How come when men have some form of standards it treated as a serious offence.
Meanwhile no one bats an eye at pic related.
How come when men have some form of standards it treated as a serious offence.
Meanwhile no one bats an eye at pic related.
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You can’t turn a hoe into a housewife. Remember that my niggas.
Based Dominican poster.
It makes me sad she got 63k likes, I hope at least one person called her out
She's in for a rude awakening.
Unfortunately for her, she'll never have a "beautiful life" because of the ceazy shit she did when she was younger. She programmed her brain when she was young and unless she's especially gifted it'll be impossible to rewrite that programming.
She'll get married and have a few kids. She'll get PTSD after the first because she'll feel "locked in" to her maternity. She'll snap after a few years and go back to her party days because of how great those days were thinking back at them. She'll cheat on her husband, tear apart her marriage, and hit a rock bottom low when her kids would rather live with Dad...
She'll become a drunk, kill her pancreas, and never know happiness.
The world is a real bitch, and that party life is a blank check written on your future...
reminder bois
litteral cum dumpsters.
i tried that with you sister youmalie and it didnt work so yeah you are right
All women with tattoos are mentally deranged.
who gives a shit about what bunch of roasties likes?
>i'll like and retweet it, maybe chad will finnaly propose
oh wow it's this bullshit again
Women finding themselves and experiencing life.
Fuck dude, you just perfectly described my eldest sister. Feels bad because there's nothing anyone can say to get her to get her priorities straight. Once that pattern of thought is in, it's in forever.
>doesn't like scientific proof
t. roastie
married with a roastie
t. fincel that hasn't had his dna absorbed by hordes of women
Never try to turn a hoe into a housewife
but you can turn singles into doubles
>website cropped out of image
>no source
>scientific proof
M I C R O C H I M E R I S M , D R . M U R D O C H
welcome to Jow Forums
its the roastys.
they cant handel it that they are utter shit and get called out on it.
no safe space for whores.
Newchan are fucking retards. The microchimerism thing only happens in flys. No study actually shows it occurring in humans.
Where do I find a good woman to marry? Church?
imagine my shock
At least do some research before you post random shit.
It’s alwaya 4 steps ahead and 7 steps backwards with people on here.
You get redpilled to the truth and then decide to be a libshit with your made up facts.
-1 fembunga :( in this board
Literally a 5 second google search away, you semen-slurping faggot.
Yournewswire is a clickbait satire network you complete mongoloid
Also, the journal article mentions DNA in general.
You’re a brainlet and most likely a libshit
Daily Reminder
>Trusting a hoe
this is why i don't take mgtows seriously. i bet most of them dated women like this.
If that makes your flappy beef relax, mkay
>I don’t like the source so I’ll completely disregard the scientific study linked to it/backing it up and hope the rest of the thread doesn’t notice
That's a new one, Pubtard.
you believe literally anything you read, do you?
That's actually why mgtow is fine
Unless you find a wife, just pump n dump sluts
They circumsized and raped me, not the other way around
I never even cheated on a bitch for fucks sake
Women should never be put in charge, all they try to do is get more power until they destroy themselves.
It's no joke; it's not a meme...
The only way out of that Hell is spiritual. Either she's going to commit suicide, live miserably until she dies of health complications caused by her own poor decisions, or she'll decide to fight it and turn to religion. Nobody else will be able to help her with it.
It's no joke; it's not a meme...
The only way out of that Hell is spiritual. Either she's going to commit suicide, live miserably until she dies of health complications caused by her own poor decisions, or she'll decide to fight it and turn to religion. Nobody else will be able to help her with it.
>Meanwhile no one bats an eye at pic related.
What do you mean? 63 200 people clearly cheer her on.
Got any pics of your sister, user
Fucking connection error, sorry Jow Forumsocks for double posting. I blame the Captcha...
You don't have to stop dating women, you have to stop dating the wrong women.
The scientific journal article attached discusses the possibility of fetal dna being exchanged with mothers during pregnancy; has nothing to do with sexual partners.
t. Biologist who knows how to read an abstract.
You mean 60,000 twitter bots trying to promote an agenda
I live in California
What is a not wrong woman?
>How come when men have some form of standards it treated as a serious offence
citation needed. when last I checked, men can fuck as many women as they want, even ugly ones, and no one cares. if a woman were to do the same thing, she'd be torn apart by this board.
...and then later on you will want to have something else again.
So yes, cucks really marry those useless pieces of shit flesh, there are people that dumb. The whole point of commitment is to NOT have experience, to explore with your partner, to not know the other side. Those whores have same mindset as serial killers, since serial killers also need to tried out everything. As we know all serial killers also have families they love.
