This is daytime TV on the taxpayer funded channel in the Netherlands

Attached: 1531721659784.png (930x479, 677K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Wtf is going on here?

Your usual dutchman's christmas.


>Leftist meeting: I heard that right wing people really dislike feces. So if we smear ourselves with feces while dancing in front of the camera, that should really get to them.


Post the cuckistan one too.
Lets have a competition !

Sorry I don't have the Bulgaria one

You need take that image off...

Well aren't you a double faced muslim cock sucker. If you're going to smear shit on carrot land then post the nigger checking out some aids ridden inbred island trolls on state funded big black cock tv. Or you didn't pay for your loicense ?

Well you got him

This picture makes me feel empowered because I know I am a far superior human being than anyone of those pictured.

As the worlds shames itself into weakness, I the simple act of preserving ones dignity builds power on a level that is lightyears above my peers.

You Europeans are weak. It sure feels good to know I am so far above you.

Ccyкa,я жe eгo poлики cмoтpeл!

I really just want to point out, that it feels so incredibly powerful and good and just and righteous to be so morally superior to all of these degenerate pictures.

I feel power over every single one of those people. The nig would be out in the field, the beta doing my taxes, and the whore? I'd just throw her to the street. The worst that can happen to her, she has already embraced. Nothing worth saving.

>comment clearly said 22:00
>this is daytime for you
>webm related

Attached: 1500868971635.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

Whatever you say Paco

Attached: 1528377440197.png (800x600, 122K)

Why are you obsessed with our television when yours is so much worse bong.
pic related bong show

context: that show is about drugs and sex and has covered pretty much every weird subject, here the presenter visited the concept of cuckolding because it got popular on the internet

Attached: 3EA3B3A3-7DA0-4EE6-BAA2-5B2800575E6D.jpg (1920x1080, 207K)

Degenerate tv show visiting a porn shoot

Do we always have to have this race to the bottom and continually argue who is worse instead of getting upset at all of it?

Because this board is a joke.

>Well aren't you a double faced muslim cock sucker. If you're going to smear shit on carrot land then post the nigger checking out some aids ridden inbred island trolls on state funded big black cock tv. Or you didn't pay for your loicense ?
Imagine being mentally ill enough to type this out

Attached: 1531106597713.gif (500x346, 471K)

You say that like Naked Attraction isn't also meant to be outrageous. Nobody actually watches it seriously

Attached: British 'Television'.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

>that rage
Wew didn't know bulgaria was so fragile

Sounds honest and authentic enough for me.

my sides

btfo by based Bulgar

Attached: 333.png (420x234, 141K)

>This picture makes me feel empowered because I know I am a far superior human being than anyone of those pictured.

very good point

First time in Jow Forums?

>getting upset by banter on a Jewish political shilling board
Git gud


what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

jeez. what shit country is that?

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Jow Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Jow Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...

Is that Nellie Benner getting fugged?

And in 3 years that station is decimated.

Attached: 1521462821279.jpg (575x586, 67K)

ahhh this hans gets it


Because no one wants to admit how bad things really are

noice one hans!

im pretty sure the white guy is from a dutch youtube channel called drugslab

>nobody watches it seriously
Why should they ? If millions of children getting fucked,groomed and abused in general, sharia courts , muslims taking over , terrorism and pedophilia scandals can't make the cut to stir up some emotion in your society its no surprise that this won't either.

Attached: oy.png (541x444, 537K)

>context: that show is about drugs and sex and has covered pretty much every weird subject, here the presenter visited the concept of cuckolding because it got popular on the internet
Yeh well can't the cuckolding not involve niggers? Why is there a nigger fucking a white woman and not a white dude fucking a shit skin?

Attached: brainlers.png (82x51, 8K)

why are the normies so obsessed with sex?
It's not like they are actually reproducing...

The presenter's name is Anna Richards. She used to be a part of a show called Supersize vs Superskinny

Fucking degenerate

> REAL intellectual discussion
> survival
you’ll be hanging from your bathroom towel hook soon

You mutts make this too easy

Attached: 1528301844196.gif (1000x1000, 1.47M)

I can't get over the hitler stach the nigger is sporting.

Let's play this game Muhammad.

Attached: Muslim-rape-gang-headlines-UK.jpg (640x487, 94K)

To be fair, Americans started off white. You’ve been blacked since the 7th century

I cant take it anymore. I’m one bad day away from visting a liberal newspaper or TV outlet and unloading on every single one of them.

