I mean if you think about it, we did it once, so who says people wouldn't try it again?
I'm an agnostic and dont give two shits about religion I just thought to throw this out there.
I mean if you think about it, we did it once, so who says people wouldn't try it again?
I'm an agnostic and dont give two shits about religion I just thought to throw this out there.
Youre such a weirdo, does thinking about Christianity all day and mocking it give you a boner? Fuck off.
random jesus sperg thread
clearly not a slide
If Jesus came back, you wouldn't survive long enough to even have this thought.
Homosexual Jesus gets the rope first.
>anti-jesus kike slide thread
I think I just got to this part in Brothers Karamazov
We were able to kill him, because he was testing us. In the final judgement it will be the end.
kys dirty jew
Jesus came as the Son of Man last time. Next time he's coming as the Lord of Lords. Good luck trying something like that.
that's porn, against the rules.
Fuck off schlomo, when Jesus comes back you're going into the lake of fire.
>posts a low res image to save on bandwidth
t. kike filth
that nigga ain't coming back.
At least this OP doesn’t deny it
You can try.
Ah yes. Shit gets rock hard my dude.
We already did.
David kuresh in waco texas.
Jesus never existed you faggot
When the Lord God Jesus Christ returns he will suspend the powers of death to prevent blasphemous sinners like you from escaping into hell with suicide. It wouldn't do you any good though, since hell is under His domain. You should get right with God, pal.
you couldn't get an erection if your life depended on it, not with all that erectile function you have as a result of decades of exposure to pornography. Gross.
kek, but all kidding aside Koresh was definitely not the Lord God. Still, it was a travesty what happened and that Clinton was not immediately impeached for murdering legal citisens on US soil. Of course, who remembers Ruby Ridge, right?
I am far less sure about your existence than the Lord God Jesus Christ's. You should consider how meaningless your life is before you try to pollute the rest of us with your drivel and lies.