Scenario: We win the race war. What's the final solution to mutt children/babies and race-mixers?

>Leviticus 18:23
>Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion

Do we remove them back to Africa? Do we let them die or kill them? Do we really have to kill our fellows who had intercourse with them? I hate this question, 'cause it's the brainwashing of (((them))) who lead some of our people to do it. Give me answers. Give me a solution.

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Something to listen while we search for a solution

LEave people alone and dont fuck with them.

i will have sex with them

you probably shouldn't talk about solutions with that flag tho

just focus on surviving first, achmed

Mutts will be ... POC's living legacy

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Fellow slavbro I am Russian

Mutto half white here

Why not just leave us alone? We'll either die off or in a few generations our lineage will be as white as nords and whiter than anglos so who cares mate.

You are nothing, but just a quick nut by Lust™ . I'd might think about slaves for some concentration camp work, but I don't want anybody to see the creation of evil which is you

moving them is unrealistic. we cant force any african country to take them any more than we can force them to leave.

we should just 'fix' all low income people like cats and dogs. maybe put something in the water to sterilize people in poor areas.

you want welfare? you want ebt? okay, get your tubes tied if you want to continue leeching benefits for more than x amount of time.

we should also offer an incentive for anyone, even non-poors to get themselves 'fixed' in order to receive a one time lump sum payout of a few thousand dollars(maybe even 10-100k, will be cheaper than another welfare baby long term).

all children born in hospitals whose parents dont have insurance/cant pay should also be fixed as soon as possible, in the hospital on the day they are born(not sure if medically possible or not, but git er done ASAP)

Then why create us mutts in the first place? Why would you sully me when I could've been born white had it not been for your allowance of toxic race-mixing.

That passage is literally talking about bestiality dumb shit.

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>All Christians Are Cucks
>All Christians are Cucks #2
>All Christians are Cucks #3
>All Christians are Cucks #4
>All Christians are Cucks #5
>Cucktianity: What Is A Covenant
>Cuck Identity
>Cuck Identity #2
>Synagogue of Satan debunked

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You fucking moron, they will be socially shunned (ostracized), the same way they are doing that to us now. These social rejects are ostracizing us great whites right now. We were civil when obama the nigger was in office. The libs cant tolerate trump. They must learn a lesson.

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how did we went from what I asked to poor people?

Niggers are a product. Rap, Hip Hop, glorious African males from Moroccostein. You are pushed out of a closet to us by (((them))). Nobody would ever racemix, it is indoctrination from the youngest age, and I ain't even make this up, if you would take a look at some (((children books))). Yes, you could ahve been either born full white or full black, but it's the degenracy and brainwashing that sully my white race and your black race, although I couldn't care less about your, nothing personal

let's let them have afrika after enough HIV kills all the niggers

we can keep them around as a reminder as to why we hate black people

Race mixers hanged and at the very least mutts sterilized since they didn't choose to be mutts but I'd prefer to deport them after sterilization.

It took 6 minutes to get a jew on my thread
>6 minutes
That gave me a little sppok, also fuck off chaim

Before the execution a shame parade. Let them walk naked through our streets and Check'em

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I'm half white, half jew lmao You're thinking of another kind of mutt

>deport mutts
>doesn't remember brazil or puerto rico
lol Mutts can't be trusted on their own

It was about race mixing too.

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Deport mutts after they are sterilized.

The entire bible made a big fuss about keeping races separate but not holding one over another.

That's basically what I got from the whole Jacob's Ladder spat.

They kept everyone separate.

sending them back to africa is the same as killing them, they can't survive without the gibsmedats they get from whites

I associate mutt with black mostly of the time, sorry. You might be not as ugly as a nigger-white, but you are of the Synagogue of Satan except you accept the Messiah, but hey, I only can tell yo this, I don't know how he judge when it's time

Putting races together is “confusion” ie Babel.

Ah, yes that's the one I got it confused with Jacob's Ladder for somer reason.

Then you didn't read it right

Good. Btw I always wanted to tell any netherlandanon that I love your language. It's so funny and cute owo

We have a winner

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sage and hide the slide

>how did we went from what I asked to poor people?

because the mutts have completely pozzed the lower class. mutt culture and its degenerate societal norms have infected most poor people. american mutts can also 'look white' but be 90% mutt. better safe than sorry right?

imho the nazis biggest problem is they were TOO selective and clearly let too many slip through their fingers.

not even hitler killed mutts, even those mixed with jews

look up rhineland bastards

>ein Halbjude

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Let them live and exist. They didn't choose to be mixed.

