Devs July 16 >SAA continue advance in Daraa triangle, captured Al-Jadira/Khirbat Al-Mulayhah/Umm Al-Aswaj, on verge of capping Aqraba >Tiger Forces captured hilltops of Al-Tayhah/Tal Harrah/Tal Al-Ahmar near Kafr Nasej >S Aleppo; Israel AF runs airstrikes on Al-Nayrab Airport, the furthest north Israel has ever attacked >First buses departed Daraa yesterday carrying 407 militants and families to unspecified location in N Syria >Al-Hasakah; SDF reportedly capture Bir Mazal/Afrah/Al-Bujari/Ukruk/Al-Badir from IS >Tabqa; Political wing of SDF announced it would begin to set up unified administration for areas it controls, bringing together local councils >Idlib; HTS executed 4 ISIS members yesterday who they captured near Salqin >Pakistan; Death toll from IS suicide bombing at election rally rises to 149, 180 injured >UN; Civilian death toll in Afghanistan reached record high 1,692 for 6 month time span, although they did record 15% drop in women/children casualties >Basra, Iraq; 200 protesters gathered at Siba natural gas field, 6 were injured on Sunday while attempting to storm main provincial govt bldg >Kuwaiti/UAE/Jordanian airlines halt flights to Iraq's Najaf
Can you edit that lewd pic of a undies ASSma into the window of the palace really really tiny? I dont have the pic myself rn but hopefully you or someone else does. Would be glorious
When will the US-Iran war start? We surely are going to get bored after the Syrian war ends.
Jason Moore
from a certain pov it already started with sanctions, screeching and "protests". If/when it is clear that those measures have failed they will move onto the next step of trying to get a reason for attack
to be more specific and to give a prediction: if there is a chance that Trump loses the election they will try to get smth going before Trump is out, so at beginning of 2020. In case it is obvious that Trump wins or at least they get that impression, which is unlikely, then they will try to do it at the end of Trumps 2nd term, meaning 2024.
So my best guess is escalations at beginning of 2020
>The militant factions operating in rural #Quneitra reportedly formed a common operating room to negotiate with the Syrian state in order to lay down their arms and settle their status.
Camden Gutierrez
i thought you all died back in the 40's
Elijah Gonzalez
no, there are at least 2 Bavarian Bavarian, and another German German in...kinda forgot, Hambur or Berlin or smth.
On the other hand A TurkGerman is from Frankfurt ...welp that's all I recall for now and I guess others are all Diaspora.
so no, you are never the only one, but the overall point of a lot of diaspora posting here is true
Christopher Howard
Is it a thing with Arabs to get a stick shoved up their ass then learn? Why can't they just learn from others? Surrender like normal humans.
>#IS announced that the SVBIED attack in Tel Hara city N. Daraa CS conducted by one of their fighters who goes by the name 'Abu Husein Al-Ansari' has resulted in the killing and wounding of 100 #SAA and #FSA soldiers (reconciliation rebels).
I forgot about him. At least I'm not diaspora. Not quite. I guess the reason I'm surprised is that the only time someone under a German flag posts about his ethnicity it's to point out that he's diaspora.
>killing and wounding of 100 #SAA and #FSA soldiers HAHAHAHA their claims are getting more and more ludicrous. Battery was low
Camden Brooks
>Im am gay hans in burgerstan, Ill prove it by simply stating what i am doing rn: Dear sg, I just want to let you all know I was masturbating slowly but hard to this image of our beloved sgt. ketchum before pausing to avoid being caught by relatives, which is I am here currently here and able to bring this update. Bearing in mind I only had this image up on my mobile screen you can only start to imagine the incredibly lewd thoughts racing through my mind right now. I am bavarian and german second so get your facts straight (ahahhahah get it straight). alright, Im going back to my buisness nao. Tc and with love, me
>diaspora Only for studies. Also, I might get accepted in German Uni so I'm adding fuel to the fire.
Josiah Murphy
>t the only time someone under a German flag posts about his ethnicity it's to point out that he's diaspora. well yeah if you are not diaspora there is not really a reason to point that out. Diaspora just want to distance themselves from the flag they post undera and maybe think that makes them special or smth. The only time I pointed out myself was when i tried to make bongroach post his passport, which the cunt never did
Alexander Wood
>I might get accepted in German Uni Better get homeschooled instead, if you don't want your gender studies degree.
Ian Powell
where to? if you don't want to say uni at least say Bundesland
Depends on which Uni you go, but they're overwhelmingly garbage.
Jace Flores
No idea, honestly but he was pretty calm.
Connor Wright
I doubt there will be more gains tonight so, this is the total tally of gains with more in store for the coming days. All in all, it has been a pretty good day for Syria.
I already studied German while staying here so I don't have to focus on one Uni now. I applied for both Medicine and Engineering in 3 (((Bundeslands)))Rheinland, Brandenburg, and Bayern. lol I'll finish my studies, get a passport, and go back to Iran. I heard that takes 5 years after being done with Uni though. That's bad news, but I did apply for good Unis though. I got accepted in University of Oslo(Norway)(Medicine) but my visa got fucking rejected because I'm Iranian. That's why I want to change my passport.
Adrian Gray
I love Iran, but it only causes me problems.
Oliver Gutierrez
German Unis are very good in general. Obviously if you go to a degenerate field you are gonna get degenerate mates. munich unis are best unis
Andrew Green
Ever considered a Dutch university? Just being curious.
