Lol wat

Lol wat

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wtf i hate farmers now!

"To be clear, France only won the World Cup by kicking the ball into the goal."

The absolute brainlet Leftist mouthpiece that is Vox

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Well, they're not wrong.

It's not Trumps fault hillary didn't campaign in flyover country

lmao the whole point of what Trump said was that he won the electoral college IN SPITE of the electoral college favoring democrats

VOX low the Low IQ journalism.


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That gif is perfect.

Is today the day of bottom barrel journalism?

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Obama won the election in 2012 because of the Electoral College.

>Trump only won because of the rules.
Really makes me drink huh?

>Well, they're not wrong.
They are indeed. What they should have written was "Trump won in spite of the Electoral College."

>play a game
>game has rules
>according to those rules, you choose your actions to win the game
>win the game
>you only won because of the rules

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Lmao wow

WTF I hate Colleges now

Hillary only won the popular vote because of the illegals in Southern California. These Communists need to learn how to do math.

They are wrong. Trump campaigned for the electoral college and ignored the big states; Hillary spent much more time running up the score in irrelevant places like California and NY.

There's no way of knowing how the election would have turned out if they had been campaigning on the basis of one national popular vote. Both candidates would have behaved differently.

lib feelings are hurt. The election should be rerun on proportional representation.

>Really makes me drink huh?
Yeah thinking about the absolute state of the world makes me drink too

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o shit trump might have been in an elevator once. drumpftrsf btfo

>To be clear: Adam only won the school science fair because he had the better project.
>To be clear: Steve only won valedictorian because he has the highest GPA and greatest number of honors

This is how retarded they sound.

It's similar to:
>Germany only won because they put the ball in the goal the most times. Nogland should have won because they took the most shots.

>trump only won because he won the only way a president can win

John Quincy Adams was the first to win the Presidency without winning the popular vote.

>not one of my founding fathers


He's clearly referring to the "blue wall," a number of states that have voted Democrat for over 30 years putting them well within striking distance of victory.

they're still assblasted over the 2016 election?

>You only won the football game because you scored the most points!

>Trump only won the election because he won the election

He won because he was able to flip traditionally blue states. Typically the electoral college greatly benefits Democrats on every ballot. Just look at reps and govs elected in every cycle.....

Jesus Christ, they are back to bitching about this again.

>we hate our republic
They are really advocating for mob rule
What a bunch of niggers

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>rules are a social-construct created by white MEN to keep women and PoC in subservient roles
Inb4 some leftyshit rag actually publishes this faggot opinion

ITT: dumb trumpniggers can't be bothered to read the whole thing, IN FUCKING PERPETUITY

let me give you inbred retards the paint-by-numbers breakdown:

trump says the electoral college heavily favors democrats.

trump won only the electoral college and not the popular vote in '16

this is why everyone knowss drumpf supporters are delusional

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Trump only won the presidential election because he did everything the way he would do it in the circumstances he found himself in. If Hillary Clinton was Donald Trump she would have won.

In this post: typical leftypol transnigger can’t see past his kike nose to know that despite Trumps historic flipping of many blue states, the electoral college actually HAD benefit Democrats for decades.

[citation needed]

actually, 2000 was the first time since 1888 that the electoral college overrode the popular vote... that was DuhByuh an (R)... and again in 2016 for Drumpf, also an (R)

die in a fire nigger

I remember on election day when democrats on twitter were posting photos of them bussing people around to vote multiple times as well as bussing illegals around to vote

And that's a good thing.


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i bet this rumour started on here

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>Trump only won via the electoral process dictated by the constitution
Wtf guess I stand with hilldawg now

>because of the electoral college

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you wrote something but you couldn't have been more wrong.
if you lose a popular vote while winning the elctoral college, the college FAVOURS YOU

pray tell, what IDs did them illegals use to vote?

Drumpf tards everyone

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Everything he does is wrong .

>the penultimate leftist meme
Pinch me, this post is the best early birthday gift ever. Thanks, Shillue and chapo outhouse.

The EC is great and accomplishes exactly what the Founders created it to do - prevent power from being concentrated in a handful of large cities and ensure that the presidential candidate is the person whose platform appeals to the greatest plurality of different regions and different types of voters rather than simply the largest raw number of votes.

Cities are overwhelmingly uniform when it comes to voting, it's not uncommon at all to see 70%, 80%, even 90% of voters voting the same way on issues and candidates in some large cities. The current divide between 'urban' voters (those in cities of 100k or more) and everyone who lives in smaller cities or rural areas is almost exactly 30/70. This means that, theoretically, a candidate who carried large cities by an average of at least 70% could lose literally every other county in the United States by a nearly 10-point margin and still conceivably win the popular vote.

The idea of abolishing the EC should be a terrifying prospect to anyone who wants to avoid turning our country into a modern feudal state.

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>modern journalism
Kek. Fucking retards

Fuck off Schlomo we're onto you

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>the left can't meme
Every fucking time

Every president in history won the election because of the electoral college, that's kind of how the presidential electionworks.

Thats it. Thats the last straw! I can no longer take it!
i'm a /cruzmissle/

It's true but that is how the American system works like it or not.

To be clear: The Chicago Cubs only won the 2016 World Series because they won more games.

The absolute fucking state of these retards

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which is like 95% of the actual country

Mass quoting should really be an automatic 30 day ban

Put everyone who works at Vox into a rocket ship and send them off into space