BRAZIL, NOOOO! Stop breaking the conditioning

>Bolsonaro, a retired army captain and member of the lower house of the Brazilian National Congress, is campaigning as an alternative for voters tired of the country’s corrupt traditional parties. Dozens of leading politicians have been under investigation, including Lula, who is campaigning for the presidency despite the fact that his conviction legally bars him from doing so.

>Bolsonaro’s growth in popularity has been impressive. His poll numbers have risen from five percent in July 2016 to around 20 percent today. Only a few months ago, most experts regarded Bolsonaro as unelectable due to his radical positions, his record as an apologist for military dictatorship and torture, his offensive comments about Afro-Brazilians, gay people, and other minorities, and his lack of major party affiliation. Although these may still prove insurmountable obstacles to his election, many now see him as a dark-horse candidate—a populist outsider whose anti-establishment rhetoric may yet propel him to victory.

full article will be posted as pics since these faggots managed to make archiving impossible somehow

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The first pillar of BRICs to go down.


he has a jingle now btw

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But Brazil's 50%black tho soooooo


about le poor congresswoman offended by evil bolsonaro :'( case

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only the gays can stop bolsonaropf!

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A good thing for you guys to. When he starts unfucking things up here we won't go bother you guys in your countries anymore.

but the lgbtp people will stop him, bruno from foreign affairs said so

Brasil fucking yes

no, BRAZIL NO, we cant accept this in current year

>when Brazil saves the West

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It's honestly scary, people in general and young men in particular are turning into homophobes and fascists, it doesn't even feel like I'm living in my own country anymore

>my own country
It never was.

proabbly cause you parade with your cock out in front of kids faces and ask yourself "why do ppl hate us?"

oh nooooo....

Yes it was
It's to show pride, bigot

but how many of them are nigs in denial

I just want a guy who is not corrupt and do not force gays as a normal thing desu desu

Is this asking too much?

It really sucks, it's all the fault of these stupid evangelicals and some less progressive Catholics larping about muh children, muh pedophilia, and being helped by reactionary farmers and pigs
If it wasn't for the supreme Court facts would have no right in this country, because Congress keeps blocking pro-lgbt laws

It is 100% normal

make brazil not a shithole again

>Brasil restore the monarchy

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Check 2018. LGBT itself has done more harm to itself then evangelicals every could.

I wouldn't doubt it, these backwards reactionaries are capable of anything
Yeah, sure, how dare we exist and be proud amirite?

Could care less about your existence or not. Its when you start shoving it in peoples faces. We get it, your gay, get over it.

Media portraits gays as freaks and perverts, and normal people just don't like freakiness and perverts. That's kinda unfortunate. Also any mainstream parties don't want to secure borders or restrict immigration in the west so people have no other option.

t. gay but pretty normal

The monarchy is literally suports Bolso

Why is that?

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Two last presidents impeached, massive GDP plunge, booming crime, and BOLSONARO is the biggest problem and threat? Okay.

I don't know if Brazil can recover back to where it was before all that shit happened.

Only Dilma, the other ones were arrested, not impeached.
Collor was impeached in the 90s but resigned before the end

Boys will be boys
Not doing anything cishet straight males and their stacies haven't done before
LGBTQ refugees do no harm to the country, and other people can be as bigoted as they want and be hypocrites who pretend they're not kinky too, but open homophobia can't be accepted

I'm not against the right, for ex I'm ok with Fábio Ostermann and Alckmin, but homophobia must be banned

This The president of his party's thinktank is a prince of the Orleans-Braganza dynasty

Gays should be banned

They denied Lula and Rousseff a voice by locking them up on trumped up charges

Bolsanro is the only Brazilian populist left

>LGBTQ refugees do no harm to the country,

Oh yes, except impose a ironically close-minded and authoritarian management of social cause that more often than not divide people up for absolutely no gain for those personally involved, while allowing type of plastic surgeries which border on the mad scientist experiment to become common place (It ain't natural if you have to keep it open with a dilation cone or whatever the name) and the outright disregard of your own true physical self, of flesh and bones.

pic related, prince of brazil
left to right: bolsokid, police chief francischini, the prince of brazil, the party's lawyer and bolsonaro

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>Media portraits gays as freaks and perverts