Easton Clark
>medicine kys. most snobby, vain and thoroughly soulless people i have ever met. Dont come to germany. stay in superficial implodinganydaynow-UAEmiratia
Adam Lewis
KYS degenerate faggot and save us all the trouble of finding a rope.
Ryan Torres
Yeah as far as I know you'd have to live here for 8 years to get a passport.
Jose Gray
>not enjoying medicine humor You are truly German.
Eli Bailey
Dont mind me, just checking.
Bentley Gutierrez
Yes, but they're too expensive. I can't afford them. I chose Germany and Norway because I was eligible for scholarships. Lol fuck you hans. I'll come over there and shit all over you. I'll just find a job and do so I guess.
Ryder Young
DROWN THEM IN PIG BLOOD! Fill a 5-gallon bucket and dunk them in it, head down, until they drown.
I wouldn't want to live here for eight years If I was born somewhere else. Also I'm not sure if you have to renounce your Iranian citizenship to get a German passport.
>According to a statement by Alabama’s Roy Moore and tweets by congressman-turned right-wing radio host Joe Walsh, both were invited to a “pro-Israel event” where they were to be honored with an award for “Significant Contributions to the State of Israel.”
I am beyond normal in public. No way in hell any of my friends would guess I would wanna make out with a cutie guy - especially the really cute ketchum look a like fren I have who has a cutie librari gf and eill never know how he makes me feel at times ;_; On the day of rope Ill kill all the ostentatious fags with you. You will never know im somewhat like them. I am repressed! which is why i make up for it here :)
Damn, thanks for the suggestion. I just checked the entrance requirements and I meet them all. This can be a choice too. To be honest, I don't want to move to a different country which I've never been to either. I'm a little nervous. I'm sure it's safe but it's just that I have no one there and I'll feel completely alone in the beginning. But we have to make sacrifices, right? I don't mind doing it, frankly. I'd still be Iranian. You have no idea how much this passport has caused me complications. >BREAKING: Iraqi Police is now brutally suppressing Karbala Protests. At least 4 protesters are killed during protests due to unemployment, Water Crisis & power outrages following to end of Iran's water & electricity export to Iraq. Iran is struggling with Water Crisis too.
Owen Scott
*sigh* ich bin deutsch du behinderter kriegshungriger preiß
Michael Reyes
How reasonable is the ultimatum of Assad's governement to Israel: >Iran won't leave Syria, unless Israel abandons Golan Heights When it's obvious RF and US both respect the 1974 deal?
>I don't see how those two are related. Do you mind explaining?
I read that Iran cut off their water and electricity supplies to Iraq due to the US sanctions, probably because of their economic problems due to the sanctions.
Although I have a more tinfoil-tier theory that Iran is promoting the protests in order to disrupt the oil supply from Iraq and increase oil prices.
The deal with the EU might be about to collapse and so Iran might go nuclear in economic terms, pushing oil prices upward in order to collapse the US economy.
>One reason this is significant is because the Azov Battalion functions in a lot of ways like ISIS has in Syria and Iraq, where it receives foreign fighters. It’s received sniper training from a Swedish military veteran, and it received a French farmhand named Gregoire Montaux… at some point in 2016, Montaux returned from Azov camps in the east with a trove of weapons that was enormous. I mean, we’re talking about hundreds of pounds of C4 explosives, automatic weapons and grenade launchers. And he was on his way to western Europe to attack a soccer festival and carry out attacks on synagogues and mosques. This would have been one of the most significant terror attacks in recent European history.
>Israel has a long history, and the Zionist movement has a long history, of collaborating with anti-Semites including Nazi Germany, to advance its own narrow national interests. In this case, we recently saw Poland abstain from a UN vote condemning Israel over the Trump, condemning the Trump administration’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Poland recently signed a 14.5 million dollar deal to import Patriot missiles from Israel that are mostly made by Israeli arms manufacturers.
>Israel’s basically looking to eastern Europe as the future support base for its own Likud right-wing government. Israel really has no place to condemn Poland, or Ukraine, or any other country that engages in banning certain recognitions of the Holocaust because Israel’s government has authorized its own legislation to forbid its Palestinian citizens from observing their own destruction, specifically the nakba, which represented the organized campaign of ethnic cleansing from 1947 to 1948, and the ongoing campaign of destruction and dispossession of the Palestinian people.
So idlib next september. What are they going to do with those little and annoying Turkish ((observation)) posts?
Robert Richardson
Russia is obviously going to tell them to fuck off and the turks will announce that they've come to an agreement as usual.
Alexander Bell
Iraq would have to somewhat agree/be OK with this, if your theory wants to make sense. Aside from the fact that this year is probably the hottest for the entire region of the Caucasus >An intense heat wave is shattering temperature records in Iran and the Caucasus nations of Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia, causing power shortages that are adding to discomfort in the region. >Iranian officials said that Tehran Province’s power demand increases by about 150-200 megawatts with each one degree rise in temperature.
This shit is actually pretty normal, but this year is clearly hitting records, on top of all the other problems going on... But nothing really seems to be directly connected to your Trump-sanction theory..
Eli Evans
>playing SQUAD now >some guy with a pronunced accent asks his squad leader something >the latter doesn't even let him finnish and says "you sound like a refugee and i don't like them", kicks him out immediately i'm seeing Jow Forums tier players way more often now, what's happening?
Jordan Reed
Either way RF will force Iran to leave and Syria will have to abandon their ambitions about Golan due to pressure from Kremlin most likely.