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>if it's on some porn site, we'd better fast track it to the mainstream, especially if it breeds the dutch out of existence
why are you even trying to defend this?

Nice try, "le 56%" mutt

Attached: 1200px-Percentage_of_major_Y-DNA_haplogroups_in_Europe.png (1200x1098, 571K)

In minecraft?

Yes user, let it all out

Yeah man let's play

Attached: cc7.png (1584x864, 75K)

IIRC this pic is fake. The program in question is still pure cancer tho and should immediately be removed from television.

Drug lab is based and I wanna fug that chick

I have seen the picture pop up for years now. What is fake about it? Does this episode not exist?

Herinner je sex voor de Buch nog? Geen aflevering zonder een neukende neger.

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So. Can somebody dig up (((who))) owns the media producing this filth?

There's no shame In having a Moroccan mother user

Attached: 35156044_245285062732195_3299591698685886464_n.jpg (640x640, 37K)

Mad mutty strikes again!!

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Hahahahaha get terrorised faggot.

Attached: Barcelona-terror-attack.jpg (615x846, 73K)

>what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
>jeez. what shit country is that?

We got that exact same show in germany.
Watched it one time, was of course conplwte bullshit but at least I saw no nigger and the women chose only alphas.

Attached: IMG_20180716_062400.jpg (1075x1320, 346K)

I do have morrocan ancestors. At least I know from what pussy my generations had come from. Do you know the same, mutt?

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I don't know what you meant, but thumbs up. Brits need to realize they're cloaca of Europe.

Based Italy bro sending you his refugees

wiki pagina
> Verder was nog een duidelijk zwakbegaafde man te zien die naakt door Amsterdam liep met zijn geslachtsdeel in een houten doos die diende als kijkdoos. Na betaling van een gulden konden geïnteresseerden via een luikje in de kijkdoos zijn door lampjes beschenen piemel bewonderen. Het geld dat hij hiermee ophaalde wilde hij doneren aan een dierenbegraafplaats in Zevenhoven.

Boemers zijn ziek.

>arguing with 5 year old pasta


Attached: 1493415682998.jpg (400x592, 94K)

Did they not teach you colors when you swam over Ahmed? That's an Italian flag you stupid piece of shit.

Sauce on the chick senpai

I love these mutt memes lmao


Pretty sure we know the (((answer)))

> well at least I know I’m a mutt
Lol. Are u sure that’s not you on the pic?

based Bulg

Our country has one of the highest Jewish population in Europe... if only the Nazis finished the fucking job.


I already knew it you dimwit, I said it expressly bc italians are the epicenter of african-european inbreeding in Europe, you moron

Attached: 1529681730832.png (436x478, 54K)

Hate to break the news to you Muhammad but, this is what all spanish women look like. Their economy is also based off of ramen noodles. Go back home faggot.

Attached: Screenshot_20180716-110652_Chrome.jpg (1077x1378, 484K)

This is an excellent summary of the leftist's thinking

Take your cuck shit to Reddit.

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Yeah bruh

Attached: Let+me+guess+youre+an+amerimutt+_ec9e561e541a160a5f8562807d68bdc6.jpg (331x361, 37K)

Sure thing

Attached: Alba_Román.jpg (487x800, 72K)

That’s a beautiful family you got there

The monument of the dwarf with the dildo is still in public place?



Attached: Screenshot_20180716-110942_Chrome.jpg (1080x1195, 565K)

thats not a jewish nose
its this:

Attached: BuVHdbC.jpg (3600x2682, 1.83M)

Thank you mutt

Attached: 240757.jpg (1024x648, 64K)

Nice try faggot.
Kys Mutambe.

Attached: Average_Spanish_Man.jpg (934x1177, 401K)

What a waste of dubbs, man

Attached: 1528567431730.png (1620x2880, 146K)

When your economy collapses in the next few years you're going to die a sad and lonely life because you're a leech and that's all you "people" know how to do. Now post your umpteenth mutt meme faggot because you're brown as fuck and wish you were as white as me lol.

>and wish you were as white as me lol.

Attached: 1527322740127.jpg (624x617, 55K)

Good man. Every Brit who posts here should be hanged. They are as bad as Canadians.

Honestly what percentage of the population would you say has Berber/Arab ancestry?

Good material for the screencap

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