Better that than to act as if that freakishness and blatant perversion was painted as completely mundane and normal, of course disregarding the whole media circus as to normalize it to the common folk. I mean on one side they claim pride walk are all fine and fancy but the moment you look into it and you'll see humongous faggot with their junk hanging out and basically make the whole street some kind of fucked up, open sky gay stripper club. It's like that balloon in London, made a huge show out of it but they sure didn't show the pic with the whole bunch of freaks standing PROUDLY (tm) in front of it, with one faggot actually spreading apart like a good and proud whore in short short and you can see his junk being smothered by the extremely cheap fabric. A bunch of fucking clown and freak, the whole lot of them. The sane ones are the one who are aware they don't have to scream upon the roof about their plight and other nonsense as to enjoy what they do and who they are.

btw, i think no one has mentioned this on pol before, but one of the differentials of bolsonaro's party is that they statutorily banned coalitions with leftist parties (in brazil coalitions are usually ideologically bizarre and full of shit), so anyone in his party is forbidden from joining coalitions with these parties:
-PDT: Democratic Labour Party
-PT: Workers' Party
-PCdoB: Communist Party of Brazil
-PSTU: Unified Socialist Workers' Party
-PCB: Brazilian Communist Party
-PCO: Workers' Cause Party
-PSOL: Socialisn and Liberty Party
-REDE: Sustainability Network
-PSDB: Brazilian Social Democracy Party

they cant stop themselves, they crave attention

Why can't you be a normal country like everyone else, with only 1 communist party?

We have 35 parties in total and around 20 in congress
There are many reasons for this, like the government giving parties money to keep their HQs and stuff, and giving even more money to pay for their campaigns and giving them free airtime in TV and radio proportional to their size in the chamber of deputies
So basically whenever an autist decides to be the star of his own party or split because of some minor disagreement (we have like 3 trotskyist parties for ex) they can, and they'll still be able to pay their bills and so on without any issue.

This will probably change soon, because we'll have a barrier of 1.5%, so parties that fail to elect at least 8 representatives (in at least 9 states) will lose their party status, and later this barrier will become larger and coalitions for legislative elections will be banned (starting 2020 iirc), so small parties they wont be able to literally sell their airtime to larger parties and eventually tehy'll be forced to merge into larger parties

White Brazilians aren't a meme. Wow.

but they arent all exactly equal or relevant btw, pic related
except for the guy in the middle they're all the kids of wops

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PSOL is the only choice for us, the only party that cares about the plight of the LGBT community

of course a homo would support the sjw commies

cuando es la eleccion?

>europe crumbles but south america rises

have a bump Uélito

Within 83 days and...


Go away jew

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october 3 or 7 or something, then the 2nd turn in the end of the month

Btw didd ou spics know bolsonaro is organizing an Anti-Foro de São Paulo meeting in Brazil? It's suppsoed to be right-wing response to and against the commies, here's the link

We will carry the torch

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i mean, the euros that took their chance are doing better, its only the ones who cucked out that are still fucked

Speaking seriously, what are the chances of Bolsonoro winning the election and implementing right wing policies?

he's currently in the first place with around 21% to 25% of the votes, winning basically every 1st round scenario and most (or all) 2nd round scenarios depending on the polls

with an expected rate of abstentions, null and blank votes of around 38 to 42%, he can win this on the first round if he gets to around 29 to 31% of the votes, so it's pretty likely

When it gets to implementing his policies it gets a little harder, cause he's unlikely to get many senators (81 in total) from his party (his son will very likely win, and maybe some others), and will probably get few deputies (total of 513) from his party (centrist parties estimate he can get 30 deputies, his own people talk of numbers up to 45, which would make them one of the largest parties in congress, but still a relatively low %), however he has said he already has the explicit support of around 110 deputies (his party only has 8), in several centrist and more center-right or christian parties (including around 20 in DEM, 30 in PR, 20 in MDB, etc), and some of his greatest supporters are all big names who get many votes, even if they are in parties that wont officially endorse him (some are openly going against their parties in supporting him, others are doing so more secretly).

If he wins and all these people get elected + he grows his numbers a little since his candidacy is expected to boost the number of allied congressmen elected, he might get, idk, like 150 to 200 congressmen (already enough to pass simple laws, where the presence of 257 deputies and 41 senators is needed, with a simple majority of 129 deputies and 21 senators enough to pass simple laws; amendments - very common in Brazil- need 308 deputies and 49 senators, impeachments - might be necessary to impeach some shill activist justices- need 54 senators and 342 deputies, ministers dont need to be confirmed by congress, he can just appoint them, and he can also initiate legislation by propposing common laws and amendments to congress -around 80% of all laws in brazil originate in the executive- and by issuing MPs - provisory measures, that become laws immediately and then can be approved or rejected by congress within 60 days), so he might do a lot even if he doesn't get a majority.

