defense, say you dissarm his knife and end up stabbing him. Welp guess your going to jail.

You can’t belive the anger i have for this joke of a judgment system we have here.

And no death penalty, let’s not go into how fucking luxurious our prison cells are.

TFW your not even swedish, half slav half argentinian just born in a country at it’s worst time in history. Sweden is cucked royaly.

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OP is a faggot and his coypasta is shit

Now, that's well-written satire.

Isn't swedish jail a fucking joke? More like a vacation

Soooo, when are the Swedish police and court officials who make these uncivilised decisions going to spend the rest of their lives walking funny?

Fully semiautomatics. Confirmed, no experience or understanding of guns.

cringe. as if you believe a word of that shit you just posted

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Banning guns is retarded when you can even print them.
Is like saying "give us your guns unless you plan to doing something illegal with them"

Your OP didn't even make any God Damn sense.

No compromise. Repeal NFA. Repeal 16A.

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Pretty much. Swedish cucks are know to be too sensitive. Afraid to hurt someones fee fees to much and are very reserved of themselves. Of course not everyone are like this. But it’s the norm.

This is good satire and I applaud you

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Old pasta