>want gibs? get sterilized

I'd be completely fine with welfare and government-as-provider if this was the prerequisite

Yeah the POL BTFO BY FRANCE LELELELELLELEL threads are better

Yeah, but I was rather talking about Europe

Yeah, we can change that

Well, bad luck

Use them as sacrifice stock to Moloch.

Becase, that's the side which one, right?

I doubt you'd be completely fine just satisfied.

They'd still be a drain on resources but the problem won't repeat itself if it were cut off via sterilization.

Fuck Moloch, fuck the jews and musulmen who practice this gay satanbullshit. pun not intended.

Then give us a better solution than keeping them in my fucking land.

>Yeah, we can change that
>more extreme than hitler
oh so you're just a larper, got it

and apparently he sterilised a bunch of them but didn't have them killed in the holocaust which is what i thought

>Yeah, but I was rather talking about Europe

oh, lmao, you're done son, you have pro-sharia pro-polygamy pro-child bride pro-rape muslims breeding all over your country, we just have lazy goodfornothing niggers and needy spics here, not an organized religious invasion. auf wiedersehen hanz, or as they say more often in your country now, assalamualaikum ahmed

It's not their fault. You could had been born mutt yourself

If you have to, kill the racemixing parents and allow the children to become the best they can be.

>It's not their fault. You could had been born mutt yourself

if all the sins of western civilization are 'my fault' for being born a white male, ithen it is also a mongrel's own fault if he was born a mutt because apparently we all inherent the sins of our ancestors. therefor every mutt is guilty of generations of crimes against humanity.

if you want the strays to go away, stop feeding them

Japanese are spiritually superior to whites so any of those mutts should be apologized to for being denied white parents or japanese parents.

Yeah, this. I dunno, I'm kinda hoping some breakthrough in CRISPR occurs that let's you edit your DNA sufficiently that mutts can basically be cured. No need for lengthy eugenics programs when you can manipulate DNA like play dough.

White males won WW2 for jews and caused the racemixing epidemic yo

Stop overgeneraliZing groups you have never interacted with

Well a half jew half white is not as ugly and disgusting as a half nigger half white. Beasts and Mutts can repent also, but I bloody don't want anybody too see these monstosities. Half jews can work as slaves like Luther wanted it to be

I am still Russian and that was gayer than two guys fucking
>I only care about my land
>Fuck everything else
>Lol u is much wors
Please, soon you'll get fucked when Drumpf had his 8 years

My mother and grandmother are racist and xenophobic to people with niggerskin

>whore runs away
>it's the parents fault

Good idea, but what about the babies, that's kind of harsh even when they are non-humans

That goes against God. And no matter what you do it will be forever a mutt even when you kill the nigger out of him.

No chance this will happen. Delivery of the machinery into a grown organism is ... complicated to say at least.

Not all children are honorable or become good people

Can you tell who is honorable and who is not like when Goku makes Krillin spare Vegeta because he can sense in his heart he is honorable and just needs to be shown trust/love?

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Hitler was wrong. Killing all humans is the only solution.

Ship them off somewhere with the rest of their kind
Kill them/Euthanize them

Forced sterilization. Problem will take care of itself eventually.

>Do we really have to kill our fellows who had intercourse with them?
They aren't your fellows and they will surely kill you if you don't kill them. They genocided 30% of your country already. Do you want to become like Brazil or USA? Of course you have to kill them.

What kind of argument is this when you bring up an anime? Also I am still at season 1




I'm partial to invading Mexico, occupying it then sending all the non whites there, then unoccupying it. Mexico is complicit in sending tens of millions of aliens into America. It's fair game that we turn it back around on them plus some.

Also, in the event of race war in America. It's extremely unlikely that Mexico will be a neutral actor. They'll almost certainly be arming and supplying insurgents in the southwest. Possibly doing land grabs on undefended territory. It's a better alternative than trying to handle the logistics of sending everybody back to their country of origin, many of which countries may not accept the return of those people.

It's like what Germany tried with the Jews during the war by sending them to Poland.

Sterilization means to take away their means of reproducing, making them infertile

euthanize low IQ quadroons

Population control:
People with pure genes will get up to 5 offspring per person, all of them covered under reasonable support.
Any inter-euro mutts will get 1 child per person maximum, with half coverage.
Mutts that have non-white blood will be treated like people with disability: 0,5 per person, the family must provide for them. No government welfare.


Or just no children for mutts. Who will they mate with eh?

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>White nuclear superpower can't force primitive nigger shithole to take mullatoes

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Whyte Women with Black Babies should liv in Black Countries.

