Blumpf Blimp coming to America

Some chairo in NJ bought a blumpf blimp to fly around Trump golf course in August. Several other liberal activist groups are buying them, also.

Will Americans cuck out like eurotrash, or will these things actually get taken down by patriots?

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Lol for everyone you take down there will be hundreds to replace them

The more you take them down, the more encouraged people are going to be to buy them

How is it patriotic to deny people their right to protest? Jesus fuck it’s only a blimp

Why pop them? They'll become gathering places for most retarded leftists around and give us some great ammunition.

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say hi to your discord for me

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>They'll become gathering places for most leftists
to stop people from rallying behind an easily recognizable symbol with impunity

Ok achmad

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>if you fight back against your enemies they win

Whut I’m disagreeing with op mate, you are being a paranoid Pete.
Guess the accusation is easier than arguing with actual points :)

are americans going to finally pop the fucker or are they also too cucked

> millions of barbarians, kek, truly well informed

? What are you babbling about one wasn't take down

Statues, on the otherhand...

> fellow Americans
> enemies
> we’re patriots

cool we'll actually pop them here in the U.S.

>these people live within our borders, therefore they are are allies!
typical eurocuck german mentality. how many refugees did you suck off today, hans?

Another refugee joke, how imaginative :) I’m not German myself, only on exchange, but hey, knock yourself out with the refugee jokes ;) sometimes they are funny.
They don’t have to be your allies, but calling someone you disagree with regarding policies your enemies is rather close minded

>suppress free speech
>not a fascist police state

>buy blumpf blimp
>equip it with a rotary fan
>fixate razor blades all over the surface
>turn on fan and let it lose on a street in London
>blumpf blimp will now roll through the streets and slice people open
>bongs can't stop it because they banned guns, knives and potato peelers

somebody will shoot it

Why pop it? Great images like this are guaranteed.

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That thing will be popped in 2 minutes in the US.

It's pictures like this that make's Trump more and more popular every single day. The average person see's this and wants no part in.... whatever the fuck this is.

someone just needs a 1000mW laser, it would pop from a distance and literally noone would ever find out who did it

Okay. I look forward to some mutt pull out a rifle and start shooting in the middle of a crowd and getting instantly riddled with bullets by obese spic cops.

Wonder what the over-under is on how many of those freaks off themselves. 90%?



Literally smaller then a U-Haul.


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>Will Americans cuck out like eurotrash

No. We have rifles. Someone could take that thing down from 400 yards using sub-sonic .22 rounds and no one would even hear a gunshot. A sniper could shoot 100 holes through it before they even realized there was a sniper.

It flies, it dies.

>The more you take them down, the more encouraged people are going to be to buy them

Good. let the lefttards spend all their money buying balloons. That would be a really easy way of financially depleting an enemy

If that thing doesn't get popped I will legit be pissed. Don't cuck out on me New Jersey.

It's one thing for Americans to protest. It's quite another for foreigners to come here to protest against our government. Fuck them. If anything happens to them, it's their fault for coming here.

>someone just needs a 1000mW laser
another one of you fucking laser retards.
>don't use a .22 rifle, which are easily available and can be discretely fired from hundreds of yards away. instead buy a 100 mw laser!

>Okay. I look forward to some mutt pull out a rifle and start shooting in the middle of a crowd
you bongs don't know shit about guns. You could be 1500 meters from it when you shoot it.

Guarantee I know more about them than you. Never did I say you couldn't shoot it from a distance, and if you did it would warrant an equally firm law enforcement response. But you were just desperate to shit on my people over something trivial because you know I'm right. Pathetic fat moron.

Other cities include:
>Silver Spring, MD
>Austin, TX
>St. Loius, MO
>Farmington, NM

Point taken. Shooting at it or the foreigners is contraproductive though.
Just make some big ass Superman looking trump blimp.
The left is expecting violence, don’t play into that.

Put away your Felony gun and take out your misdemeanor laser user.

This is some next level projection
>float around a cartoonish blimp of Trump as an angry baby
>literally act like angry babies while you float it
>this is considered a victorious statement somehow
No self awareness whatsoever

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I'll be there in 30 minutes

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He's from the /discord/ don't argue with them.

>people wasting their money on impotent temper tantrums
More power to them, I guess. I think the balloon's kinda cute in a creepy way.

We'll show the cucked bongs how it's done.
I still can't believe they didn't do anything.
I knew Britain was limp wristed but somehow deep inside I thought they'd find one last molecule of t

Remember Fritz, when faced with a traitor and an enemy, the traitor dies first.

>people sperg out over people sperging out

they are completely legal?

helps not being a poorfag and already owning one shitlord, like youd even have the nuts to do anything to it at all

it really is. I was expecting them to actually do something and prove that they're not. completely cucked and conquered people. guess it's up to Americans to show eurocucks what it's like to have balls.

>Have disagreements with countrymen.
>Automatically all the way to enemy.

Your Islam is showing.

How many acid attacks was he able to see in england?

>winky smiley face
You have to go back

art imitates life

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Good. I would love to make the left lose money.