Why doesn't US ally with Russia?

You could take on the UK, stave the EU, and keep China at bay too.

Attached: Flag-Pins-USA-Russia.jpg (400x320, 78K)

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We will. We'll nuke Israel first.

Lets invite Russia to NATO!

too much negative sentiment between both countries. If we ever did "ally", it would be hollow and not out of any actual friendship.

Attached: Yepthe+us+is+so+retardedand+look+at+you+using+one+.jpg (400x400, 22K)

Wrong, the US and Russia are natural allies.

My boy.
Why would USA *need* to invade us?

Saged, shitty bait

Your personal feelings do not reflect the history of either nations.

Because of Jews.
America is ran by Jews.
Russia does not want to cooperate with Jews.

They aren't equals. It could work with US as leader and Russia as follower. But the last time Russia was involved in such relations in got invaded in 5 AM on Sunday by own ally. It was traumatizing experience. Since then they see every stronger country only as possible enemy.

Because both put their country first. Putin wouldn’t do anything that didn’t benefit Russia. Trump wouldn’t do anything that didn’t benefit USA. It wouldn’t work.

Russia helped us in the American Revolution. The US and Russia stayed friendly until communism and the USSR. Now that communism is over why shouldn’t we be allies with Russia? Only leftist cuck fag-lovers hate Putin

Globalist kikes can't allow the two most powerful white nations on Earth as allies. Too much profit to be made playing both sides towards the middle. They made killing off it in the 20th century.

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An alliance between the two countries could end the Jewish usury cabal which would benefit both countries immensely

Aside from this being a retarded stance. You know there's things that are mutually beneficial, right?

well, can't blame em

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This and the communist revolution was all funded by (((them)))

I'm for it. Just ditch the slavs

Remember the time when the leaders of the biggest european nations and russia were one family? Real, patriotic nations can't be friends, they can just have friendly relationships.

Russia and USA were quite good friends, till jews took over Russia, antagonized America, then they left Russia, moved to America, took over America, and antagonized Russia.

It is a never ending circle of kikery.

>He honestly thinks his Jewish overlords put America first.

It could work, if they joined together to take on China, which is a bigger threat to both.

approach of the elites of the US mainly:
1. capitalism - gimme all your money and resources
2. we know better what's good for ya - you don't have to be independent in your domestic policy
3. we are better than you, cause we are anglo-saxs
4. what's ours - ours, what's yours is matter of discussion
5. if you theoretically even in future can withstand in war with us - we should destroy you now

As you can see no compromises presented.

Russia, China and India will never be a true ally of the United States.

These countries have thousands year old cultures and think about USA as a moment in history.

>elites of the US
Yes, the (((elites))).

>1. capitalism - gimme all your money and resources
1. Let our (((elites))) siphon off as much money as they can get away with.

>2. we know better what's good for ya - you don't have to be independent in your domestic policy
2. Let our (((elites))) decide and enact whatever domestic policy most benefits them

>3. we are better than you, cause we are anglo-saxs
3. We are better than you, because we are (((God's chosen people))).

>4. what's ours - ours, what's yours is matter of discussion
What's ours is Israel's. What's yours is matter of discussion.

>5. if you theoretically even in future can withstand in war with us - we should destroy you now
If you theoretically even in future can withstand in war with Israel - we should destroy you now.


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This would be great.

russia is based

USA is way more aggressive than China, though. If I was Putin, I would keep a watch on the west primarily.

You know, Hitler personally discredited IQ tests as a legitimate means of assessing intelligence (they are), because they failed to show Slavs weren't as intelligent as Germans.

Lol, even the NatSocs ignored inconvenient truths when it suited them.

Who said that white means smart? Nords were the intellectual laughing stock of the known world until Constantinople fell and the age of exploration was initiated.


>You could take on the UK
So could just about anyone right now.
They keep trying to fill up our military with useless shites.

Asians score higher than Europeans in IQ tests. That doesn't mean they're white you dumb fuck.