It must be said however that literally every president in Brazil gets a majority once elected, and keep it unless they fuck up real bad (like Collor and Dilma), because our congressmen gravitate towards whoever is in power.

He can also use his popular support (first non-leftist president with actual people willing to be militants for him and defend him) to get some stuff through via referendums, and he planst work on a state-level basis, i.e. negotiating projects with each state's parliamentary bloc, plus he can probably count with 3 thematic benches that share many of his ideas and policies: the agricultural bench (farmers, around half of congress, who want more juridical security and for criminal leftist groups who invade farms to be punished, less areas to be taken from them with low compensation to be given to indians, etc), the evangelical bench

(also includes catholics, it has around 90 to 100 members and will probably grow this year in the senate, they generally oppose gender ideology -transgender stuff, deconstructionist sexual education in schools, laws to censor people who dislike homosexuality, etc-, abortion, all that stuff) and the bullet bench (the public security bench, which focus on overturning the disarmament statute and giving people back their gun rights, a law and order approach to crime, better wages for cops, national security, etc; this one is also expected to grow since this year we have a record number of military people running for office).

If he uses these tools, he can probably govern rather well.
This is probably the most complete answer you'll get.

Keep in mind also that in brazil there are two castes of congressmen: low (called "baixo clero" or lower clergy) and high (called "caciques" or chiefs, as in indian chiefs). The caciques generally hoard power to themselves and fuck the baixo clero over constantly, tend to be more progressive and cucked and like to sideline people they dislike. As a life-long guy from the baixo clero, Bolsonaro has some support from discontent people there who are tired of PT, PSDB and MDB caciques lording over congress and barring their policy priorities (especially more conservative ones like the ones I outlined), and last time people like these managed to band together (under Cunha, who was the president of the chamber of deputies and very smart, although also a criminal crook), they defeated all the big parties and blocked their agenda for 1 year, until Cunha was arrested.

someone bump this as I eat so the anons can read

The last thing we need is an international gathering of homophobes.


interesting shit
bump faggot

You mean for the first time

Thank you for a comprehensive answer user. Now it's a matter of finding time to read it

also, i forgot to mention that Bolsonaro has majority support among military people, that the president of the military club (literally a club for military people, but also a place where many high level decisions are taken, like overthrowing the monarchy, overthrowing the first republic, overthrowing vargas and goulart, plus supporting abolitionism) elected this year is an ally and former colleague of his, that he has the support of most relevant evangelical churches, pastors and groups, that many traditional catholics (most catholics in Brazil are nominal, around half are charismatic, a bunch are liberation theology communists, a few are traditionalists, but these are more common in the political realm) and traditional catholic groups support him, that even some pretty big and famous singers (like gustavo lima) and mma fighters (most of the gracies) openly endorsed him, etc.

He also has the support of veteran's groups, of some street activists, of most truckers and even (as you can see in the site I posted above) of the National Association of Police Chiefs (Federal Police) and the National Federation of Federal Policemen.

He quite literally started from the bottom but now he has many things going for him, even stuff that normally is ignored will benefit him this year (for ex, for the first time military members will be able to vote "in movement" aka from wherever they are, not only in their home states, and a very large % of these people support him)

He is also performing well in places like the northern amazonian states, where the anti-left candidate typically does poorly, probably because military people there support him.

ok, I wrote this as a complement too Most brazilian anons wont even know this, but I'm following this election very closely and this is his strategy as stated by one of the members of his own party.

oh, and if that wasnt clear yet, the biggest pro-gun groups in Brazil endorse him, or at least their leaders do, like Movimento Viva Brazil which is pretty much singlehandedly responsible for the defeat of the gungrabbers in the 2005 gun-and-ammo-ban referendum (they changed the laws to make it basically banned anyway, but didnt manate go outright ban it) and fabricio rebelo

these two translate a bunch of John R. Lott's books and Bene Barbosa (from MVB) constantly btfos gun-grabbers on TV


I'm sure you'd want that, homophobe, but I won't, I'm not a suicidal lonely manlet like you, I have a bf and friend's and all my comrades

There is never only 1 Communist party, because Communists are sociopath greedy pigs with a 3-year old mentality that want everything for themselves and crumbs for the rest. That's why it is impossible for them to stay together and fraction themselves into thousands of small factions that hate each other and claim theirs is the only true Communism. See wikipedia entry for Communism as an eye-opener.

