Whats with all this leftypol shit here? Are we reaching new levels of irony or is everyone turning into leftists?

Whats with all this leftypol shit here? Are we reaching new levels of irony or is everyone turning into leftists?

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shareblue raid today

I think pol has always been a place where shills hangout. What's up with the Trump worship when he supports Israel and gets his daughter married to a Jew etc. I think to market a Jew puppet as the savior of mankind and get us sidetracked.


An orchestrated raid. I thought it was obvious.

unironically heres the answer
everyone just ignore it though

#WalkAway from DRUMPF

When trump leaves the country they always shill us 24/7, when trump does something controversial they shill, when trump tweets they shill, so they are already hitting Jow Forums hard but especially so because of the Purim meeting. Even all this brap posting and other degenerate shit or threads convincing people to post pictures of their hands, hair, houses, car, face

Jew Phone changed Putin to Purim lol

This is part of the natural cycle of the board. Pol only thrives in opposition, so now that Trump is in office, the board is slowly tilting center left again.

Happens every time.

That’s just plain wrong

we all have to grow up some time, user.

>not liking your weak president
>be vocal about him being a disgrace to your MAGA
>must be leftists

>I have President Putin, he just said it's not Russia
>I will say this, I don't see any reason why it would be
>t. some guy who sides on TV with Russia over his own intelligence apparatus

Pretty hard to troll the mainstream when the you’re part of it

Every thread is jew created. General threads are perpetuated by jews so they can control and filter the content that gets featured in the OP

The entire game is to control the board - and by extension, the way you all think. You think Shareblue is raiding? Shareblue is just a piece of the machine. They fill out the threads LARPing as liberals to keep the machine running.. The machine that shapes your thoughts for the State of Israel.

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Yes user grow up, let your country get conquered by refugees, throw a thong on and march in that pride parade and make sure your daughters participate in the yearly slutwalk. Let your wife be used by the local refugees. Yknow adult things, grow up.

paid shareblue shills

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clearly we are being raided, but they never last long since inevitably many of them accidentally auto-redpill due to their interactions here.


>t. newfag who has been here for a week
sure is summer in here boys

Why shouldn't leftists be allowed here?

trolling is so easy now, and so rewarding. it's an angry bunch here, especially now that it's incel HQ

Yeah people always only blame shareblue but it’s lultiple foreign governments, foreign and domestic agencies, NGOs, institutes, PACs and lobby groups astroturfing. There is no central head other than the concept of tearing down anything traditional, European or Christian. They are all I’m working for similar goals but against each other for the most power over narratives.

>le ebin post fellow magapede!
You need to leave too.

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Indeed and its obvious that trump is a plant based on the fact that within four hours of him getting the Republican nomination he hired on for 100% of his foreign policy advisor staff people from the CFR.

Their enemy is goodness and beauty. They profane these as a statement against My Father.

Obvious shill is obvious

>facts are shilling
You're retarded.

If you were aware of this board prior to the 2016 election, you'd know I was right. We used to pro-Obama threads my memeflag friend.

Ever since the great rape of 2016, Jow Forums has been an obsession to the left. Essentially it rules them up into the frothing libshits we see today, they come in thinking they can divide and conquer or convert; when really they become the other side of the monstrous coin. Quite amusing actually knowing these shills are fucking themselves over; but how can they feel like more than a piece of shit without believing they are the righteous?

A Jew calling me retarded oh no lol however will I recover.

Truly I tell you their plan is working exactly as they expect. Indeed they influence the mind of the youth through peer pressure into accepting things we would never accept. Into turning from God, our Father, The Lord. They will die of anxiety.

Send a link from the archive then lol. That never happened. Been visiting Jow Forums for a decade. Slimy kike.

Their biggest enemy is scripture. These kikes don’t even believe in the Torah anymore. strictly satanic talmudists.

Why even bother discussing them? They're scum and use vile Jewish tactics. I'd rather just celebrate the future that awaits us now that the right is the majority.

Going to build my own home on my own land next year, looking to raise three white, patriotic children on it. Will grow old, enjoy sunsets talking with my neighbors, and pass on a greater legacy for the next generation. Going to be great lads!

Explain this, kike-worshipper.

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> l have zero functional knowledge of how policy creation works or what thr cfr is
Nu-Jow Forums really is full of cretins.

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Fucking newfag shill, fuck off you know nothing of this board

Die whiteoid

You just sent a literal thumbnail get it together shlomo

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What I really mean with share blue is that the daily jew scheming is just extremely strong today.

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The Scribes and the Pharisees from time long past have - like grain, fallen to the ground and died. Giving rise to many new fruits.

These are the Jews and the Media of our day.

No kidding, literally everything in the catalog is automated right now as well as most of the responses.

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These accounts just come, post an unrelated picture or comment and nothing else

Just shills being shills. Don't let them demoralize you, their raids will pass by eventually when they realize they are having no effect.

Troll or truly indoctrinated Bible-zombie. Either way a fascinating read !

You already have a hugbox where you can lick sandnigger dicks, and larp as oldfags. Go back to it.

Greetings Sodomite. I see you're in hell, where your nights are full of weeping and gnashed teeth. For I say unto you The Kingdom of Heaven is like Jow Forums. Goon, trolls and fags are invited from far and wide in raids, yet I browse the catalog and see people posting gay Shrek memes and throw them out into Reddit, instead! Where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.

For again I say The Kingdom of Heaven is like Jow Forums. Many are invited, but few are chosen.

It’s uneblievably ridiculous to assume that any president would elect a bunch of nazis in today’s political climate. If that’s what you expected when trump got elected then you should not let ignorance fill your heart with false hopes. Your understanding of international relations is only skin deep if you assume that previous employment is a 100% guarantee of future action. Go fuck off and concern troll somewhere else.

You like that?
lmao, you are stupid beyond my fucking belief.
Well, what else could I expect from a whiteoid

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To say that leftists and liberals do not influence minds is to say that Satan does not steal souls and that birds to not snatch seed from the roadside.

For I say unto you anything bound on earth will be bound in Heaven, anything freed on earth will be freed in Heaven. Go out therefore and judge righteously so that God's kingdom come.

Nigga whut?

Yeah I’ll go with troll on this one


No it's just leftypol and shareblue.

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I expected better from you, Ukraine

>trolling is so easy now, and so rewarding
some of us gave up this fish dynamiting shithole a few years ago for this reason, it's more on the level of gassing plankton now, why bother

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and with the huge flow of reddit niggers who think trump isn't a jewish puppet it got even easier

It's literal jewish / useless idiots that gather in faggy discord servers and plan 'raids' where they all vaguely post the same topic

Today I saw 4-5 threads all at the top of the board, fresh threads, with little to no posts in them, about how gays are not degenerate, gays can be based too. It is really obviously a coordinated effort.

This one takes wisdom: They leave a 6 pointed star in the catalog as a calling card.

I'm not a Ukr*nioid
I'm a glorious BLVCK turk living in Ukraine.

>Your understanding of international relations is only skin deep if you assume that previous employment is a 100% guarantee of future action.
Hahahahah so you have zero knowlege of how U.S. policy has been created or by whom for the past 80 years, at least you proudly display your stupidity for all to see that way we know to not pay attention to you.

pol is satire

It works just fine for me.

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No it’s over user Jow Forums is now leftist. It will be called Jow Forumsski. Users will no longer be called user’s they will be called Comrades. Pictures of Lenin must be uploaded with each post. Hail the glorious revolution comrade!

>We will also require you to surrender all your money possessions and food or we will be gulagging you.

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A man can only dream

Pol is a stalinist board.

You have to go back you fucking kike

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