Daily reminder that Christians worship a Jew


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Other urls found in this thread:


Jews killed Jesus, you stupid retard
Sage and Hide the Slide

Galilean =/= Modern Jew
Christianity =/= Talmudism


Daily reminder that Israeli citizens voted Jesus as the #1 enemy of the Jewish people, even above Hitler. All "muh kike on a stick" threads are kike shills. Your day will come, Rabbi Faggotstein.

Christians don't follow Judaism though


>Jesus isn't a Jew.. Y-you're the Jew


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This is YOUR News video!!! For YOU. Things you heard throughout the last few days..
>CreepyPasta about Google monitoring us..
>GOD talks to Anons on /pol
why wouldn't he... Jesus hung out with prostitutes, tax collectors, criminals, lowly people, misfits... WHY WOULDN'T HE COME HERE?!?!.

>YOU are so important to HIM
and you have been doing Gods work..
>defeat shills
>expose Satan's minions
>exposing the TRUTH through all the lies here

Every One of you is an instrument of the Almighty EVEN if You don't know it...
even if you don't know I AM , His hand moves over every situation...


>customer service rant
>Brexit/BritBong News
and much more

EVEN If You arnt Christian And fighting the Good fight. THIS NEWSCAST IS FOR YOU...!

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Pharisees vs Christian's was Jews vs Jews.


So do you, Trump is a Jewish name lol

SAGE kike threads

>T. Pseudo jew

jesus was the first christian and world record holder for jew whipping until adolf beat his high score.

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>reforming/revolutionary judean was killed by orthodox judeans for being heretic
>this implies christianity is white, aryan and based
what did christians mean by this?

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is the user that was doing battle for my soul in the name of God in this thread right now? if you are user. i prayed and humbly asked him to guide me back towards his light. also let him know he had good one down here trying to save souls and to maybe bless with you with a bountiful life.

Hitler was also a Jew, Mr. Shekelstein.

>Christianity is jewish
This is zionism.

Times were different back then. Besides, nobody ever followed the Bible 100% all the time even in the past. What matters are the people and their deeds, not some religious book.

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Christ is still an ethnic Jew

>Daily reminder that Christians worship a Jew
fuck off iqbal! Christ is the first redpill!

See:Jesus claimed lineage from David. Him and his apostles called him Rabbi. When Pilate asked if he was "king of the Jews" he agreed.

Daily reminder that meme flag nazis get the bullet too.


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>the first redpill

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I couldn't agree more. Christianity is the perfect weapon against the right wing.

is this a pic of you praying?

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Good thing Ashkenazi Jews are White

Pic related

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I think everyone already agrees with this, right?

A murderer from the beginning. Isn't that God? His kill count in the Bible is insane and the reasons for some of those murders were dumb.
>Killing kids for making fun of a bald guy
>Killing a guy for refusing to impregnate his brother's wife
>Killing the innocent children under the Pharaoh's rule because they didn't splatter goat's blood on their doors

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pagan dirt worshipers and kike atheists get the rope FIRST

>Jews killed Jesus, you stupid retard
Hurr durr...niggers killed Tupac you stupid retard, so how can Tupac be a nigger you retarded stupid retard

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Ima need a source on that one

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Only Amerimutts

Nothing spells truth like kike on a stick preaching to turn the other cheek.

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Physically, yes Jesus was a jew. The soul, God and everything else that has to do with God is above and beyond the material. Anyone who is focused on the material, and eqates anything physical to the power of God and who Jesus truly was, has no place laughing in the face of those who understand the truth.

Jow Forums tells me it doesn't matter how much a Jew renounces his faith, genetics above all, so Jesus was a dirty Juden.

>pagan dirt worshipers and kike atheists get the rope FIRST
Before your beloved jews, your nigger ""brothers in christ"", your fellow abrahamic muslims, your co-religionist spics and all the queers and dykes you think you can ""save"". Yeah, we get the picture faggot. Lucky for us dirt worshipers that you're just another meek little cheek-turning christcunt

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Ashkenazi Jews are White


He was a jew who tried to un-Jew other Jews by being wise to Jewish tricks and speaking on behalf of the holy spirit.

Jews murdered him for this, because they are an evil, cursed race which will never be allowed into heaven.

>Implying I wouldn't neck a DYEL like you

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Good post.

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because that means he didn't physically die for your sins and you're still going to burn in hell dumbass

No, he's a Jew that tried to turn bad goyim into good goyim while simultaneously creating a religion that permanently espouses the restoration of Israel, and it worked because whitoids are gullible chumps..

>Jews killed a Jew
Go away, shill

Daily reminder that enlightened pagans performed human sacrifices and cannibalism to appease sacred trees:



Turbo retard detected.

t. meme flag

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What they identify as doesn’t determine their race. Genetically speaking Ashkenazi Jews are White.

That said, Jews overwhelmingly identify as White. Pic related

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Whole thing about international conflicts after ww2 is jews fighting each other
especially USA jews vs Israel jews is the true Game of Thrones stuff

I worship God Almighty

I actually don't care. I don't know why you keep posting this shit in every religious thread. Fuck off and make your own threads.

Jesus squad assemble

uh huh

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I don't believe in hell though. I think anyone who fears God is being mislead. I believe when Jesus was talking about being saved, he meant the connection our souls have to God. When you dont have that you are spiritually dead and that is the real hell.

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