Yeah, but around 10 like we do is very excessive, especially when u learn people are trying to create others,

Whaaaa, homophobe!

Really, just kill yourself. Last thing this country (or any other, really) needs is a gay socialist.

Meant for you BTW how is Podemos going?

But that's exactly what you'll get. Jean 2022

>will Brazil's next president be a far right nationalist?
I can only hope. I'm voting for him, but I don't know what to expect. MSM is so heavily against him it's not even funny. He's not the panacea to the Brazilian question, though. For all the memeing about him he cares nothing about race and (in a liberal's worst case scenario) would at most make LGBT discourse illegal like in Russia.

Economically so far he's show to be clueless. Not necessarily awful if he can appoint competent people, though.


>stupid evangelicals and some less progressive Catholics larping (...) muh pedophilia
Even the Romani gipsies in my country are redpilled about gays and link with paedophilia. And they don't even go the Church.
>A homosexual couple from Oporto was brutally assaulted [by a gypsy family] on Saturday night, next to the Alma Shopping hypermarket in Coimbra. Duarte, 24, travels every weekend from Porto to Coimbra where her boyfriend, also from Porto, studies and lives. On Saturday, at 1915 hours, they were both insulted and assaulted by a gypsy family clan.

>I kissed him goodbye just like any other day he's going to work and I'm going to take him. And a family of gypsies - father, mother and two children around the age of 18 - started shortly with insults, "Duarte told JN.
"THEY CALLED US A PEDOPHILE - which """does not make any sense""" - they said they were going to kill us and we tried not to show cowardice.I am as I am and I do not have to be afraid"
>"The woman began to spit in the face of my boyfriend" and left for the physical violence. At the same time, father and son attack Duarte. "They hit me with pliers on my head, I start to bleed, I go to the floor, and they kick my boyfriend, also on the floor," he said.
>At the time of the aggression "there were people to see but nobody did anything because of violence," acknowledges Duarte. "When I get up and I'm running blood they run away and that's where the mall security came in," he lamented.

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>only 1 communist party?
its impossible for communists to remain unified, once the get past the 1-2% threshold they must split into two or more parties. Over time, one party will absorb the others and the process will begin anew.

>Moor shilling for violent gypsies
Imageen muh shock

Japan only has one

Well, the Portuga gypsies did do God's work on that one.

not with false accusation

What a faulty logic
It´s like saying extremist muslims are more welcome than faggots here because they will kill them

Why? It won't bring Pedro II from the dead
They also have no power whatsoever

These hetero retards don't even care about logic

Stupid straight maless want a daddy figure to literally bring a patriarchy back and make sure everyone knows they think women to be inferior

Bitch please, more like 50%

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>"what the fuck, why is The Left™ is saying it can be normal to be gay, it's not like gay people exist in real life right?"

It is an example to mean that everyone knows about Paedophilia in gay community. Like Renato Seabra e Carlos Castro, the Casa Pia case and King Ghob that raped teenagers in his house.

He is indeed a conservative. The thing about him being racist is bullshit. His wife is mulato. He have a 5 year old daughter with her.

>50% black

Brazil is only 7.5% "Black"

It is however 43% "Pardo", which is basically mixed race mutts

That video is from the annual gay march, here in São Paulo, my own city. I have nothing against gays, even though i'm a conservative and catholic, but pedos should be beaten to death. Expose a child to this is disgusting.

Based Suomi

All I know about Brazil is that they're all very dark skinned and love to commit armed robbery while wearing flip-flops.

What would their right wing nationalism be? Nationalism full of low iq niggers who always nig can't be successful.

>because it exists it's normal
Having cancer is pretty normal, too, I guess.

>What would their right wing nationalism be? Nationalism full of low iq niggers who always nig can't be successful.

Thats pretty much what it will be. Basically see Duterte in the Philippines for reference. I could say Erdogan-like, but that would be giving south americans too much competence.

Because of all the brown people wanting free shit.