Based Dominican nigger
After reading the abstract of the study he posted, I'd say he's completely right. Why do you claim he's not?
yeah what all the people who's mental or physical health has been destroyed by drugs and doing other "crazy shit"? Nice life ahead for them.
It honestly is not. If you want to see unadulterated ignorance distilled through a filter of genocidal hate, go visit leddit. There are tens of thousands of complete crazies. In fact, I'm worried that there are only a handful of sane people left on this planet.
No they don't. That study was performed on fruitflies. Do humans and fruitflies have anything in common? No. I wish you brainlets stopped memeing this.
This. Jow Forums has a pretty big blind spot on this one.
I have a feeling this is going to be me. I’m a man though.
He literally just posted a study done on 60 human females.
a good key can open any lock
a bad lock can be opened by any key
>meme flag posting non-politics or current event while actual politics and current events are happening
quit bumping mohammad's slide thread, faggots.
I have already been through worse than hell
Someone could flamethrower a crowd in front of me and all i would do is say "wow that sucks for them and he must he angry"
Every feminist who has ridden the cock carousel till there cooch became an Arby's sandwich says this.
It might have something to do with men and women being different. I'm sure your mind would be blown by a man giving birth, but you couldn't care less about a woman doing so. We are different, and therefore we are treated differently. Just imagine this: A young man and a young woman both try to sell their virginity. The woman ends up making 20 000 dollars, the man ends up losing 50 dollars. Was the man a really poor salesman or are we treated differently?
I thought it was another study. I'm going to read that one. Thanks.
The only thing worse than a beefed bagene is a plastic surgery bagene
May as well just go full plastic sexbot waifu
>What call the useless skin around the baggina?
The whore.
The unfortunate thing is this is the truth that they don't want to admit, because it means admitting that they've been duped. The 'party lifestyle' fits perfectly into our culture of reckless spending and the promiscuity that is promoted alongside it also helps break down the family. "Why conserve your wealth when you could be out binge drinking and fucking strangers?" they say, with little regard to the long-term effects of such actions. Once these women hit 30 and their looks begin to fade, they find they can't attract the same quality of man, so they either settle down with a beta-provider to drain him of resources and happiness, or failing that, get loads of cats. Either way it all ends in tears.
The smart girls settled down early. The dumb ones thought their days of debauchery and hedonism would last forever. Life catches up with us all in the end.
>>What call the useless skin around the baggina?
>The whore.
My sides!
you don't seem to understand. she wants to be called out. she wants drama. she wants to be 'liked'. what she does not want is indifference
>the 1000 thousand cock stare
*thousand cock stare
How to find a good girl when you're 27? Besides finding some 18 year old, which screams trouble, any girl who is my age will likely have slept with a minimum of 3 guys.
Tell me why I should even bother?
i bet she'll ride and suck your cock like no virgin christian women will ever do. too bad christians value prudity over complete satisfaction. maybe that's why they are angry all the time.
go to church my nigger
not even kidding
You don't understand that men fucking a lot of women contributes to the problem just as much as women fucking a lot of men. It's a reciprocal relationship. You can't have a society where you tolerate or encourage manwhores while demanding female purity. You pick one or the other brainlet.
Amazing skin.. I guess warn sperm facials ARE good for the skin.
>maybe that's why they are angry all the time
uh huh
No idea. Took it from the.
Or not. Promiscuity has little correlation with skill.
i bet you don't contribute to the problem, incel virgin neet
seriously, i had a psychopathic gf with fake tits once and even though it was emotionally numb, her blowjob skills were beyond heaven
I do not believe in religion. I was raised as a Catholic and the Church has gone to hell, leading me to abandon ship. And any girl you find in church will expect you to keep that lifestyle going which I have 0 interest in.
title: Jessica Biel Rules of attraction 1
you were right the first time
You're right, I'm a virgin but volcel. And guess what, the whiter you are and the higher IQ, the more likely you're a virgin. So hey, at least I'm intelligent and white fingol
hey thats mom you're talking about user.
Another example. A woman walks up and slaps a man on the ass. What happens?
Now reverse it?
Man is in jail for sexual assault.
me neither. actually I don't believe in god. religion is kind of nice. at least christianity. good, nice people. nice teaching. just an overall comfy religion. I was hardcore raging atheist at 16. but I'm 24 now. I realize materialism, vanity, hedonism, etc. all lead to decay. and the only people left that aren't completely degenerate are devout christians
>t. virgin
Attraction matters a lot more than technique. Technique makes a difference, but if you're fantastic and don't care you'll have a worse time than if you're only alright but you're into each other.
>whiter than you, ghengis khan
you were right the first time
this is the case for many women, but some really do get sick of whoring around. I know it gives you a feeling of justice when bad things happen to women, but that's not how things always work