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Nobody gives a shit about nigger ball.

Epic for the win XD

Italy won four world cups already and didn't need and all African team to do it

someone explain?

Yea, a world cup is worth being in the Caliphate!

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>you could have rioting niggers on the streets
>but instead you don't

I don't understand

How do you even say the fucking name in that tweet.
Sweet fucking degeneration.

World Cup riots

switch the picture to a muslim raping/exploding in france

actually you don't even need to switch the picture, that's brutal enough as is

> Italy, this could be you... but you refused immigrants #LootingAndViolence

why is italy so anti-immigrant and islamophob? i don´t get it

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How can a country have pride in a World Cup victory when there were only like 2 or 3 French blood players on the team?
Isn’t the entire point of the World Cup to put your countrymen on display, not rando Nigerians?

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Let's leave the retardness of equating winning in any sport, to the welfare of the country, I'd rather have 0 titles and a country like Switzerland than 5 and a country like Brazil.

That said, come back when you have more WC than us, faguettes.

And, by the way, if anything Italy was forced by EU and leftist the traitours to take in 300k 'rapefugees' between the last WC and our elimination in this one, which occurred before we kicked the commies.

Black and brown are physically superior to white. An all white team loses. It's why American sports teams integrated. Dark teams routinely crushed you. I say segregate them back worldwide so we can humiliate you again.

Pretty much the entire french football team aren't french, OP's picture implies Italy's immigration policy is to blame for not winning the world cup.

If I had to choose between winning the WC or no Nigerians polluting Pisa and Roma, I chose the latter

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All white basketball in the 1950s looks like autistic seagulls tripping over their own feet. Bring it back so the world can laugh at superior Albinolandia.

The original image had a picture of a koon with a cup

America has an excuse to have the mutt team, though. We took this land from someone else and turned what was left of the native population into poor alcoholics, or, better case scenario, Mexicans.
No one wants to watch Native Americans play sports.

Two words
Jesse Owens

i'm guessing that is a real tweet and someone photoshopped riotniggers over the celebrating french nigger players

absolutely C-I-V-I-C

France won the World Cup. People took to the streets to celebrate. The white (French) people were rowdy, waiving their flags, having a good time. They were heavily outnumbered, however, by brown people. The celebrations devolved to riots with looting and people attacking cars, setting fires, throwing glass bottles, shooting fireworks, and all sorts of other bullshit. Pro-tip: It wasn't the white folks trying to burn Paris to the ground.


>falling for the jewish sport diversion meme

C'mon guys romans applied these tactics 2000 years ago surely no person with a healthy mind would fall for it now?

>when you haven't owned a TelAvivision in years

>November 4 is 'National Kill Your TelAvivision Day' in the US. The world is welcome to celebrate this momentous occasion with us in solidarity against indoctrination, degradation, degeneracy and the cancer that is "entertainment"

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One word:

Someone should tell her that Fascist Italy won the cup twice in a row.


Look at me. We're the french now.

What about the niggers already in Italy? Why the FUCK DO THEY WANT MORE OF THEM?

>Black and brown are physically superior to white.
Then why did no african team make it to the finals?

Brilliant meme.


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Ahhh so many memories.

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France cares more about a gay sports trophy than preserving its monuments and culture.

Not if you put a body of water in front of them.

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> immerses himself amongst (((Hollywood))) and helps them make money

Nah, you have to do more than be an edge-lord to be our guy.

>Italy out of debt, produces world's finest autos/fashion/art
>entirety of France is an interpol no-go zone like darkest Africa
>American blackhawks land to exfil Euro crime-boss Mdunga um Bepe
>freak RPG takes out one of the choppers
>bloodbath of "Niggas in Paris" as US Rangers attempt rescue of downed pilot
>Italian air-force covers rangers as they perform their rescue
>Italy given the golden crack-pipe that used to be the Soccer World Cup that was cradled in Mbepe's arms while he was arrested as a token of gratitude
>Italy eventually receives 2018 world cup by not cucking

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Is he waving Walter's dirty undies around?

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I think I’m going to hurl

>waving a white cloth

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looks like the fucking Bronx, kek

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there are 0 europeans in this picture, way to go france

I think of it as him jewing the Jews. Infiltrate and use their resources.


pick one

The worst thing about the Yankees is that they're actually a fashion brand that sponsors a baseball team.

To fight the Jew you must become the Jew? Didn't Nietzsche warn us about this?

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>The worst thing about the Yankees is that they're actually a fashion brand that sponsors a baseball team.
Really percolated my pecans

haha europoors are now just liek Americans

Even twenty fucking years ago I was hearing about France's insane riots where destroying cars seems to be the most signature thing.

Obviously the French government aren't capable of reigning this shit in, why don't they use new technology to control riots instead of letting gangs shit up Paris?

when people look back on these photos it may be believed that Europe is a majority black country. I mean it currently is, but will future humans think it to have always been this way?

very cute doogi

ahh just like when the lakers used to win the finals

could be worse. Could have been owned by the Yankee candle company.

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>coming from a gypsy



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>Django trying to talk shit to anyone
lmao I'd think of an insult but your gypsy camp will probably be destroyed soon anyway.

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Blacks excel in very few sports actually, they are only good at raw explosive strength.

And when they didn't really deserve to win. Cancel out the 2 lucky goals because of ref decisions + 2 deserved goals = 2/2 draw at full time.

Who cares? The real outrage here is that France STOLE the World Cup from African countries by taking in all those African migrants! We must DEMAND that France sends them all back so that Africa can win the World Cup it deserves!

>Not liking wild niggers chimping out, looting and stealing in your streets.

Italy BTFO

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>attempts to expose Italy
>gives compliment instead
How will they ever recover

>riots when they lose
>riots when they win
>riots when it doesnt rain

>Two France fans die as violence erupts
The 2 accident were 1 guy dinvig off a bridge into low depth water, and another retard hitting a tree in his car.

Now there's been rioting and looting indeed.
But still fucking FAKE NEWS. Don't support this shit just because it says what you want to hear.

>An all white team loses

You know how I know you've never watched the world cup before?

Come to post this.

Crap, why you guys from down under always have to spoil the fun?


a small price to pay to win the world cup

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LOL! Dat roastie got I-slammed!

Those african and islamic countries sure are notorious for winning world cups.

France definitely couldn't win anything before.

Guys, post that on her Tweeter.

Just seen this there:

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Dear Italy,this could be you....but you refused immigrants

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I would rather be leading F1.
Oh wait.

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The thing is, if Italy did take in immigrants, and they won the world cup, would it really be Italian people that won it?

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>Let's go boys

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That's what's bothering me the most. They sell out their country and all they get positive out of it is a fucking trophy. Pathetic.



*breathes in*


Posted on her tweeter. Fucking brutal

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>tfw every sport is niggerball now
Maybe we'll finally get something useful done hwhite man

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Imagine if they had lost.

if her name were Niggy Niggerton she wouldn’t be more of a nigger

I can literally see the smell. God this is disgusting.

Italy has one the WC plenty of times w/o immigrants, so have Germans, English.

for anyone wondering

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jesus christ

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