>Well a half jew half white is not as ugly and disgusting as a half nigger half white
are you for fucking real lol

forced sterilization and segregation

Unless you can prove ethiopia was white in ancient times youre gonna have to deal with the fact Moses had an ethiopian wife. If ethiopia was black that means God doesnt consider blacks as animals.

Wtf are you on about?

Women and beast? Not women and people YOU think are beasts...

Dont try to subvert Christianity...

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The rope

Obviously shitskins and their offspring have to leave, either through deportation or death. With coalburners we should certainly make examples but you're right that it's a tricky issue. I suppose my recommendation would be to disfigure them, perhaps with a knife or acid to the face, so they can serve as an example to others; then after a few years, maybe issue a general amnesty.

I thought it was Solomon that fucked the Ethiopian nigger, I never followed the lies of exodus to much though.

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They get the ethical rope.

You have to sense wether a potential threat is evil because it truly is or is just angry because of the hell it was forced through

Kinda like a dog that has been abused vs a rabid beast that just wants to eat humans

Vegeta went through hell to the point that he would only respect strength, only trust proof and only die for love

Its funny when racists try to find passages in the bible that thry can use to jusitfy HATE.

Jesus wasnt white, Jesus never said any race is superior to another. Jesus specifically told us not to worry aboit or genealogy because he knew as sonners we'd use it in a negative way.

Of course the passge by OP is about animal/human mating, pagans did that then. They were disgusting people and when we take that passage from thousands of years ago and apply it to our time in a hateful negative way all OP is doing is trying to prove Jesus hated, which any Christian knows isnt the case, Jesus hated HATE, PRIDE, DEGENERATES, LIERS, but he knew they can repent and change

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>what do we do with traitors

go back to red dit you fucking cucksucker

He eventually becomes gokus best ally though because he is the only one that can save him when the going gets really tough

Reminds me of Germany/Japan in WW2

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Was it, can you show any theologians that say the bible says people shouldnt marry others?
>I'll wait.....

Ive never heard of any theologians that say intermarriage is a sin, and Jesus taught against it. Orthodox are nationalist in that they keep traditions to each country, but even they dont teach the heresy you speak.

Man cannot change the Church, well not the orthodox church. You must bend to it, so repent your racist HATEFUL ways and accept Jesus taught LOVE, GOD IS LOVE user......

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The absolute state of Christcucks

Did you cucks ever read the psalms? Hate evil, strike the sinner etc. Y'all retarded

Jumping on the bandwagon memeflag

Did that kike Jesus not teach people to love each other?

Goku is warrior jesus

Vegeta is redemption Satan

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Nothing of substance spoken
>Checks out......

Can any "Chrisitian" here show where JESUS taught HATE, where he told us to hate others based on their race?
>You blaspheme the Lord, you lie about his message, you betray him.
Repent sinners, he died for you but YOU must accept him

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>That passage is literally talking about bestiality
Niggers aren't human.

Send them as refugees to Israel

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They can have their race mixing and mutt breeding--in their own country.
Which pretty much means Africa. Send them back.

Mandatory sterilization and state gf/bf program for robots/wizards.

>>Leviticus 18:23
>>Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion

First thing we do is hang you for purposely misinterpreting a verse to fit your narrative.

Anti racism only came into existence recently. Anti racism is not in the bible. You're essentially calling every Christian that lived before the 1960s before there were anti racism indoctrination programs heretical.

That's what happened to the Spaniards.

Love everybody except the kikes that killed him - (You)

I was confused for a second

Hello Rabbi, whatcha doin'?

Well he did destroy babel for attempting to be one. The right and just way was separate nations and tongues.

Fuck race war. Just allow freedom of association. Then in a few hundred years if there's a race war so be it.

>Hello Rabbi, whatcha doin'?
Not a rabbi. You know full well what the verse means, and all of the verses you could have chosen, you chose this one. This is what heretics do, and if you do not repent of this your place will be in the Lake of Fire.

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And so Tubal-cains son Nimrod couldn't preserve his Occultism and Epha bullshit

You call a nigger a human, please, you're the heretic. Who the fuck is else the beast of the field

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Genocide obviously.

W-whoo y-you calling a mutt OP

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Where in the new testament does God say to hate and condemn?

>9.Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites,
10.nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.
11.And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.

So Paul says here that nobody (you) will be granted into heaven, but that being washed (baptised) you are now clean of those sins (so long as you dont commit them again) so dont judge as we are all sinners.

>Stop judging others by your racist views, it

hitler didn't kill the jews either, look where that got him

How is it misinterpreted?

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We start turn on each other over perceived impurities until there are almost none left but the purest of the purest.